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After the party, Sochi’s parents walked all the boys home. Under the Occupation, minors had to be accompanied by an adult if they were out after First Curfew, which began at sundown.
Ty’s parents, who had gone to the talent show, were in the living room when he came in. His father got up from his worn easy chair.
“You and your friends put on a good show,” he said. His reserved tone seemed an odd match for the words. “I…never realized you were so talented.”
“I, uh, I didn’t either,” Ty replied lamely.
Now his mother stood up, too. “And it’s wonderful, Ty. But…we don’t want you drawing too much attention to yourself.”
“Mom,” Ty said, “it’s just a song.”
“I know what your song was about, sweetie,” she said. “And if I know, then they know. Or they will.”
His father added, “We just don’t like the idea of you being on the Kyune’s radar. You know how we do things in this house: We keep our heads down, and we stay out of their way. That’s how we keep our freedom.”
Ty might have argued that what his father called “freedom” didn’t feel much like it. But they’d had that argument before, and Ty knew it would be pointless to start it again. The man’s attitude about not making waves hadn’t begun with the Occupation, nor had it even begun with him; it extended back to the arrival of Ty’s grandparents in Takena during the Great Migration, when a multi-year drought forced people from every inland part of Chee to leave their farms and move to the coastal towns, where both water and other lines of work were more plentiful.
“Sure, whatever,” Ty replied, and went to his room.
That Monday, when school let out, the boys and Sochi all walked to Billy’s house.
“I can’t believe the crap that passes for ‘civics’ now,” Ty spat. “Telling us how the Kyune’s arrival—can you believe Mrs. Teek calls it that, ‘arrival’?—made life on Chee soooo much better.”
“And it’s pretty rich,” Mano added, “telling a bunch of kids that we should be grateful to have better phones and computers, when the Occupation won’t let anyone under seventeen use them.”
“It’s not Mrs. Teek’s fault,” Billy argued. “They make her say that stuff. Why do you think there’s a camera in every classroom? They’re not scared of what us kids might do; they’re keeping an eye on the teachers.”
“Sweet Raha,” Sochi said. “If I had to say things like that in front of a roomful of kids, I’d probably have to go to the faculty bathroom and puke every day before I went home.”
After a moment of quiet, Wen said, “You know, even though school sucks, it seems kind of crazy that this is our last year.”
“At least we get to finish before they put us in vocational training,” Ty replied. “My brother Rooney’s high school got shut down in the middle of the year, and they just marched everybody off to ‘voke.”
“Same thing happened to Summi,” Sochi added, referring to her older sister. “One day she was taking calculus, and the next she was in a basic accounting class.”
“The Stripes don’t see the point in Cheeans being too educated,” Billy grumped. “They’d rather you just learn to read, write, add, and subtract so you can move right on to building Kyune-size houses.”
“And installing Kyune-size toilets,” Mano added with a snigger.
They arrived at Billy’s house and went around to the back yard to drink summer citrus fizz and talk.
“If you guys are going to be a real band,” Sochi said, popping the cap off a brown glass bottle, “and not just do one act at a talent show, you need to have more than one song.”
“Especially if we’re gonna put on real concerts,” Ty added.
“There’s no reason we can’t do cover songs, too,” Mano replied.
“Yeah,” Billy said, “but this whole thing is about sending a message, right? We can’t really do that with cover songs—at least, not the ones the Stripes haven’t banned.”
“No, we can’t,” Wen replied. “But I’m working on a new song right now. It should be ready by tomorrow.”
“What’s it about?” Sochi asked.
“It’s…kind of a breakup song,” Wen answered. “I mean, it’s not exactly that, but…It’ll make sense when you hear it.”
“So that’ll give us two songs,” Mano said. “We can pick some covers to do as filler until we have more originals.”
“Which reminds me,” Sochi said. “Along with the live performances, we need to shoot music videos to put online.”
“How would we post them?” Billy piped.
“I can do it,” Sochi replied.
“Um, how?” Billy asked. “You’re the same age as us.”
“It’s better if you don’t know.”
“Sounds like somebody’s been sticking it to the man,” Mano said, giving Sochi a friendly elbow-nudge. “But even if the video is doable, we should also do a street performance.”
“Like, where we put a hat on the ground for people to throw money in?” Ty asked.
“The Destiny Stone,” Wen said flatly, “didn’t give us this…talent…so we can make money. This is about saving Chee.”
“I just meant,” Mano replied, “that we should do something out in public, but in a place where we can get away quick if the Greens show up. I was thinking about that little amphitheater-type place on the seawall; it was literally made for street performers.”
