Work Text:
Ma joie et mon cœur
[My joy and my sweetheart]Tu fais tout mon bonheur
[You made all my happiness]
(See the end of the work for notes.)
For that most elusive of legumes <3
Title and whatnot from Ô Ma Belle Lune by Olivier Deriviere
Rokusoraloverforever, RikuKingdomHearts3, Tookbaggins, Seastorm25, BlueRoseOfIllium, Anastasha_Romanov, Irizu, firefallvaruna, bourbonmouse, Absconded, Nixxi, chasingfigments, thewaxwingsings, Born_in_autumn, MysteriousBean, Errarevox, SalamanderSocks, MathClassWarfare, hesp, everylemon, Musical_Dragon, and star54kar as well as 6 guests left kudos on this work!
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