Chapter Text
They fuck. All the time. It’s nearly a health concern. For him. Not her. She’s still dead but man, her after afterlife is exciting. The delectable tension through the day as she audits his courses. Watching him eat makes her squirm in her seat. Growing wet and needy. And every night she’s in his bed. Her tower room forgotten. They christen every possible surface. Doors warded shut and silencing charms.
His desk, her bent over it, taking it from behind, her jeans pulled down just enough, neither of them undressed as he plows into her. Petting her and telling her she’s perfect for him. So tight. So hot. So wet. Wonderful, beautiful Harrie.
His potion’s lab on the floor, cold rough slate stone scratching at her back, legs pushed up, bent near in half, ankles at his shoulders. His robes around them, her shirts and bra pushed up under her arms while he rolls her nipples between his fingers and she clutches at him. Taking him so well. Made for him. His. His Harrie.
His window onto the lake, the cold glass warming under their breaths and bodies. Both of them naked, slow, seductive movements. Like a dance. Mating. His hands over hers, fingers intertwined. His face buried in her hair. Inhaling her. Marking her. Gorgeous girl. Always so good. Good for him. She deserves the world. He'll give it to her.
His bath tub. Surrounded by bubbles. Far too many bubbles. Giggling into his mouth. Splashing water over the edges. Riding him, slipping slickly in oiled water, clutching at him for balance. Happy, deliriously happy. Her face caught in his hands. His gaze pinning her in place while they rock together. Stunning. All his. For as long as he’ll have her.
And every where else they can get away with it.
The only negative is they have to be careful. A small test shows it’s just Severus that can touch her. No one else. Poor Abigail, the Hufflepuff that had found her, didn’t mind when Harrie ‘accidentally’ touched her shoulder during a morning chat. No one should know. They both agreed. Draco was the closest to knowing that Harrie and Severus had a ‘relationship’ of sorts. And even he didn’t know they could touch.
So, they kept it hidden. Half-hearted insults from Snape during the day in front of students and staff. A respectable distance in the public spaces at all times. No sloppy smiles and lecherous looks with others around. They had to be bloody fucking proper for the masses.
Alone, though, well there was a lot of bloody fucking for sure. The sex was mind-blowing. Life altering if she’d still been alive, Afterlife altering? And not once did they qualify what they had. Could you date a ghost? Be lovers? Was that what they were?
It was the Christmas holiday, the students were away and most of the staff gone and Harrie was with Severus in his quarters again. Ron and Hermione we’re planning a visit for the 26th with her but that was still 2 days from now. She was curled up in his arms while he read, cuddling up to him. Soaking in the warmth. Marveling, yet again, that they could have this. They’d touched on the subject. Positing that the potion and subsequent coma had make him capable of interacting with spirits and ghosts. They didn’t test it beyond touching each other. She didn’t want to see if he could shake one of the other ghost’s at Hogwart’s hands. It was enough that they could be together. The theories and magic behind it mattered little to her other than that it worked.
She was happy.
That was terrifying.
She was dead. And for the first time in her existence. She was happy.
If she could cast magic, her patronus would be blinding.
And she loved him. Was in love with him. She wanted to tell him.
But it’d only been about two months since they’d started having sex. It was probably too soon. And it was Snape. Severus. It was him. She knew he was capable of great emotion but - love? That’d never crossed her mind. They made love, certainly. Slow and sweet with whispered nothings in each others ears. But that wasn’t the same. Being in love and loving someone. That was scary. Harrie was scared by it and she’d already accepted it was too late for her. She loved Severus. Fervently. And silently. The words locked behind her eyes whenever she wished to speak them.
So she knew better than to expect he returned her feelings. And she would never jeopardize this. She was happy. If something felt out of place, well, she just ignored it and kissed Severus. That always helped.
She kissed him then. A soft, sweet placing of her lips to the corner of his mouth. He raised a brow, looking down at her. Harrie grinned.
He looked suspicious. Good. Her grin grew.
The book was closed, set aside, all attention given to her. Harrie squirmed under his gaze, excited already. He caught her face in his hand. Such a big hand. His thumb pressed into her cheek, his fingers stroking over her other. Captured. It made her wet. They gravitated together, pulled like the tides to the moon. Inexorable. A claiming kiss. Marking her with his teeth, tongue, lips. Soaked thoroughly and gasping dizzily for breath. He was perfect.
“Does my Harrie need me?” He asked in that voice. Sinful, low, scratching inside her head. She nodded. “Tell me.”
“I need you, Severus. Please?” Her honest small words unraveled him.
“Would you do something for me, love?” That little endearment made her heart skip. She nodded, awaiting him. “I’d love to see myself in your mouth.”
Her eyes widened. Tongue sweeping out to lick her lips caught his eye. “Yes.”