The others knew what Mano was talking about: a semicircular set of concrete steps that had been built into Takena’s seawall during its construction decades earlier. This seating area faced a square of pavement that performers could use as a stage.
“I like it,” Ty replied.
“But if things get hairy,” Billy said, “being at the seawall only gives us three directions to run: up the beach, down the beach, and into town. We’ll have to plan our escape route in advance.”
“That’s a good idea,” Wen replied. Then he turned to Billy. “Nice to see you putting your paranoia to good use.”
Billy, not sure how to take this, replied “Thank you” while also flipping Wen the bird. Everyone laughed.
The next evening, the boys gathered at Wen’s house, where Wen played the instrumentals for his new song and showed them the lyrics. The other boys loved the new piece, not least because its tone struck a sharp contrast with “Never Forget You.”
“It’ll be good to show people that we’re not a one-trick pony,” Mano said. “That we’ve got range.”
“And to send them a message that our other song doesn’t,” Wen added.
“I’ve been thinking up some new dance moves for us,” Ty said. “A lot of them would be perfect for this song.”
“How long do you think it would take you to work out the choreography?” Mano asked Ty.
“Dude, it’s my superpower, remember?” Ty replied. “I was already choreographing it in my head when Wen played the music. I’m good to go right now.”
They only needed to rehearse the song a couple of times before they felt comfortable enough with it to add in the dance routine. Ty had come up with some moves that none of the others had seen before, like one where they dropped to the floor and kicked one leg in the air, and one where they hugged their own shoulders and dropped down into a squat before popping back up and whirling around to look back over their shoulder at the audience.
“I know they’re kinda…unusual,” Ty said. “But I feel like these are the right moves for this song.”
“Don’t sweat it, dude, they totally are,” Mano replied.
They decided to hold their street concert that weekend, at midday on Saturday. There would be a lot of Cheeans in the waterfront shopping district then, and the boys would have plenty of time to perform their act and then get home before First Curfew.
Just before sunset that Friday evening, as Ty was coming home from rehearsal at Mano’s house, Ty noticed an unfamiliar van parked just down the street from his house. This was unusual, because the van didn’t look like it belonged to a carpenter, an air-conditioning repair service, or something like that. It was just a plain, tan-colored van with a little porthole-window in its side.
As Ty approached his house, the van’s back doors opened. Ty felt a stab of fear; maybe the Stripes had identified him from the video and come to his house in a nondescript van to arrest him.
But it was four Cheeans who emerged from the van: a boy and girl who hopped down into the street, and a man and woman who climbed down after them. The two kids waved at Ty and briefly flipped their tails from side to side—an expression of excitement. Curious, Ty went over to them.
“Hi!” the girl said, practically leaping in front of the others. “You’re Ty, right? I’m Pippa!”
“And I’m Mikey!” the boy said, rushing up beside his sister.
“Well, hi,” Ty said. “And yeah, I’m Ty.”
“I’m Jana,” the woman said, “and this is my husband, Mac.”
“We’re all excited to meet you,” Mac added. “We’ve been dying to see you and your friends perform since we found a video of your talent show performance online.”
“Thank Raha,” Pippa added, “that I downloaded it before the Kyune wiped it from the web. I heard they even arrested the girl who first posted it.”
Ty felt a pang of guilt. Some girl, who maybe didn’t even know what “Never Forget You” was about, was in jail because he and his friends sang it at a talent show.
Jana must have seen guilt on Ty’s face, because she put a hand on his shoulder and said, “Now, that wasn’t your fault. We can’t blame ourselves for the terrible things the Kyune do.”
“Because when we do that,” Mac added, “we’re just helping them oppress us.”
“Thanks,” Ty said. The words made him feel a little better. “But what did you mean about wanting to see us perform live? We haven’t done any concerts, or even announced any.” Not even the one we’re having tomorrow, he thought.
“We know,” Pippa said. “But we were kinda hoping…”
“Besides,” Mac added, “we didn’t just come here in the hope of seeing you boys perform. We’re also looking for work.”
Ty told them about the planned performance at the seawall. They were all very excited to hear it, even after Ty’s warning about the likelihood of Greens showing up.
“Do you wanna have sex with us?” Mikey blurted.
“Mikey!” her mother said. “I’m sure this young man has a lot of things to do.”
“It’s okay,” Ty said. “I’d really like to.” He looked at Mikey and Pippa and added, “You two are really cute.” Both children beamed.
“Well, in that case…” Mac said.
He opened the back door of the van, and they all piled in. A mattress occupied all the floor space in the back.
“I guess,” Ty said, “this van is, like, your second home?”
