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When Aloy raises her spear to end HADES before the doors of LATOPOLIS, she hesitates. It doesn't seem right somehow, despite all the pain and destruction the AI has caused, to kill it in cold blood. Not when it has been reduced to defenseless, malfunctioning wreck by Sylens' tender care. Not when its formerly formidable voice has diminished to a weary, resigned rumble. Just her luck, that out of all the enemies Aloy has made and vanquished since the Proving, the first one to ask for mercy would be HADES, who categorically does not deserve it.
Elisabet Sobek, she thinks, would do what had to be done. She—they—had sacrificed so much to save Earth. What did a scratch on her conscience matter compared to her duty to humanity? But... Aloy wasn't Sobek's daughter.
She was Rost's.