Work Text:
The only voices Shen Qingqiu can hear are the living.
TereziMakara, princeofh3arts, Onefhart, Stillnight, Mar_ch, Jaded_Mushroom, Verytired101, hedge_podge, Snickfic, Alley_Skywalker, Makaayplays, RainbowPotato11, endlesstwanted, UnhinderedDreams, Miji, Hokuto, Siderea, c_art, JaggedEdges, Varmy123, lunisyl, PaisleyBee, thetrickisnotminding, Kisuru, Lovely_cookie, Achatina, xxxPureLovexxx, Otno, nowrunalong, Jodie_Akai, Shadaras, acernor, PrimulaRose, and MargoMargo as well as 2 guests left kudos on this work!