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#20 - Duel {grand melee}


FFXIVWRITE 2024 DAY 20 - Duel

In which Pyxis fights for Ishgard, and the others aren't by their side.

Spoilers for Choices & A Spectacle for the Ages Heavensward MSQ.


(See the end of the work for notes.)

Work Text:

The full report of events from the peace conference had been successfully delivered; one burden starting to ease, another one poised above Pyxis' shoulders. They could not deny Aymeric's depiction of Ishgard as a nation built on its years of warring conflict, that conflict beget more pride than shame for its people, but to broadcast a military training exercise right after the events at Falcon's Nest left an unusually bitter taste across their tongue. The only thing that made the idea easier to swallow was that they wanted both high and lowborn members of society to fight side by side, to show that there was unity across the majority of Ishgardians, to show that the dissenters and their accidental aggressors were few and far between instead of the social norm. The actions of the few could be corrected by the glory of the many.

Thancred's appraisal that the blame could be laid squarely on the protestors, for no others had come to harm during the dissent, helped them stay their tongue at voicing their not too firm opposing opinion. That, and memories of the strong right hook he landed on Lord Emmanellain.

"And what part would they have you play in this affair, I wonder."

Despite grievances, despite doubts, despite ties to all yet none of the city states of the Eorzean Alliance... If Aymeric asked, then Pyxis would agree to fight on their side. If there was any way they could help show the Ishgardian people that not only did they have the strength and bonds of their own people no matter the lineage, that those from outside of Coerthas were willing to extend a hand of gratitude as well, then they would accept. Even as their false-draconic tail cut through the cold air, pale scales glinting against their fellow swords, they could show them that they were not alone.

Alexandrite, Rilo'sae, and Valerie were waiting alongside Lucia to hear of what came from the discussion with Ser Aymeric, a few with puzzled faces as Thancred had left ahead of the group once again. After having heard the whispers rife around Foundation before the 'eyewitness' accounts of Pyxis, none of them could fault the rogue for departing on his own once again; there were still wounds that were too delicate to touch.

"...I was aware of the Alliance's request." Lucia's lips pursed as she brought her hand up to her chin in thought, trying to assess what the Lord Commander's thought process would be for accepting something that had previously been shelved for more peaceful ideas.

"Turning a basic exercise into a spectacle for the masses?" Alexandrite's ears had lolled to one side, out of boredom of having to deal with more politics or joining in with Lucia's thoughts Pyxis wasn't sure, but sprung back to their full height once more. "Sounds interesting."

"Bloodthirsty as ever, I see," Ri'se sighed, rolling his eyes as Valerie just about managed to stifle a chortle at his ever quick-witted response. "But not incorrect in this instance."

"It is not that I doubt the efficacy of such a plan," the blonde continued. "Indeed, I know its effectiveness only too well, having witnessed it firsthand... Nevertheless, he has not once given me reason to doubt his intentions, and these are desperate times indeed."

Pxyis' own doubts were kicked aside as they looked over the determination flaring in Lucia's gaze, and the weight of impending responsibility was firmly laid across their shoulders once more. To restore the peace that they had all worked so hard to fight for, friendly fire didn't seem such a bad choice in the grand scheme of things.

"I will select knights for the event forthwith. As for the watch..."

"Oh," Pyxis raised a hand to interject, looking over to the double doors of the Congregation. "Thancred has already set out to talk with Hilda to apprise her of the plan, to allow her to choose those who will be joining in on the exercise."

"Did he now?" A smirk bloomed across Lucia's face as she turned to look at Alexandrite, who was very firmly meeting no-one else's gaze by fixating it on the entrance. "How considerate of Master Thancred to seek out our young watch commander of his own volition." The words were as daggers in the Viera's spine, causing her to bolt upright and meet the second-in-command's gaze with one of disgust. No-one had yet dared to broach the looming cloud of jealousy that had hovered over the group's tank as of late, but here Lucia was openly poking the coeurl with a stick.

