Work Text:
Have some art for one of my all time favorite stories in these trying times.
Inspired by Chapter 22 of the Harrowing (a cup full of kindness). I reread the Harrowing again. This chapter has got to be one of my favorites. I sincerely apologize for not including Frodo and Finrod, but arranging four characters is way harder than finding a pose for just two. Rest assured they are somewhere out of frame;)
(See the end of the work for more notes.)
I graduated college! Thinking about the art I’d make when I was done (and rereading the Harrowing) got me through studying for my final exam, so here we are:)
If you have thoughts, let me know! I love hearing from you guys<3
OmniaReadsFic, nerd_tm, TheSovietFurry, huatavoix, 0ur_Ouroboros, Ayelle, Nelyos_right_hand, Lyrys, Flutieflake, leopardchic79, below_et_almost, Calithilel, chokingonwhys, CicadaSingingInTheNight, LitbySalpLight, LurkingToad, atwistedconundrum, Rala_vom_Wald, grayfang22, blue_bayou, FawnS, UnhingedAnhinga, LYouwish, jessirana24, moonlighthunter, AvniTongzhi, SiofraMarina, duckwhatduck, just_here_for_my_poor_meow_meows, tam_lin_42, Emerald_Alchemist, Ruistiriel, Hanhula, Bermuda_Dragon, aseroe, zayakin, elennalore, toomanyapostrophes, YoungHegelian1792, Lirandelion, Tathrin, LivingInAnotherUniverse, Purpletree, aceofducks, livia79, cutie_bug, Kesterel, Crunad, hebravelyranaway, stelleka, and 27 more users as well as 4 guests left kudos on this work!
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