Scooting back on the sofa he undid the buttons holding his growing erection back and pulled himself free from dark pants. A couple casually sensual strokes and he was hard for her. So large. She wasn’t sure her mouth was that big but she was willing to try. For him? Anything. Kneeling on the seat she leant down, riotous curls dropping to cover him. He sighed and his cock bounced at the soft curls dusting over him before he helped pull her hair back with his hands. He didn’t tug or pull, didn’t direct. Just gently let her take her time. A tentative lick earned her a tiny groan. An open mouthed kiss earned her a louder longer groan. A full long lick from the base to the head earned her a hissed ‘fuck’. This was fun. She wanted to know what else she could make him do with only her mouth. This was power. Him open for her. Shivering under her mouth with want and need. She lapped up his pre-cum. A stringent flavor that she didn’t hate. He licked his lips. She licked hers. Her mouth was watering for him. Carefully, she took in the angry red head of his cock, lips popping into place under the ridge. Treating him like a lollipop she swirled and sucked and tasted him. He seemed stuck on a loop of -good - good girl - so good- that Harrie was pleased to hear. Her thighs rubbed, muscles bunching as her cunt clenched on nothing. Her knickers were thoroughly drenched. When she grabbed the loops of his trousers and used them to pull her bodily down onto his prick his back arched and he pulled just a little on her hair.
She was dead. She didn’t need to breath. Choking on his cock couldn’t kill her. A surprising discovery. A silver lining of her after afterlife.
Harrie hummed happily, letting her tongue slip out her mouth squirming on the underside of his cock while the muscles of her throat tried to swallow him down. It was filthy. So very dirty. Her eyes rolled, lashes fluttering as he alternated between pulling her and pushing her further onto his cock. That massive cock that fit perfectly in her throat, stretching her neck obscenely. She pushed a hand into her knickers, rubbing herself frantically while his hips thrust, face fucking her. Tears streaming down her cheeks. Face messy with fluid. Animalistic noises she’d only heard on occasion echoing through the room. His hips were off the couch, his balls slapped at her chin, nose buried in the thatch of hair. It was rough and raw and a little painful when he punched the back of her throat with his cock head. She gagged and gulped. No need for air, nothing in her stomach. No limits.
“I fucking love you.”
He held her tight to him, grinding his pubis roughly into her soft skin as he came deep down her throat. Lashing her flesh with ropes of hot cum. Shaking fingers, carded through her hair and she came hard on her knees, knelt before him, hand shoved in her knickers, his prick throbbing and pulsing white strings of semen into her stomach.
Harrie collapsed on him once he’d carefully extracted himself from her mouth. She was a mess. Her jaw ached and her head was pounding. She couldn’t quite hear or see. Everything was crackling and flickering. But he held her, ear pressed to his chest. His heartbeat brought her back. She licked her lips and wiped at her face with her sleeve. Her cunt was pulsing and her muscles kept spasming. That had been epic. A new skill set acquired.
Severus was dead asleep. That rarely happened and each time it did she counted it a win in her favor. The man had excessive stamina for how much they went at it. So anytime she exhausted him sexually she was inordinately pleased. It wasn’t until she’d replayed the entire thing in her head a time or two that she noticed. ‘I fucking love you’. Her heart soared and she shot it down. During sex doesn’t count. And she’d probably fried his braincells. It didn’t count. It didn’t. No.
Berating her inner self for arguing that he said it so it had to count she settled down and closed her eyes. Falling into a meditative trance that was like sleep but not quite. A while later she came to awareness at a groan and a stretching body under hers.
“Come along, love. It’s bedtime.”
Harrie happily hummed and let Snape pick her up, arms around his neck, his hands supporting her under her arse, legs wrapping his hips. They ‘made love’ before he slept that night and Harrie was still happy. It didn’t count. She was happy. But it didn’t count.
The break passed, Ron and Hermione remarked on how content she seemed. She’d smiled and nattered on about quidditch and turned the conversation back to their lives. It was hers. Severus was hers. Even if it didn’t count.
Spring came. Severus came. Harrie came. She was a pro at blow jobs. They’d rechristened every surface all over again. It was brilliant. He didn’t say it again. So it truly didn’t count.
April, it was almost the end of her second year of her after afterlife. Just a few more days and she’ll have been haunting Severus for two full years. Does that count as a good reason for an anniversary. It’s been half a year since they started boffing on every available surface. So, reasonably, she could assign some form of celebration to it. That might be a smidge girly of her but dammit she wants to. She enlists Draco’s help. He asks her questions but she doesn’t answer just laughs at each new one. He can ask all he wants but she’s not sharing about her sex life with his godfather. Never.
He acquires all the necessary supplies. Says he accidentally told his mother - he’s a trash secret keeper from his mom- and Narcissa helped suggest some things Severus might enjoy. Food things, get your mind out of the gutter. Harrie’s all set for a picnic. A silver, green blanket, a spelled basket with all of Severus’ favorite foods and drinks. She can’t eat but they’ve discovered she can taste the food after he’s eaten it. She especially likes coffee and bourbon. He had bacon once and they’d both been late for class that morning. She hopes they put bacon in the basket but she trusts Draco - and Narcissa - to have thoughtfully provided the right things. Harrie tries to come up with a way to pay them back. She’s dead. No money. Draco waves her efforts away. Says they’re friends and if she wants to pay him back she can answer some of his questions. He grumbles when she laughs again.
