Work Text:
leafy looked out the window.
it was foggy and cold outside, and rain pattered on the glass. he put his finger there and drew a smiley face onto it before wiping it away with his hand. he could faintly see the reflection of his scarred face when he looked at the dark trees in the distance, and he looked away.
it wasn't that late, only around 7pm, but there was nobody in the shared house except for him. he turned towards the guitar leaning against the wall and reached over for it. he didn't know why it was there, as by inspecting the cactus stickers, he determined this was one of coiny’s basses. why was it even here? coiny lived nowhere near them anymore, but leafy had a hunch on who might've kept this.
he put the guitar into playing position and could only remember a handful of chords. he played some at a time, starting with e minor, then c... he played them again and a familiar song came to mind that he had asked coiny to teach him to play a few years back.
it was one of lollipop's favorite songs when he had learned it.. which thinking back on it was strangely concerning. was there more to her that he simply wasn't aware of yet?
he couldn't remember the other two notes that came after, so he looked it up on his phone. was already 8.
he had been sitting there for an hour, doing nothing but thinking.
he ignored it and found the next two chords.. a minor, and g. a minor was one up and two there.. and g was.. that one and those three.
he played them in quick succession and felt a wave of sadness overcome him upon hearing the song played again. some guilt showed through his tearful eyes but he wiped them away before.
he could picture lollipop sitting at the bed across from him like he played them before, recalling her sad smile as he sang the lyrics to the fate-pulled song
leafy recalled the lyrics in real time and attempted for his playing to match the manner of his strangely chalky voice.
i don't know what to do without you,
i don't know where to put my hands
i've been trying to lay my head down,
but i'm writing this at 3 am
he couldn't remember the rest of it, in lyrics nor chords, so he just held the guitar close and hummed whatever rest of the song he knew to himself.
leafy stopped humming.
the rain kept pattering. he put the guitar back where it was, grabbed his phone, and went upstairs to try to compose himself before everyone came back.