Chapter Text
The growl that rips through the air has Puffer breathing out a sigh of relief, eyes meeting the dark and narrowed ones of Grizzy. Droid right behind him sporting his own dark and angered look, ears perked up and alert.
Pezzy stands rigid to Puffers side, hands gripping onto Puffers thin gray shirt. Tensed and on edge, not even breaking his concentrated stare on the man infront of him at the arrival of his pack.
Hackles raised at the man who dared lay his grimy hands on Puffer. The blooming bruise the cat hybrid sports on his wrist has Pezzy tunnel visioned.
Puffers tail curls tighter around Pezzys waist as Grizzy stomps forward in between the man and them. Droid coming up to pull Pezzy and Puffer away.
The moment Droids hand finds Pezzys arm, the fox whips around, teeth bared and a glint in his eyes as he shoves himself in front of Puffer and Droid. Eyes slowly blinking as he takes in his pack mate, head falling forward into the youngers neck. Breathing in the familiar smell, shoulders falling as Grizzys growls fade into the background.
The danger is gone now, the night feels long and the tiredness in his bones feels deep.
And when they get home, Grizzy will lock them in the nest room, Droid scenting them over and over as Grizzy refuses to let anyone leave until the bruise on Puffer fades.
Possessive touches and sharp bites are a blur of memories as Pezzy falls into the familiar foggy headspace. Safety and love as he’s surrounded by his mates.