Chapter Text
August 12, 2006
After waking up a little earlier before their alarm clocks went off, they were kissing and smiling, both still happy from celebrating their 1 year of marriage yesterday.
Once they had gotten engaged, they had married three months later, wanting to get married the same day they had became an official couple.
Just when things started to become heated, Horatio's phone started ringing, he pulled back and gave her an apologetic look, but before anybody could say something, her phone starts to ring too, so she chuckled as he moved from above her to get to his side of the bed.
"I guess it is me too."
He just chuckled slightly as they reached for their phone, both using the same last name as their greeting. "Caine." They looked at one another with smiles for a second before they got into their own conversations with their phone caller, Calleigh being a little more urgent than her husband as she sat up while speaking.
"Warrick, it's ok...I got this...yes...alright...I see you soon...bye."
As she was getting off the bed, Horatio was finishing up his conversation before asking with concern. "Is Warrick ok?"
She turned and smiled. "Yes, Catherine started to have contractions, so they are headed to the hospital, and he's a little freaked out."
After a few months of dating, Catherine and Warrick were presently surprised they were going to have a baby, and they were very happy about it.
Horatio nodded in understanding as he got up in nothing but his boxers while she continued as she just looked at her man, falling in love with him all over again. "I guess their ex-boss/friend and ex-college/friend should be at the airport in about 10 minutes, so I told him I would go get them."
He stopped in front of her. "Then I guess I'll call Eric so he could start shift, I just got an important case call."
"Ok, I'll see you later than."
"Be safe."
She smiled as she cupped his cheek. "Always, and you be safe too."
He repeated her words. "Always, sweetheart."
They kiss softly before they started to change for their day.
By the time Calleigh arrived at the airport, she saw that the flight had already arrived, so instead of going to the gate she just headed for the baggage claim, and when she was close to it, she stopped and looked around, knowing how they looked from the few pictures both Catherine and Warrick had of their old team.
Once she saw them, she smiled, because instead of seeing just a boss and subordinate standing there waiting for their bags, it was clear to her that they were a couple.
They were standing real close to one another while his arm was around her waist as her fingers were clasped with his, with her other hand on his chest as the back of her head was on his shoulder, and although they looked happy, their eyes and body language were showing her that public affection was very new to them, so she would bet they were either new being out in public as a couple or they don't get many chances to being out in public, and since Calleigh never heard of them being an actual couple, although there were hints of them being attracted to one another for years, which sounded like another couple she knew, making her smirk, she would probably guess they were keeping whatever they had going on to themselves.
She waited a minute or two, and when they finally moved apart from one another to get their bags, she took that opportunity to walk up to them so it would look like she didn't see anything, not wanting to make them uncomfortable. "Hi, excuse me, Dr. Gilbert Grissom & Sara Sidle?" After grabbing their bags both Sara and Grissom turned to the right and nodded before Calleigh smiled as she held out her hand. "I'm Calleigh Caine, for a short time I worked with Cath..."
Grissom cuts her off with a small smile while shaking the woman's hand. "Calleigh, right. Catherine had told me about you."
She chuckled before asking. "I hope nothing but good things."
He nodded as they released hands. "Yes. She said you were one of the best partners she's ever had, and believe me, she doesn't voice that comment very lightly."
Calleigh chuckled again while nodding her head. "I don't think I would disagree with you there." She continued with a little more serious tone as she shook Sara's hand next. "Warrick called and asked me to pick you up, Catherine was rushed to the hospital."
Calleigh and Sara released hands as Grissom asked with a worried tone, a little scared for his longest friend/ex-colleague. "I hope she's ok."
She nodded as they started walking towards the exit. "I'm sure she is, the baby is probably just ready to meet the world a little earlier than planned." The pair nodded in understanding as they continued to walk.
Knowing Alexx had dropped the kids off at the hospital so they could be there for Lindsey, Calleigh parked in the parking lot so she could go into the building and see the kids, and after she did and they had met Sara and Grissom, she walked out of the building so she could go to work.
When the hours rolled around with no news about the baby being born yet, Horatio and Calleigh headed towards the hospital after shift, while the rest of the team told them they'll be there soon.
