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Draco and Theo were already apprehensive about the mandatory marriage law, never more so when a magical mix up finds them accidentally matched together.
So, it’s game on. Who can be the first to break? Because saying you’re in love with your best friend would seem a lot like admitting defeat.
Or; Theo and Draco use Legilimency to fuck with each other.
Draco’s eyes flared steel grey as Theo slipped a thought through his defences. Over the castle wall went the thought—no, a memory—of the two of them wrapped in cotton sheets, of Draco sliding a warm palm over Theo’s stomach, his fingers moving below his waistband.
The Draco sat at the breakfast table let out a shocked noise from the back of his throat, and Theo was able to hurriedly send in another flash of the memory—Theo sat on top of Draco’s thighs, his hand pressed over Draco’s mouth.
- Part 7 of orolin writes rare pairs
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crikey me