Work Text:
a coworker asked my favorite season
i always say fall, second place is winter
because thats always been my answer
it always felt like the right answer
its for good reason, outwardly
its a beautiful season, all bright colors
scattered across sparse suburban woods
and ive always loved halloween
outward influences can only do so much
something dark sets in, being not quite used to the chill in the air
the months leading up to the solstice steal daylight
and with night being the worst time to feel anything, it steals my light too
if you asked my favorite month, id say october
octo for 8, a pleasantly divisible number for a pleasant month
and maybe it would be a pleasant month, if julius ceaser didnt fuck it up
so maybe i can blame ceaser for all my end of year troubles
september being 9 and not 7 sets the mood, 9 and 7 coexist
10 and 8 do not, single digits do not match doubles
october becomes wrong, just like the unnatural, sudden change from summer to winter
i think i will just blame ceaser
despite finding the root cause, the dark of autumn haunts me still
the leaves change but i dont, the woods behind my house feel more dangerous
even so, my own thoughts deserve more caution than dark forests
because with cold comes staying inside, and staying inside brings thoughts
my own head brings the darkness of autumn