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Important message:
Aziraphale questioned how he got to this point in his life. With a quick mental check, he realised that there were four uncomfortable truths he had to come to terms with in very quick succession:
1. He was 50 years old, and had never done anything as insane as this in his quiet, celibate life.
2. There was a pretty obvious reason why he'd reluctantly chosen a career as a priest.
3. He didn’t particularly hate the fact that his bastard friend thought a strip club was a good idea to celebrate his Golden Birthday.
4. He might be irrevocably in love with the half naked, 30-something red-head currently giving him a lap dance in the middle of said strip club.
Welcome to the Stripper/Priest Age-Gap clandestine affair story, with plenty of fluff and vibes, pining while fucking, trauma healing, sex, and romance you all have been waiting for!
As with my other mega-fic, this story will have notes at the beginning of each chapter that will notate any particular warnings and tags that you may need (otherwise I'll run out of room in the actual tags), so please make sure to heed them as we go. I'm aiming for an update every Saturday, but I'll leave warnings if there will be any breaks or weeks skipped needed time/life permitting.
Massive, massive kudos to GOAD and friends who helped me formulate realistic scenes and scenarios for any instances I personally did not have experience with, as they have all helped me shape this story into what it is today! Furthermore, all experiences and events inside the story's strip club and religious communities are inspired by anecdotal stories and accounts compiled by me and used to shape what I (hope) think is a fun experience. Rather than making the strip club scene in the story totally realistic, I've written it as a conglomeration of American and UK style exotic dance clubs, so definitely don't anticipate that this would be a real club you'd walk into today. It's fun taking the rules and breaking them in fic!
Also, also notating that I have some surprise cameos sprinkled throughout the story! I'll say now that there's not really any deeper hidden meaning behind the cameos, the primary and main focus is on Crowley and Aziraphale and the Good Omens cast. I just thought they would be fun to throw in for some variety! Please reward yourself with a cookie every time you stumble across one, and then come holler with me in the comments!
FINAL BIG NOTE: THIS STORY HAS A SOUNDTRACK AND SURPRISE ART! The art you'll have to wait and see once it comes up, but I think you guys are going to like it ;) ALSO, I will be embedding the songs into the story as we go so you guys can listen to it if you choose. Some songs will be fully incorporated into the scene, while others are more of just a vibe for the scene, so it's up to you if you choose to listen to it. At the very end of the story, I will be inputting the full playlist for anyone who wants it, but thought you guys might be interested in the music as well as the story.
Alright so without further ado, please enjoy the journey right alongside me, and see you on the other side of this long, redemptive quest!
(See the end of the work for more notes.)
Eyedea, Venturous, Maria_aziracrow37, Achtungchio, Asmeleth, Duderella, idk_521, LunaBurns, wnuwnu, Infinitewings, tangledtrees4789, Magicisreading, Moroshka_go, Yelb00, Spookysexy83, Claemin, BrightRedSunset88, OmensAUlove, Gygythefrenchy, Batfamily_23, Jenniebean, Heartofawitch, hissingsoundsgood, Ski_ttle, AramintaAsmodeus, doilooklikeirunabookshop, Eelime, Sam_McBrade, AlexValyutin, galegala, ItsYaBoi_Galaxy, herxin, alsonotaswell, Wh1teGh0zt, milquebiscuits, momsmeatysmut, Raven33333333, doc_ste, 4r1a, DreamsOfAlexandria, Temporibus, DangerTurtle4, BerrySaysHi, Cordchan, yellobb, Amethyst_Universe, Smarties88, ajohnston99, PocketGenocide, Azirophile, and 135 more users as well as 66 guests left kudos on this work!