Leaning over a table and pulling a loose piece of parchment and an inked quill, Lucia wrote out an off the cuff list of names before blowing across them to allow the ink to settle in quicker before folding it in half to pass over to Pyxis.

"Pray deliver this list of watch candidates to Hilda," Lucia requested, a soft sigh then passing her lips. "I would have her best men, not her most dispensable."

"Of course," Pyxis chuckled, placing the scripture in her pocket to keep it close to hand. "I will leave you to gathering your own best men as well."

The two shared another light-hearted chuckle before Lucia parted ways with the group, leaving their next path forward up to them.

"I suppose I'd better go and catch up with Thancred then," Pyxis smiles, looking up at the three companions. "I'm sure that we'll reconvene back here soon, so please don't feel any pressure to follow behind."

"I feel like I should hire a bard recite that line for you to save your voice," Rilo'sae sighs, shaking his head with a shrug. They were always too considerate of their friends wellbeing when it came to 'dragging' them along on some of the more mundane parts of their adventures, and Pyxis hadn't quite realised that they would easily just leave if they were no longer interested. They were in this for the long haul now too, not just as companions but as friends. "Go on ahead, I have somewhere else I want to be anyway."

"Oh?" Valerie queried, looking down to the Miqo'te's pondering expression. She had her own idea spring to mind at the propositions of the Grand Melee, and upon seeing both a soft spark in Ri'se's eyes and Alexandrite's tapping foot it seemed they had all come to their own conclusion of where next to split off to. "We will be back here in time for you, Pyxis, no matter how long it takes. Make sure you take some time to rest as well."

"I will," Pyxis relented, even as her tail traced pondering lines in the floorboards underfoot as they followed in Thancred's footsteps.

Even with Valerie's promise to be back at the Congregation of Our Knights Most Heavenly, moons passed before they were reunited once more. Pyxis held some worries about their whereabouts, but Lucia had calmed them by ensuring there had been numerous reports of each of them being spotted around the city-state in full spirits. What the second-in-command had neglected to mention, out of obligation from her sources, were whom they had been seen to be talking with. If they had not yet told Pyxis of their plans, then it was not on her to break this silent trust.

Aymeric had followed through with his silent promise, extending out an invitation to Pyxis to join the fight alongside the other Ishgardian forces and she had readily accepted. They were surprised that Thancred hadn't offered his own services, knowing how much he had done in the recent sennights for not only Foundation but Ishgard as a whole, but was glad to hear that the thought was there at least. The Allied forces had arrived at the makeshift grounds underneath the Gates of Judgement, some basic amenities and camps housing the armies and their general for a moon or two, preparations under way for the upcoming trials.

"It looks to be a veritable who's who of the Eorzean Alliance," Thancred smirked, beckoning Pyxis over upon their arrival as he leant up against the cold stone walls. "The only question is: who came to watch and who came to fight? Hmm... Nanamo," he nodded, a rough chuckle following suite. "Definitely Nanamo."

"Fighting or watching?" Pyxis found themselves laughing alongside him, the slight shaking in her voice evening out. "I would hope the latter."

"Definitely the former, obviously," he replied, folding his arms and gazing out to the snowy fields before them. "I'm sure Raubahn would deign himself to watching a military endeavour rather than participating in it."

"If today is one cursed by a full moon, perhaps," they chuckled a little brighter before reclaiming some of the nervous energy that had been stewing in the pit of her stomach ever since the proposal of the engagement. "If you wish to join alongside us-"

"This is not my fight, Pyxis," Thancred interrupts, shaking his head and offering a much softer smile. "You will do well to remember what you have done for these people, and for them to fight alongside you will be something they will high doubt never forget. For me, 'twould be but another Iceday." Bowing out of the conversation by passing by the Warrior of Light, he leaves a firm and encouraging grasp on their shoulder for long enough to bolster some confidence back into them.

