Chapter Text
(See the end of the chapter for notes.)
Wanted to try my hand at a frottage animation.
badassbutterfly1987, Iecter, Bluebeardswife3, inlostwoods, Willow_Miku, toastiebug, thedownwardspiral, archjeon, nonaBusiness, VitalityOfTheRaithsCall, a_simple_space_gay, HappyHufflepuff, April_Wolf_2007, Anna_Vengeance, KTS_gachapea, Brainless_Abyss, Bagette, bellebeatlantis, Hiro_starchild, LizziepoOoOo, VithSpilumEndalaust, Charleighk, crmdmp, Aizawa_Takashi, BrioniniArcAngle, Better_Nights, 0gigaku0, dontstayhwre, Oliver_J0x, scenemime, Random_ly, Jasnava, RedMango9600, Narwals_club, moonhorizon, s0mmeil, RainbowPotato11, river_c, paintingsofnames, Sy3101, Ajay65, s0larsully, ViolaOdorata, MushroomMama, Sana109, beforetimebedevils, Sabhastian_Black, chakozete, C4nnibalG1rl, Diana_cass1, and 222 more users as well as 296 guests left kudos on this work!