They weren't there very long before Lindsey had walked into the waiting area with a bright smile on her face. "Everybody I would like to inform you that Cassandra Brown came into this world just a few minutes ago." The group cheered with smiles before Lindsey looked over at Sara and Grissom. "My mom would like to see you two, first."
Sara and Grissom nodded as they stood up from their seats, and as they were walking out of the area, Lindsey sighed. "I'm going to get some air, if you'll excuse me?"
The rest of them nodded before Lindsey started walking towards the exit of the building while Kyle spoke as he followed her. "I'll come with you."
After walking outside, she headed towards one of the benches that were to the side so she would be out of the way and sat down, and Kyle sat down next to her as he asked softly while slipping his hand into hers. "You ok?"
Lindsey looked at their clasped hands before looking at her boyfriend with a smile and nod. "Yeah, I really am. In fact, it's a dream come true." She then chuckled a little while shaking her head before continuing. "Although, the situation has changed since the last time I thought of a younger sibling." Then she took a breath and finished before he could speak. "But now that it did happen this way, I couldn't imagine it going any differently. They love each other so much, and Warrick is the best man that my mom has ever been involved with. They deserve this, and I'm really happy for them."
Kyle could see the truth in her eyes, so he nodded with a smile. "Then I'm happy for you, and you're going to make a wonderful older sister."
Lindsey shyly smiled as she replied. "I will try my hardest."
He slipped his fingers from hers so he could wrap his arm around her shoulders and bring her closer to him and kiss her temple before whispering. "I know."
They sat there in silence for a few minutes before she asked. "You think you'll get another brother or sister?"
He shrugged as he took her hand with his other one. "I don't know."
She pulled back so she could look into his blue eyes and spoke again. "And if they did have a child together, would you be ok with it?"
There was no hesitation in his response, which he was also smiling. "Yeah I would. They would also deserve to have a little one together."
She smiled in return with a nod before speaking in a sincere tone. "Thank you for being here with me today, I know there were plenty of other things you could have spent your..."
Kyle cuts her off with his eyes sparkling as he cupped her cheek. "There is nowhere else I would have been today. This was an important day in your life, and there was no way I was going to miss it, so I'm happy I can be here for you, you never have to thank me for that."
Her eyes sparkled as she continued. "I know, but I still will, you mean a lot to me, and I just want you to know I appreciate you."
He ran his thumb up and down her cheek as he whispered. "I feel that you do, and you mean a lot to me too, Linds, you always will."
They look deeply into each other's eye before they leaned toward one another and kissed softly a few times before he moved to kiss her on the forehead, then she laid her head back on shoulder as they sighed in content, happy for a very good day and for just being together.
Later that Evening
Once they all saw Cassandra, including the team, they went out to dinner, including Sara and Grissom so they could get to know each other, then after they ate and the split bill was taken care of, Calleigh drove Sara and Grissom to their hotel before heading home so she could join her family.
A few hours of family time came and went before Calleigh and Horatio said goodnight to the teenagers, and once they were out of the living room, Kyle spoke with a smile. "Hey, guys. What would you think if Calleigh and my dad had a baby?"
Nicole and Nick looked at him with a little shock before she asked. "Wait, are they?"
Kyle chuckled and shook his head. "Not that I know of, but wouldn't it be cool to have another brother or sister? I do, anyways." Kyle gets up from the couch with a yawn. "I'll see you two tomorrow. Goodnight."
They both said goodnight before Kyle walked out of the room, and once he was, the twins looked at one another, still a little taken aback of the baby question, then Nick asked. "Would he or she still be considered our younger sibling, seeing as Calleigh isn't really our mother?"
Nicole really thought of it and shrugged her shoulders while replying softly. "I don't know, but I mean we see Kyle as our brother."
"True, but you got admit it is different, he's also our best friend so it only seems natural we call/view him as our brother."
Nicole nodded before she started saying. "Well, maybe we can start..."
She trailed off, shaking her head before Nick finished what she was going to say, not only knowing her so well, but because he had to admit he had the same thought. "Calling them mom and dad? You think they would want that?"
Nicole smiled with a nod. "I'm sure they would. You know how much they care about us, we wouldn't be here if they didn't." Nick nodded in agreement while Nicole stood up, then she walked towards the shelf above the TV and picked up a framed picture of their mom and dad as she asked. "But how do you think mom and dad would feel?"