Taking a deep breath, Pyxis notices Emmanellain in full gear looking around the entrance of the Gates in trepidation, hand restlessly tugging on the hilt of his blade. This was his chance at redemption for the domino of effects that his actions had inadvertently caused after all, so for anyone to hold an tonze of anxiety it fit best on his back. Upon locking eyes with Pyxis, however, he seemed to shrug this off with enough ease that she was sure that she heard the thud of it ring out around them as it hit the floor.

"There you are!" Emmanelain bellowed, jogging over to Pyxis with a relieved sigh. "I say, when you didn't appear, I began to question..."

"Question what?" Pyxis raised a single eyebrow, and fear struck him. It wasn't often that they found themselves leaning into the reputation that overshadowed them, but it was never truly malicious. Not always, at least.

"N-Nothing! Never mind!" He cleared his throat, not subtle in his attempts to hide his tracks by turning around to look out at the bridge to the battlegrounds outside. Pyxis swore they could hear muffled chuckles of the group of Thancred, Hilda, Lucia and Aymeric behind them, though didn't turn to confirm the suspicions. "To think that we are mere moments away from facing the cream of Eorzea's soldiery in battle," the Elezen changed tact swiftly, and Pyxis allowed him this grace.

"I have seen a lot of the finest all of the city-states have to offer. They will be a strong opposing force, this I know for certain," Pyxis noted, not realising how uncomforting those words were until they hung in the air. This was the army they were supposed to be fighting after all, not friends and companions alike. Despite this, what they saw in response wasn't one of additional worry.

"What are we thinking!" Emmanellain straightened out and slapped both hands to his cheeks, the clap ringing out louder than expected. "We cannot imagine the worse - I must think of the victory, of the glory! Of the stories I will tell Honoroit when he awakes!"

Pyxis had been warming up to him at the thoughts of winning battles, and found themselves slumped when he just wanted to tell stories of the fight to his recovering page. Yet, they found themselves still enthused and laughing alongside him. Whatever it took to rebuild his confidence, to get him through the battles ahead, he was still trying to right his wrongs. That took bravery not not everyone had.

"Then I look forwards to fighting by your side, my lord," they smiled, offering out a hand. There was a pause as he looked down to the olive branch, a sharp inhale of excitement straightening his stance as he takes Pyxis' hand between both of his. In the midst of the shake however, a flash of remembrance bolts across his eyes.

"By the Fury, how could I forget?" Emmanellain broke away and strode over to a crate, rummaging through its contents before pulling out a matching uniform to the one he wore. "I know it is sudden, but we believe the men would find it inspiring if you bore the colours of House Fortemps into battle. Pray... do us this honour."

The heavier pieces of armour than Pyxis were used to now lay across their arms, the weight of the responsibility and duties bound to them adding onto the already thick chainmail. They pulled them close to their chest, smiling up at Emmanellain with pride.

"I am the one who would be honoured."

Having to change made Pyxis the last to arrive on the frontlines of the battlefield, and though they knew eyes would be on them anyway there was even more pressure being pressed down on them than they could ever had thought imaginable. Looking out to the crowds who had gathered to view the spectacle, confusion furrowed on their brow. They couldn't pinpoint either Alexandrite's midnight blue ears, nor the glittering gold of Valerie's hair - they knew from this distance it was futile to look for the shorter stature of Ri'se, not that they would admit that to him - and questions flooded their mind: were there issues they were staying back to deal with, to allow the melee to go ahead?

"Eyes front, Felixhaven!" A familiar voice called out from the opposition. Scanning the rows of soldiers baring the various barding colours of the rest of the Eorzean Alliance, a raised bow signalled Pyxis' attention. Clad in the striking yellows of the Order of the Twin Adder, Rilo'sae stood proud against the other soldiers with a playful smirk topping off the new outfit. At either side of him, Alexandrite postured with axe over the shoulders of her crimson red armour whilst Valerie waved a chakram decorated the same blue as their own outfit.

That was why they had been absent during the preparations of the melee. They were also participating... on the opposing side. What Thancred had joked about doing they had all followed through with.