The morning of May 2nd isn’t great, they’re throwing another memorial. The year before she hadn’t noticed since she’d been taken care of by McGonagall and she’d been operating on auto what with suddenly being seen and heard again. This year she notices. It’s not entirely about her, for which she’s thankful, it’s for the end of the war. The defeat of Voldemort. The losses are grieved again. Mourning while celebrating. And Snape is the man of honor. He hates it with a fiery burning passion but he was the one who killed the Dark Lord. She’d asked one time after they’d had sex and he’d been honest and brief. He had antivenom, potions galore, he treated himself with first aid and had gone to find her. To save her. To no avail. He witnessed the procession of her body in Hagrid’s arms. The crowing of victory that he’d always dreaded. Something had snapped and after watching Neville - Longbottom - behead Nagini with the sword of Gryffindor he acted. He knew of the horcrux. Knew they’d all been destroyed - Harrie included - and he’d cast the strongest Avada Kedavra he’d ever done. With every ounce of his hatred poured in he slew Voldemort and proceeded to fall to his knees and black out. Not the most graceful exit but he’d been taken to St. Mungo’s and there’d been witnesses. He’d been lauded a hero, was brought forth as a spy for Dumbledore, had assisted Dumbledore in his death at his request and for the life of a student, had been working with the Order of the Phoenix for years, had done all he could, and had killed the one person who needed dying most. He hadn’t saved her.
Severus had closed his eyes after those soft words. Harrie’s heart cracked open at the utter bewildered sadness in his voice. She’d held him that night to her chest. Breathing with him in her ghostly form. For all she didn’t need air she breathed evenly and let her ghostly heart beat under his ear.
So, he was working through an awful mood that morning. Some Ministry officials had requested his presence and it’d taken a heated row before they took no as no. They’d huffed and stormed off muttering about what a ‘savior’ he was. Harrie had kept hidden. She knew they knew she was a ghost. She existed. She didn’t think it beyond them to ask for her presence as well. She didn’t enjoy the idea of being near her memorial again. After classes where all the students got in a fluff over the memorial they could finally relax. Harrie stood before Snape’s desk. His head bent, face buried in his hands. He sighed heavily and Harrie held back a laugh.
“I have a surprise for you.”
He looked up at that. Wary, interested.
“Would you come somewhere with me?”
She smiled and kissed him. Asked him to fetch the basket from his rooms for her. Draco had hidden it there during the day at her request. Snape raised a brow and did as she asked. He looked surprised when they crossed the covered bridge of Hogwarts. Curious. She hadn’t left Hogwarts since that first day she’d followed him. They walked in the evening sun until she reached a private glen, ridged by tall dark trees and carpeted with springtime blossoms. You could barely see the towers of Hogwarts over the tops of the trees. They’d walked quite a bit when she halted near a small pond. He stopped, opened the basket and unrolled the blanket all without her asking. Graciously, he took her hand and helped her sit before seating himself. His brows rose, appreciative, with each new food he pulled from the basket. Cheeses, rounds of meats, tiny sandwiches, artfully carved fruits and vegetables. Cookies, and cakes, and biscuits and creams in tiny containers. A set of utensils and a bottle of spiced mead with two glasses. She felt like she was sitting before a buffet. Almost as much food as what appeared in the great hall.
Harrie did laugh then when he looked over the spread with excitement and a smidge of worry.
“You don’t have to eat it all.”
“But you deserve to taste it all. What is this for exactly?”
“An anniversary of sorts.”
“Of your death? That seems in bad taste.” He grumbled, confused.
“No, of our six months ‘together’. Of our two years of haunting. Of our time together. A celebration of - us.”
He hummed at that and picked up one of the creams. He scooped it up and savored it with a grimace. “Sweet.”
She smiled and laughed and he leant forward. Kissing her deeply. Letting her devour the flavor from him. His breath was heavy after that.
By the end of the picnic they’d tried a bite of everything and Harrie was straddling his lap. His face caught in her hands while they licked into each others mouths. He was gloriously hard. Harrie was wet and aching and she’d been able to feel the cold of the chilled mead on his tongue and lips. It was heady and dizzying and she was lost in him. It was the perfect evening. The sky was shifting through colors, a twilight blue sneaking above them. She’d never been happier that at that moment. With Severus. With them. So she said it.
“I love you.” Her whole heart given in death to the man she would gladly haunt for the rest of his life if he let her.
He looked stunned. But that soon shifted to a softening. A small, helpless smile changed his entire face. Hopeful, awed, in love. He looked young and vulnerable there in her hands and she loved him so much.
“I love you with everything I am, Severus Snape.”
“I love you too, Harrie Potter.” And his words counted.
A tear filled hiccupping kiss later all was right in the world.
Then she vanished.