Nick gets up from the couch, walked up to his sister and placed his hand on her shoulder for comfort while he looked at the picture. "I think they would really be ok with it." He took a breath before finishing. "They will always be our parents, but I got admit, I'm started to see..."
Nicole cuts him off, also knowing her brother and feeling the exact same way. "Calleigh and Horatio as mom and dad too, I know. At first it felt scary, but now it is starting to feel right."
He nodded again before asking after clearing his throat. "So what did we just agree to?"
There was a pause, before Nicole placed the picture back in place while she replied. "I think we just agreed that when the time comes we ask Horatio and Calleigh if we can start calling them mom and dad, and when the newest member joins the family we view him or her as our youngest sibling."
"Ok, so back to Kyle's question, how would you feel for a younger sibling?"
Nicole turns around to look at her brother with a smile. "I like the idea, especially if it will make them happy. You?"
"The same." He smiled in return before he said. "I'm going to head to bed, see you tomorrow."
"Yeah, goodnight."
He started to head towards the stairs when Nicole spoke his name. "Nick." He turned around and she continued. "I know it might not be a cool thing to say to your brother at this age, but thank you for having my back."
He nodded with a smile. "Always." There was a slight pause before he said. "And I love you." Then he continued with a smirk. "But I'll deny saying it if someone asks."
Nicole chuckled with a nod as she replied. "Me too."
After one more friendly/sibling look, he continued his path to the stairs while Nicole turned to look at the picture of their parents before whispering. "Goodnight mom, dad, I love you and still miss you very much, I hope you're happy when you look down at us. Goodnight."
Once she made sure the doors were locked, the alarm was set and the lights out, she also headed upstairs so she could go to bed.
When Calleigh walked into the bedroom, after changing into her sleeping clothes in the bathroom, she joined Horatio, who was laying on his back while looking up at the ceiling, on the bed, and once she was under the covers, she asked as she scooted closer to him, seeing him a little zoned out. "What are you thinking about, handsome?"
There was a slight pause before he turned his head to look at his beautiful wife and spoke. "I guess after the excitement of today it has gotten me thinking about something."
She asked with curiosity, even though she had a strong feeling on what it was. "Anything specific?"
He moved his body so he was now laying on his side with his elbow on the mattress while she matched his position while he replied a little shyly. "I think you know."
She nodded with a smile. "And I have too."
Horatio now looked very happy, and admittedly a little shocked. "Really?"
She chuckled as she cupped is cheek with her free hand. "Of course, you've had to known I had thought of us having kids together, right?"
He nodded shyly again as he replied. "I guess a part of me did." He then placed his hand on top of hers that was still on his cheek as he continued. "And even if that conversation was never brought up or we decided against it in the end, I still would have been happy with what I have. I mean we already have the best three kids in the world."
Calleigh nodded again with a smile. "Yeah, we do, and I'll never deny that." Then she took a breath as she finished. "But one day I want to give you another child, if that's what you want."
No point in denying it, he nodded his head as he whispered. "I do want that, sweetheart, very much."
She started chuckling. "Ok, wow, so a baby is really now on the table." She took a breath before finishing a little shyly. "I got admit, I'm a little terrified."
With comfort in his eyes, he took her hand from his cheek and kissed it before replying softly. "You're a wonderful mother, sweetheart."
"Yeah, to kids, but when they were babies, I was the cool aunt Calleigh and got to hand them back when they started getting fussy or needed food."
"I understand, and I'll admit the same thing, but you are not alone in this, we'll learn together."
She nodded as she moved her had forward to meet his in the middle as they closed their eyes while she whispered. "Together, I really like that sound of that."
They pull back a few seconds later before she spoke again. "Ok, we'll talk to the kids soon and see how they feel about this."
He nodded in agreement. "Alright, sounds good." He slipped his hand out of hers and cupped her cheek. "I love you so much."
"I love you too, handsome."
They kissed softly on the lips a few times, then he kissed her forehead before they laid down so her head could lay on his chest, and after a little small talk, they closed their eyes and fell asleep with smiles on their faces, happy and excited for the next step in their lives together.
AN: Thanks for reading, please comment. More to come soon.