“Actually,” Jana said, “this van is our only home.”
“It has been since the Kyune appropriated our house last month,” Mac elaborated.
“Why?” Ty asked. “Our houses are too small for the Kyune. When they come for random inspections, they always have to duck to get through the front door.”
“They didn’t take our house to live in,” Mac explained. “Because it’s close to one of their bases, they’re using it as office space for the Cheeans who do their low-level accounting work.”
The man took a deep breath and let it out, then went on, “But you don’t need to hear about all that. We’re all just very glad to be here, and especially to meet you.”
“Would you mind if we took a few pictures of you with the kids?” Jana asked.
“Um, no, I don’t mind,” Ty replied.
The kids didn’t waste a second, scooting to Ty’s side on their knees. Jana snapped a few pictures of them.
Pippa rose up higher on her knees and kissed Ty eagerly. At the same time, Mikey lay down on his stomach and undid the front of Ty’s trousers to get the older boy’s cock out. Ty was already semi-erect, so Mikey was able to grasp his member by the base and take the head into his mouth. He began sucking it rhythmically.
“Mmmm,” the boy hummed as he sucked.
Pippa broke off the kiss and said, “Mikey loves sucking cock.”
“He’s very popular at school,” Mac added with a chuckle.
Pippa pulled off her T-shirt. Even though her breasts had begun to develop, she wasn’t wearing a bra underneath. It occurred to Ty that if he’d seen Pippa in better light, he surely would have noticed the sexy little mounds under her shirt. Especially if her nipples had been as erect as they were now, because Ty was rather fond of girls’ nipples.
So he leaned forward and kissed one of Pippa’s nipples, then slowly swirled his tongue around it. The girl sighed blissfully and wrapped her arms around Ty’s head.
Thanks to Mikey’s oral attentions and Pippa’s general sexiness, Ty’s cock had gone from semi-hard to rock-hard. This enabled Mikey to move on from merely sucking to bobbing his head on Ty’s cock. It seemed that Mikey’s family hadn’t been kidding about how much the boy liked sucking cock, because he was awfully good at it, especially for a kid who couldn’t have been more than eight.
By the time Ty stopped tonguing Pippa’s nipple and raised his face to hers, he was horny enough that he needed to do more. Maybe Pippa could tell, given what she said then.
“Will you fuck Mikey in the ass? I love watching him get fucked.”
Had he not been so horny, Ty might have laughed. For whatever reason, a lot of girls liked watching boys fuck, especially when the fuck-ee was their little brother. Ty liked watching girls fool around with each other, so he supposed he couldn’t blame them.
Mikey released Ty’s cock from his mouth and popped his head up like an excited prairie dog as he chimed in, “Yeah, wanna fuck me?”
“Sure,” Ty replied. “Better strip down and lube up, Mikey.”
Mikely quickly took off his clothes, his hard little cock springing free of his underwear when he pulled them off. Then the boy reached forward and grabbed a tube of lube from the compartment between the van’s two front seats. He took a fingerful of lube and applied it to his asshole while looking eagerly at Ty’s erect cock, which Pippa was slowly stroking with her soft hand.
Now, Mikey got on all fours in front of Ty, who thought the kid had a really cute ass. Between that and the boy’s cocksucking skills, Ty wouldn’t have been surprised to hear that Mikey got it from both ends on a regular basis.
“Here it comes, kid,” Ty said.
“Yeah! Put it in!” Mikey cheered.
Ty put his lube-slick cockhead against the young boy’s hole and eased in.
“Aaaaahhh…” Mikey sighed. “That’s a nice cock…”
“It sure is,” Pippa said with a breathless grin. Her eyes were locked on the place where Ty’s member was entering her little brother’s asshole.
Ty kept pushing gently until he was all the way in and his balls were touching Mikey’s. Then Ty started pumping the boy slowly. Pippa took her eyes off the action for only as long as it took her to lie back, pull up her skirt, slip her panties off, and then sit up again, at which point she started rubbing her clit as she watched.
“Mmmm, yeah, fuck him,” Pippa breathed.
Both Ty and Mikey repeatedly sighed with pleasure as they fucked. It didn’t take long before Mikey started pushing his cute ass back against Ty’s hips a bit faster.
Ty picked up his pace to match Mikey’s, and the two boys continued to speed up their fucking until they were going at it hard and fast. Pippa rubbed her clit faster, too, while her parents simply watched their son get fucked with smiles on their faces.
“Ty…” Mikey gasped, “I’m gonna…cum…real soon…” This didn’t surprise Ty; a lot of Cheean males, particularly young, excited ones, could reach orgasm through prostate stimulation alone.
