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A Claim Made. A Claim Accepted

Chapter 12: ⚠️Author's Note

Chapter Text

Good Morning, Afternoon or Evening, wherever you lovely people are at!


I have something to say. Some may like it and some may not.

Normally, I am really good at ignoring things and such because I am good with going with the flow or just letting things be. However, this really hit me hard especially with the latest comment.

The stories I post here are fiction, meaning we can do as we please with them. You know, creating something new and fun not only for ourselves but for everyone else. Nothing is supposed to be taken literally, or realistic or even hell logical sometimes. Because it’s fiction, it's meant to be fun and there is nothing logical or realistic about fiction a lot of the time.

I am usually pretty okay with someone mentioning something that they don’t like or if they are confused, they can ask me some questions and I can do my best to answer them. Or heck, I am very good with someone pointing out grammar issues, Angelbach can attest to that one, as they have done for me. Something, I hugely and greatly appreciate from them because it helps me improve my stories. Or even someone offers a suggestion? I have taken that into consideration and used the suggestion a few times as a few other readers can attest to. 

But when it seems you are taking things too literal because you think someone having four degrees or knowing 10 languages fluently before 21 is unrealistic, making the character strong and not willing to put with someone’s B.S and the call out someone, who was being anti agnostic first or because we have created the character in a way they deem unrelatable because they are doing this or that or might be creating a toxic work environment.

Okay fine, I can respect that, but when all you are doing is picking someone’s story apart because you don’t like the way things are being done and you think the author needs to address a lot of things with THEIR STORY. Just don’t, walk away if you are finding so many things wrong with it that you don’t agree with. 

Because if you want to go that way, let me point out some things.

Chessman: His actions were unrealistic in the show. He would have been fired, written up or brought to task for how he treated Tong Yao in the show. Especially for locking her out of the base for hours and well into the night. That was not actually realistic or logical, and created a toxic environment. He also did some other things that he would have been called out for by the Manager and Coach, due to their position considering they are higher than him in the workplace. His family (not him) owning 64% means nothing, especially if a report was made to HR.

Rui: Enough said on this one, the Captain and Coach should have brought him to task for some of the things he had done.

Lao K: This one would have never been allowed to treat Tong Yao the way he had when she first joined the team, because he was antagonist and was creating a toxic work environment.

Lu Yue: He would have gotten in trouble and would have been brought to task for using other people’s work/training accounts, especially without permission. 

Just to call out some things that they did. Because, the way they acted and did things in the show and book are illogical, unrealistic and do not make sense. Because everything that they did? It would have been called into question, people would have been either fired, written up or reprimanded. 

And you want to call me out and say I am being defensive? 

Well, damn straight, I am being defensive of my work, especially when it doesn’t make sense why someone is being hung up on certain things and going into about 3-5 paragraphs on it. (might being exaggerating, a bit but that is what it feels like to me)

It’s okay completely and utterly to not like a story or find something wrong with it. That’s cool because we are all going to be that way in not liking a story or finding something wrong with a story. I have been that way but I walked away from said story and just left it be because it was clear others loved it. And it’s okay with putting down a few sentences here and there in saying that, but putting down an entire paragraph or more while taking apart someone’s story especially when it seems you have only read up to the 3rd chapter? It’s not cool to write. 

It’s not fair to us author’s to have our work that we have posted for fun, not to win a contest or anything, but for fun and for others to enjoy to have someone come in and immediately not like something because they can not find the character relatable or they consider somethings unrealistic…it’s fiction.

I respectfully ask if you are finding that much stuff wrong with my stories? Unless it's something to deal with grammar or you have helpful suggestions on something that can improve my work? 

Please don’t leave a comment, walk away. 

Don’t tear a story apart, even in a nice way. You don’t have to like the stories and you don’t have to agree with them, but do the respectful thing? And walk away. 

Because if I continue to see comments like that, I won’t even read them all the way or respond, I will just delete them and go on my merry way. Or even more so if I see that a certain user has left a comment? I will not even give it a second glance before I delete it and go on my merry way.

I don’t plan to right not to enable the comment monitor because it would be too much of a pain to deal with so, I will go on a delete a user’s comment happy spree without remorse or guilt.

Moral of the story or this Author’s note? Don’t leave paragraph comments saying everything you don’t like about someone’s story, just walk away and don’t bother with that story again. Personally, I don’t think I am asking that much by requesting that. And if it does keep, I will enable the comment monitor on all my stories and you will not even pass go than.