Chapter Text
(Crow is back to normal, just has ears)
Crow: Hey, Joel, any changes?
Joel: No... I still can't see myself in the mirror.
(Tom gallops in)
Tom: Joel... Funny story, but uh.. Remember when you said that I could stomp around in my room?
Joel: Yes.
Tom: I stomped around in the hallway while I was at it, and...
(Tom pushes forward a pile of Gypsy parts)
Joel: Tom Servo! Gypsy's fragile.
Tom: Don't worry, I plugged in the hot glue gun while I was at it.
(Gypsy groans, glitching)
Joel: Ugh... George Forrester, can you turn us back to normal?
(Deep 13)
George: Now why do you think I'd do that?
Crow: Because I'm tired of shedding.
(Tom sniffles)
Tom: Oh, is that what that was?
Joel: Well, I'm tired of biting my tongue too much on accident.
Tom: And I'm tired of being ridiculously handsome.
Joel: Be honest.
Tom: Grass cravings.
(Gypsy groans)
Joel: And I think that says enough.
(Deep 13)
George: FINE!
(a puff of smoke, just like before. Everyone's back in costumes)
Tom: Can someone pick me up?
Joel: Finally. And of course, Tom, I'll always be there to pick you up. (Picks up Tom and puts him in his place)
Crow: Oh good! I'm finally not against cats anymore!
Gypsy: Can someone put me back together?
(roll credits)