Ty fucked the little boy at top speed. Pippa was still watching intently and appeared to be rubbing her clit as fast as her finger could move.
“Oh…fuck…yeah…” Ty grunted, thrusting hard. “Gonna…cum…in…you…”
“Yes! Cum in me!” Mikey cried.
“YeaaaAAAH!” Ty shouted, and when he began shooting hot semen deep into Mikey’s ass, the young boy cried “AAAAAAH!” and his asshole squeezed Ty’s cock tightly as he came, too.
When Ty pulled out, Mikey collapsed onto the floor-mattress. The boy was panting for breath, but he had a dreamy look in his eyes. Ty, too, was panting as he enjoyed the sight of Mikey’s cute little ass with its gaping hole, from which Ty’s cum was leaking.
But Ty’s gaze was torn away from that sight when Pippa abruptly seized his face in both hands and kissed him fiercely. Ty turned on his knees to face her and ran his hands down her young body, discovering by touch alone that the girl had stripped fully nude. Despite having just masturbated herself to orgasm, Pippa was clearly still horny, which didn’t surprise Ty, given how excited she’d been to watch him fuck her brother. But Ty was surprised when Jana, who mostly had been watching quietly with her husband up to now, produced a wet hand towel from somewhere and washed off Ty’s cock while she asked him a question.
“Your family is from the Heartlands, am I right?” she said.
“Um, yeah,” Ty replied. “Like, a couple generations back.”
“But I imagine you’ve heard of the Favor.”
Ty blinked. “You mean, where a girl gives a guy a chance to get her pregnant?”
“That’s right,” Jana said. “A man she deems worthy of that chance.”
“I’m old enough now,” Pippa added, putting a hand on Ty’s shoulder. “Mom and Dad say I can have my first baby if I want to. So I stopped taking my herbs a few days ago.” She inclined her head shyly and went on, “If you want, you could try to get me pregnant.”
Jana added, “We’d be so happy for you to sire our first grandbaby, if fate wills it.”
“No strings attached, of course,” Mac added. “If you plant the seed, we’re happy to do the rest.”
Ty was stunned. He knew that in the Heartlands it had been, if not common, then at least not unheard of for girls to start having babies at a young age and before marriage. And he’d heard of the Favor from his parents. But he’d never imagined that any of that history would come to life for him. It felt like an honor…and it was arousing as anything.
“Um, yeah, okay, I’ll do it,” Ty replied.
“Awesome,” Pippa said.
She embraced Ty and kissed him passionately as she pulled him down on top of her. Her pussy was hot and wet, and it seemed to embrace the length of Ty’s cock between its folds, making every movement of Pippa’s body send pleasurable sensations through Ty’s member.
Ty kissed her deeply, probing her mouth with his tongue. Pippa closed her lips and sucked his tongue as though it were a cock. Then she released his tongue and put her cheek against his.
“Please, Ty, fuck me,” she gasped. “I can’t wait anymore.”
Ty didn’t much want to wait, either. He reached down, nestled the head of his hard cock between the lips of her hot, wet pussy, and pushed in.
“Aaaaaahhhhh…” the girl sighed.
As they moved slowly together, Ty heard Jana say to her husband, “Oh, sweetheart, I can’t just sit here and watch anymore. Will you fuck me from behind?”
“That’s a fine idea,” Mac replied lustily.
Jana was wearing only a sundress and panties, so it took her mere seconds to strip naked. Even though Ty was pretty focused on slow-fucking Pippa, he still took a moment to admire her mother’s curved waist and not-inconsiderable tits. And especially the way those tits hung down when she got on all fours in front of her husband. Jana caught Ty looking and smiled at him.
Ty smiled back at Jana, then returned his gaze to Pippa, whose eyes were closed and lips were parted as he pumped her. Her mother’s naked form was hot, but it also gave Ty a greater appreciation for Pippa’s youthful body— particularly her small, perky breasts, to which he now moved his hands to squeeze and fondle them as he fucked the girl. Pippa opened her eyes and looked at him.
“Oooh, yes, Ty…feel me up…while you fuck me…”
They gradually increased their pace, until Ty had to let go of Pippa’s sweet little breasts and put his hands and arms on the floor so that he could devote all of his physical and mental energy to fucking the girl. Pippa moaned and panted in Ty’s ear, then took firm hold of his ass to help him push his cock into her harder and faster. Their pace accelerated until they were going at it as fast as their young bodies could manage. Jana and Mac kept pace with them, both of them watching Ty and Pippa avidly until they were so overcome with pleasure that they had to close their eyes.