Pyxis held up their staff in response, a competitive grin causing waves of confidence to spread through the Ishgardian forces. Not only was the Warrior of Light joining them in this fight, they had an additional stake on the line. Victory was guaranteed at this point, in their minds. The Au Ra may have still had their internal doubts, especially as they saw Raubahn chastising the three for 'conspiring with the enemy', but hearing the murmurs of their own fellow soldiers quietened the dissenting thoughts enough.

The rules of engagement were explained to both sides as they took their starting positions on the field, the frontlines manned by the strongest of Ishgardian, Ul'dahn, Limsa Lomisian, and Gridanian forces each of them had to offer. Targets for the initial skirmish were being calculated through the slits of various helmets. Mages pooled together their aether, ready to aim and fire at a moments notice.

"Brave men and women of the Eorzean Alliance!" Nanamo's voice rang out atop one of the watchtower battlements, carried out over the chilling winds to the poised armies. "Let the grand melee begin!"

Rallying cries and the advancing stampedes of each side filled the air in a raucous cacophony of noise. Aymeric led the charge for their side, Raubhan for the enemy. The first major clash didn't hold much coordination, but as they settled into the exchanging of blows the forces spread out and split into measured groups. Pyxis had held back, stepping out of the way of the flood of soldiers rushing past them, looking to see who the Fury's Gaze would choose first: an Immortal Flames' Roedagyn and an Elezen of Hilda's Hounds. There were enough soldiers protecting these targets well on both sides, and thus their aim spread out elsewhere.

An arrow flew by Pyxis' shoulder, and looking at the familiar fletching it was obvious this was more of a warning shot. That a chakram was followed close behind confirmed their suspisions; both Ri'se and Valerie were already targeting them. Adjusting their sights onto a snowy bank at their backs, Pyxis drew from the elements and let the magicks fly between them to disturb the settled snowdrift into a small avalanche. Though not painful, it was enough to throw the both of them off their rhythm enough to allow other soldiers to press the advantage and give time for Pyxis to dash further afield. Two against one would never work in their favour, especially with the duo being so in tune with each others attacks from their combined adventures together. They'd seen what happened to anything that was on the receiving ends of their attacks.

The next target was Alexandrite. This turned out to be more difficult than anticipated, having to dodge and retaliate against both stray and targeted attacks made against her, and none of the blows were being held back. For a mock exercise, everyone on both sides were giving it their all, yet both determination and joy could be heard in the rallying vocals of the instruments of war. The thick line of aether shifted, and had located Pyxis' target for them as it attached itself to the Viera's back; soldiers who had survived the additional strength granted to the Roedagyn were making haste to the next target.

"Now this is what I've been waiting for!" Alexandrite roared, her axe swiftly cutting down a trio of rampaging attackers who had gone in first before being pointed at Pyxis. "Thought I'd never say this, but don't keep them off me!"

"I'll send even more your way then!" Pyxis shouted back, in the middle of spreading out a healing aura to those who had first fallen - they were down but not yet out - and found themselves with a smile unmoving from their face. Battles up until this point had been life or death, do or die situations. For the first time they could let go, still making sure to give it their all with no holds bared, but there was no pressure. If they fell, then it wasn't the end. They'd just have to shake hands and consider defeat.

Yet defeat was never an option.

"Ishgard! Rally to the first commander!" Aymeric's voice cut clean across the battlefield as Pyxis noted that the Ishgardian gaze had moved to Lucia's back. Not only had their own troops heeded their cry, a number of the opposing forces had moved in as well; a chance to fight against one of the highest ranking soldiers of their foe's army? They would be remiss to let Raubahn down and let her bide enough time for the mark to move somewhere else without earning the points from her.

"Here, Lucia!" Pyxis called out, wisps of aether weaving around the woman's armour to both protect against oncoming blows and aid in bolstering her reserves for the onslaught that was sure to come. Though protected by her fellow Knights and Hilda's 'lowborn' fighters alike, she still managed to shoot the Au Ra a thankful smile.

The Fury's Gaze had decided the stakes weren't high enough. As the light flickered from Lucia's armour, still standing strong despite the waves of soldiers that dared to come close to her, it faded from the lone figure of Alexandrite as well. Two new targets were chosen.

