Work Text:
Sam stared into the box. Yep. That was definitely a large, pink dildo with a baby blue harness. He checked the tag again, then stared up at the culprit, a gleam in his eye.
“Eddy, sweetheart, we talked about this.” He pulled out the actual “gift” for everyone to see. “We're not doing that. I mean, unless you're saying I'm not big enough for you? We can always shove this up your ass while you suck me off instead. Maybe you can try it out in the shower tonight? It's too much for me, but I bet you could take it with some practice.”
Low sounds of amusement and laughter filled the room. Edward had the good graces to blush a little. “Maybe you would be big enough for me, sweetheart, if you could get it all the way up in the first place.”
“Not what your mom said on my lunch break yesterday,” Sam threw back, still grinning.
“No, you're right.” Edward sat up a little straighter. “She said you came before she even took off her bra.”
Oof. That one was good. He didn't have a response ready. Instead, pointing a finger at him, he gave up. “Okay. You win this one. But, seriously, man, what the hell is this?”
“Look underneath for the real gift.” Edward waved at the box, taking his win graciously.
Sam did as he was told, moving aside the now obvious false bottom cardboard piece to find something he would actually enjoy. “An original, unopened Magic The Gathering set! How did you find this?! Thank you!”
“Alright, next!” Roy called out since it was Sam's last gift to open. “Alan, you're up!”
Alan went through the usual gifts, gift cards, key rings, books, and a not so usual gift of diamond encrusted cuff links with no name attached. “Looks like I've got a secret admirer in the room, eh?”
“Lora's gonna be jealous.” Roy sing-songed. “Hey, looks like you missed a little one.”
“Oh,” Alan picked up the carefully wrapped box. He was just as gentle in opening it, as he was with all the others. Unlike Sam, he was of the mind to re-use wrapping paper if possible. “From Sam and Quorra. Open at home on a closed network. No, it's not porn. Fragile. Needs work. The hell?”
He took out the thumb drive and examined it, noting the attached tag. It was in Quorra's messy handwriting. “You found it? Where?”
“Tell you later,” Sam winked at him. “It was a bitch to extract intact. You're gonna have your hands full with that one. It's a real puzzel now.”
“Sam,” Alan leaned over and hugged the younger man tightly, “I have been looking for this since before you were born! Thank you! You're sure it's real?”
“Absolutely real.” Sam whispered in his ear, holding him back. “I found everything. I found everyone.”
“Everyone?” Alan pulled back, wide eyed.
“What is it?” Roy came around with the camera, eager to see and get a picture of Alan with the gift. He had been taking pictures of each person with their gifts to put out in the weekly inter-office news letter. Yes, that meant Sam holding up a pastel colored dildo was making it into the final version because that had the strongest reaction from him. Whatever this was would be replacing the picture he took of Alan's cufflinks for sure if it had him nearly crying.
Alan held up the thumb drive. “It's Tron.”
Roy gave Sam a bit of a look after taking the picture. “You found the original game specs?”
“No. Something older than that.” Sam smiled up at him. “Alan's original program.”
That had several people on their feet. Some of them were begging to have Alan plug it into the table/computer between them just to get a peek at it. Edward stayed back, though the curiosity was just as bright in his eyes as the rest. Someone had to hold their composure around here. He prayed neither Alan nor anyone else never figured out that he was the one who gave him the cufflinks.