Chapter Text
2:1 "AN ADMONITION OF ONE OF THE UTHRI" "'Bshumayhon 'd Hayyi rabbi" "In the name of the Great Hayyi"
2:2 The Uthra knelt down at the door of the House of Hayyi and sat down to preach. He said, 'I was the most senior of the teachers. I was the head of the clerks and the writers. I was the chief of the wisest scholars, and the enlightened intellectuals. Who has made me ignorant?"
2:3 How did darkness block my mind, so I placed the soul into the body?
2:4 When will the years come to an end? When will these troubles end in relief?
2:5 When will the guardian angel arrive and rescue the liberated soul from this trauma?
2:6 The material world has misled us through its comforts, and deceived us through its godliness. When will we be rid of the trap of the clay body? When will we be delivered from Satan's evil?
2:7 Glory to You, my Lord! You do not oppress Your sincere believers.
2:8 "'u Hayyi zaken"