General Raubahn Aldynn and Warrior of Light Pyxis Felixhaven.

Though some skirmishes continued, the front lines were drawn to an unnatural silence as the two of them locked eyes across the emptiness of the battlefield before them. Their heart was already racing from the excursion of battles prior, breath ragged from running from fight to fight, but this was a different ache.

There was no time to think, no time to wonder what this lingering tightness was, as the snowy grounds underfoot shook with a presence no-one had expected. Cresting a nearby hill was a the unmistakeable silhouette of a Cyclops, possibly driven to provocation from the overwhelming sounds of fights happening nearby. Confusion ran through both armies; this wasn't something planned as a surprise for either side, nor the overlooking judges above. Amidst it all, one man strode forwards. Pyxis didn't realise that he had been so close by, so to see Thancred making tracks towards the oncoming creature was surprise on top of surprise.

There was no fear, no panic in his approach. As the two figures stopped before each other, the larger ready to strike with a rough club made from what appeared to be an entire tree trunk, Thancred simply readied a single fist. In the blink of an eye, his form propelled into the air to force fist into the beast, knocking it off balance and momentarily dazed.

"Continue the melee! I will deal with him!" Thancred decreed, keeping an watchful eye on the Cyclops as it shook itself from the daze. Without a further word, the rogue kept its attention and pulled it back down into the lower areas outside of the arena. Pyxis wanted to follow behind, to make sure that he wasn't getting himself into too much danger, but the tug of the Gaze pulled at their back once more. Thancred would be fine. He had given them this chance to continue on, for the fight to continue. Looking back at Raubahn, it seemed that he wouldn't have given them the chance to end things on an anticlimax either.

"You heard the man, back to it!" Hilda's words spread through the frontline forces once more, bringing them back into the skirmish. Soliders looked to both her and Aymeric for their next duties, even though they may have been obvious.

"All forces, form a line on Pyxis! Now!"

Before the words even finished forming in the bitter Coerthan air, Pyxis' view of the General was immediately blocked by a considerable force, all willing to protect the healer with everything they had. Swords, spears, bows... all pointed towards an unmoving Raubahn. His own armies were locked in other battles, wanting to aid their leading soldier but unable to break free from their current engagements.

Not that Raubahn needed the additional aid.

With one fell swoop of Tizona, the protective barrier of soldiers dissipated as if cutting down weeds from an unwieldy garden. Aymeric took opportunity in the chaos left in the sword's wake to dash forwards, to try and hold Raubahn off long enough to grant Pyxis additional protection. The Bull of Ala Mhigo lived up to his title, meeting the charge with one of his own and tossing the Lord Commander aside. Now in the middle of the battlefield, no other soldiers from either side to protect himself or Pyxis, Raubahn struck the earth below with the tip of his blade. A single spark flew at first, but an overwhelming inferno soon bellowed out after it, pushing aside any who dared stand in his path.

Covering their eyes from the explosion, flames erecting a fierce barrier around both of the Fury's chosen, Pyxis waited for the debris to finish falling before looking up to the lone figure trapped in the new battlefield with them. They could barely see the outside Melee continuing or not without them, only the General left for them to fight.

"Well met," Raubahn smirked, hand resting on the still buried hilt of his faithful sword. "I will not lie, I was hoping it would come to this."

If Pyxis hadn't known any better, they would have been positive the flames had just swallowed them whole as well.

"So then... shall we dance?"


Is it really me if I don't write about the Grand Melee at some point? This prompt 100000% ran away from me today - I really wanted to write about the Raubahn/Warrior of Light duel (because I have many emotions about it in regards to my Wolship) but then I also had the idea of the other party members fighting for the other side, and then I needed the build up and.... I ended up just submitting what I had with 10 minutes to go before the deadline so it is incredibly rough but that's the whole point of the challenge! Write the thing and think about it later!

I... may continue this for my free day.

Series this work belongs to: