Chapter Text
John had made it safely to Annabelle’s office and was enjoying a cup of tea with his step-sister and Kelly when the door to the office slammed open. The three of them stared at a disheveled and disgruntled Sherlock, who was, indeed, covered in glue and feathers and garbage and at least a hundred paint splatters of glaring neon colors. “Well, I see you found my office just fine,” Annabelle said, raising an eyebrow before taking a sip of her tea. She could see in the corner of her eye that John was trying not to smirk and if she looked at either him or Kelly she would collapse into giggles.
“Those…girls…” he said through gritted teeth.
“First years,” Kelly said. “Best defense we have for unwanted visitors.”
“I should have them all brought up on charges. And you as well. What kind of headmistress are you?” Sherlock said, stalking to her desk and planting both his hands on her desk.
“I’m the one that knows what’s in the best interest for these girls,” Annabelle said, her voice steely. “And taking Flash Harry away is not in their best interest.” She set her cup down and used her hands to push Sherlock’s hands off her desk. “You’re getting my correspondence covered in grime.”
He faltered a bit, then turned to John. “You let them do this to me,” he said.
“Personally I think you deserve worse,” John said before calmly taking a sip of his tea. “As I told you, I’m on Annabelle’s side here. Flash Harry needs to stay here for everyone’s safety.”
Sherlock looked at Kelly, who raised her tea cup in front of her face. “Don’t look at me for any support. I’m with them.”
Sherlock turned back to Annabelle. “I’m charging you for the costs to replace this clothing.”
“That’s fine,” she said with a nod. “I’ll pay you when you decide to leave Flash Harry alone.”
Sherlock shook his head. “Do you not all see that he’s a criminal? He needs to be behind bars!”
“For what?” Kelly asked, setting her saucer and cup down on Annabelle’s desk. “For selling the vodka the girls make? Or placing some bets on the horses for the people here? What has he done that’s worse than prostitution, sex slavery and the drug trade?”
“Sherlock’s head whipped around to Kelly. “Excuse me?”
Kelly picked up a red file from Annabelle’s desk and held it out to him. “This guy is far worse. Go after him. Do us a favor and keep our girls safe from this bloody wanker.”
Sherlock took the file and then flipped through it. “You have surveillance, names, dates.”
Kelly crossed her arms. “I work for MI6, mate. Getting that stuff was a piece of cake. MI6 doesn’t consider him a threat but getting someone to dig all that up was easy. So we want to do a trade. You get whatever information you need from Flash Harry about your case, ignore having him brought up on charges and then you get to take down yet another criminal network. Maybe not as vast as Moriarty’s, but it’ll do just as well in the long run.”
“And to add to this, if you try and arrest Flash Harry I’ll move out,” John said. “Annabelle has offered me a job here as the school nurse, should I be so inclined.”
Sherlock looked up from the file to John. “You’re serious,” he murmured after he looked at his friend for a moment.
“Very,” John said with a nod. “I will not willingly let you do something that will make the girls at this school less safe. If you do it there will be consequences.”
“So I see where I rank in your worldview,”” Sherlock said, looking down at the file. “Was the bit about considering me family all a lie?”
“Is he seriously going to pout?” Kelly asked, raising an eyebrow as she turned to Annabelle.
“I believe so,” Annabelle said, her eyes wide.
“Oh, come off it, Sherlock,” John said, rolling his eyes. “I spent three years looking for any trace of your existence, on the off chance I got that miracle. You heard Molly tell you how hellish it was the first few months. Annabelle knows too. She’d get phone calls at two in the morning which were basically me sobbing into the phone while she tried to reassure me there was hope. The only reason I’m making this stand is because you’re asking me to do something that I know is wrong even though morally it’s the right thing to do, and it will put other members of my family at risk. I care about you, you’re my best mate, but if you force me to choose Annabelle and the girls here are going to win out.”
“Shades of grey,” he said.
“Exactly. So agree to their deal. Get a more vile criminal off the streets and leave Flash Harry alone.” John looked at him. “All right?”
Sherlock looked up from the file at John, then Annabelle and Kelly. “Will I never have to set foot in this God forsaken school again?” he asked the women.
“Only unless John forces you to, and I promise next time you’ll come through unscathed and unharmed,” Annabelle said. She extended her hand. “Is it a deal?” Sherlock extended his grime and paint covered hand. Annabelle shook it firmly, and when they pulled their hands apart she began looking for something to wipe her hands on. “I’ve told the Geeks to disable the cameras in the showers, and Geoffrey has left some clothing here for when he visits. I’m sure we can find something that fits. You may personally send me the bill for replacing your suit, scarf and jacket.”
“Very well,” Sherlock said with a nod. “Are you sure I will be unmolested as I clean up?”
“I’ll keep guard outside the door myself,” John said.
“And I’ll personally pull the remote cameras out of their hiding places before you get in,” Kelly said. “Come on, I’ll get you a towel and things to clean yourself up with.” She walked around to the door and the two men followed. When they got to the stairs Sherlock glanced up and saw what seemed like a hundred girls lining the bannisters. “It’s all right, girls,” Kelly said loudly. “Mr. Holmes will not be taking Flash Harry away from us.”
The cheer was nearly deafening, and it continued even after Kelly, Sherlock and John continued their way down the hall. By the time they got to Kelly’s room it has a muted sound. Kelly dashed in and grabbed a towel and toiletries, handing them to Sherlock before leading the way into the bathrooms. She looked around and disconnected a camera that was mounted on the wall. “And I shall have privacy?” Sherlock asked.
“Complete privacy,” Kelly said with a nod. “Enjoy your shower.” She left the shower, gave a wave to John and then very quickly made her way up to Annabelle’s office. Annabelle had the computer on and was looking at a live feed from the showers. “You’re sure it’s not going on the internet?” she asked as she came over to the computer.
“Absolutely positive. It’s not even being recorded for potential blackmail down the line, but that’s just because I didn’t want the girls getting a hold of it,” Annabelle said with a grin.
“We should feel really bad for this, right?” Kelly asked for a moment as she perched on arm of the chair and viewed down at the laptop on Annabelle’s lap.
“We should, but this is St. Trinian’s. I have a tradition to uphold.” Annabelle grinned at her girlfriend. “All snobby elitist people who enter this school get videotaped in the shower. It happened to me and now it’s his turn.” And with that the two women settled in and watched until there was a knock at the door. “Oh, and he’d just gotten the feathers off,” Annabelle muttered.
“I’ll get it,” Kelly said. She went to the door and saw Flash Harry standing there. “Oh. What do you want?”
Flash pulled out a dozen roses from behind his back and handed them too her. “I thought I’d come see if you wanted a second date.”
“Um…” Kelly said, at a loss for words. She turned to Annabelle but she was no help, as she was trying to suppress laughter. Then she turned back to Flash Harry. “Well, you see, I’m actually taken. My girlfriend was fine with one date to get information, but I don’t think she’d approve of a second.” Then she turned back to Annabelle. “Would you, Belle?”
“Oh, no, by all means, have a second date,” she said without looking up. “I’ll be here for a bit yet. He still has to get the glue out of his hair.”
“You…? And Annabelle…?” Flash Harry said, his eyes wide.
“Afraid so,” Kelly said with a smile. “Thank you so much for the flowers, though. They’re quite lovely.” He didn’t respond or move, only making small noises in the back of his throat, and after a few moments Kelly gently shut the door in his face. “These are beautiful flowers,” she said.
Annabelle couldn’t help the giggles that escaped. “I’m sorry, I shouldn’t laugh. You just crushed his hopes and dreams.”
“I think I may have just given him new fantasies instead,” Kelly said with a smirk, setting the roses on Annabelle’s desk before going back to her. “Now, let’s get back to watching him get the glue out of his hair, shall we?”
“That’s sounds like a very good idea,” Annabelle said, smiling up at Kelly before turning back to the computer screen. In the first, and hopefully last, round of Sherlock Holmes versus St. Trinian’s, it looked as though the girls had come out on top, in more ways than one.