Work Text:
Odd’s finger lightly scraped at the cherry soda, a soft hum leaving his lips. His amber gaze stared off into the woods as he sat on the stairs to the dining hall. Sunlight began to peek from the bright green foliage, chasing away the remaining stars in the sky. Even in a whole new world, the sun rose all the same.
Kiwi happily darted around the empty courtyard, always careful to stay close. It felt nice to see him able to bound around the area without worrying about the faculty catching him. One of the good things about this place, Kiwi can be free with no consequences so long as Odd takes care of him.
Or at least, the Odd that was supposed to be here. The blond toys with the tab on the can, grimacing as the thoughts of black fur and mismatched pink-yellow eyes. He didn’t think it was possible to suddenly become XANA’s pawn but if the virus could do it to Aelita in his world, it makes sense that it could decide to go after one of them instead in another.
The blond stretches, feeling his hair moving with his body. The grimace stays on his face as he lazily runs a finger through the downed locks. His gelled hair was another casualty to staying in this world, the other him didn’t have much time to be in awe of their awesome pointed hair. He had to put his foot down when it came to redyeing it, he didn’t want to go back to his brunet days thank you very much!
A lonesome sigh escapes his lips at the thought of returning to the dorm. Usually, he’d be quick with taking Kiwi out in the mornings, but here he had just until students would arrive on campus. At least, that’s what his third self told him.
“A polymorphic clone…” Odd tested the word in the empty courtyard, Kiwi off running loops around the building. Sure, Einstein’s taken control of a tower before in his world, but he never got to the point where he could make specters actually replace people.
Replace. That’s the word that always got to him. He throws his head back and groans aloud, “Why did I have to accept Teleportation…” He bemoans, then covers his face because he knows that answer way too well. He just wanted to feel useful. He wanted to feel important because his parents forgot his stupid birthday and his frustrations reflected on the latest fights in Lyoko.
Einstein was just looking out for him and made the wrong conclusions as to why Odd was upset. So, not one to talk about his feelings unless forced, Odd happily agreed to the new power. Hey, it beat having no powers whatsoever since Jeremie decided to axe his Future Flash too. At least, it should’ve been nice. Using it the one time-
“Moping on the steps isn’t going to make you blend in any better,” Ulrich’s voice chimes in and Odd is quick to look at the other teen. He’s dressed up in his gym gear, sweat beading down his face.
This Ulrich isn’t his Ulrich, but Odd sticks his tongue out at him anyway, “Get back from running?” He asks innocently.
He rolls his eyes, not in a fond manner like Odd’s been used to, “Of course,” He’s blunt, unable to detect Odd’s teasing manner, “It’s best to stay in shape the next time XANA attacks.”
Odd brushes past the straightforward answer and pats the space next to him on the steps, “Surely you have some time to chat with little ol’ me.”
Ulrich huffs but obliges, his shoes scuffing up some dirt. Kiwi’s taken to rolling around in the grass nearby, nearly done with the morning ritual that Odd’s trying to get used to, “What do you what.”
The blond tries to flash his best grin, “Just want to catch up with my good pal! How’s life? How’s classes? And uh,” He flounders for a moment, but he swears he’s seen it in the brief time they had on Lyoko earlier, “How’s Yumi?”
A scoff reaches his ears and the brunet glares at him, “Life is fine. Classes are fine. You don’t need to know about the third one.”
Not knowing when to quit in these situations, Odd presses, “From what I can tell, you obviously have a crush on her.”
“So?” He recognizes the warning in that word, but Odd is always too stubborn when it comes to Ulrich Stern. He knows when to pick and choose his battles, that’s what comes with rooming with the guy for a couple of years now.
“So,” Odd parrots, “Did you guys agree to wait?”
Ulrich’s fingers dig into the thin fabric of his workout shorts, a glare resettling on his face but this time aimed at the ground, “No comment.”
It felt obvious. William and Ulrich sharing a room, both vying for Yumi’s affection this time around. It only makes sense that something had to be done about it so early on. Odd wondered how Jeremie even survived with such a love triangle going on while battling XANA and trying to free Aelita.
In return, Odd hands over the can of soda he’s failed to open all morning. Ulrich blinks at the gesture, taking it from the blond. He cracks it open in one fell swoop and stares at the aluminum can, the quiet of morning now interrupted by the frothing carbonation, “…why cherry soda?”
Odd smiles and stands up, Kiwi instantly running towards his master. He picks up the cheerful puppy, “I’ve been your roommate for a while,” Odd runs his fingers through soft grey fur, “Only makes sense I know it’s your favorite. See you later, good buddy.” He waves behind him as he takes off to the dorms. The dorm meant for one person and a puppy.
Ulrich does not follow. Kiwi noses Odd’s neck, the gross puppy breath leaking into his nose with each inhale. He grumbles softly at his- no, the puppy he’s watching over and takes his time up the steps.
By the time he enters the dormitory, sunlight is bleeding through the windows, lighting up the once dark halls. Odd has to fight muscle memory to avoid going through the dorm room that isn’t his here, trekking down to the end of the hall to slide into the room he’s left unlocked. Kiwi happily jumps out of his arms and flops onto the fluffy doggy bed next to lonesome twin sized bed.
Odd sits down on the stiff mattress and stares at a wall covered in drawings he hadn’t thought of yet, a dresser decorated with knick-knacks he couldn’t remember ever having before. No extra bed. No roommate. Just him, his thoughts, and a Kiwi that wasn’t his.