“Ah! Ah! Ah!” Ty cried, thrusting hard into Pippa’s furnace-hot pussy. Then his pleasure surged to the breaking point and he cried “AAAAAH!” as he shot his load deep inside the girl.
“AyyyYYYYYYYYYY!” Pippa screamed, seizing Ty with her arms and legs and cumming like mad. Jana and Mac loosed shouts of pleasure as they, too, reached a powerful climax.
Ty rolled off Pippa and lay next to her, both of them breathing hard.
“That was amazing,” Pippa said.
“Uh-huh,” Mikey said. He was still lying to one side of the van and grinning dopily.
“Now,” Jana panted, looking at Ty, “we’d better… get you cleaned up…and home…You’ve got…a big day…tomorrow…”
At about 11:30 the next morning, the boys crossed the bridge into Takena and made their way toward the seawall. All were wearing blue jeans and white tank tops, while Billy carried the rest of their costume pieces in a bag. Mano had brought his boombox with recordings of all Wen’s instrumentals on it, as well as a speaker and four sets of headset mics, which Ty and Wen carried.
They were approaching the little amphitheater in the seawall when they saw a familiar girl standing at the back of the concrete “stage.”
“Sochi?” Wen said as the boys walked up to her. “What are you doing here?”
“Duh,” she replied, “somebody’s got to work the boombox while you guys perform.”
“But this could be dangerous,” Wen replied. “We might have to make a run for it any moment.”
“Pffft,” Sochi scoffed. “I’ve outrun more Greens than any of you. Just suit up and let’s do this.”
Mano handed Sochi the boombox as Billy passed out their colored headbands, as well as four brown bandanas.
“Why brown?” Ty asked.
“It’s what you get when you combine all our colors together,” Billy replied. “Plus, it’s the color of earth, so it’s kind of a subtle nod to Chee.”
“I like it,” Wen said, tying a bandana around his neck so that a triangle of brown fabric hung down between his shoulder blades. The other boys did the same.
Even as they made these minor preparations, Ty noticed that people were starting to wander toward the amphitheater.
They probably just see that there’s going to be some kind of performance, and they’re curious, he thought.
But it quickly became clear that the growing group of Cheeans gathering at the amphitheater hadn’t come out of mere curiosity. More than once, from the hubbub of speech among the group, Ty heard the words “Band Together.”
“Guys,” Ty said, “I think it’s time to do this. Everybody remember their moves?”
“Oh yeah,” Mano replied, and Wen and Billy nodded.
The boys lined up on the low concrete stage, and Sochi hit the Play button on the boombox, which started playing the instrumental portion of “Never Forget You.” Then the boys sang and danced.
Ty thought it was even better than their first performance, although he was a little thrown off when he heard Sochi shout “Hey!” Ty looked back and saw that someone in the growing group of onlookers had snatched Billy’s bag from where it had sat near Sochi’s feet. Sochi grabbed for the bag but stopped in mid-reach when she saw the Cheean who had taken it throw a couple of coins in and then hand the bag to a woman next to him, who in turn put a little money in before passing the bag on.
So Ty turned his attention back to the performance and the audience. Even though the boys had done absolutely nothing to promote or even announce their impromptu concert, the crowd seemed to be growing larger by the second.
When they finished their song and the crowd was cheering, Ty huddled with the others and said, “It’s like we’ve started some kind of chain reaction.”
It was true. Not only were the concrete bleachers seats now packed, with people sitting shoulder to shoulder—Ty spotted Jana, Mac, Pippa, and Mikey among them and waved—but the crowd standing around the stage area was four or five deep in every direction and getting deeper.
“Guys,” Mano said with a grin, “I think we’re at maximum capacity, here.”
“Oh yeah we are,” Wen agreed. “Time to break out our new song.”
“And our new moves,” Ty added.
“Thanks for coming, everybody!” Wen shouted to the crowd. “Here’s a song we call…’Day One’!”
The crowd screamed and cheered. Then the boombox played the intro to the song, and the cheering grew louder.
They recognize the intro, Ty thought. Our video must have really gotten around, even though the Stripes took it down fast.
The boys took turns singing solo, with Billy taking the first two lines and Wen, Mano, and Ty taking each succeeding pair while the other three boys danced.
When you came into my life,
you promised it would be fun
You said you were bringing light,
Instead you blocked out the Sun
It’s like nothing’s going right
And now I want to be done
‘Cause the leash is getting tight
I wanna take off and run
The boys all sang the chorus together as they danced, crossing their arms on their chests and dropping down into a squat before popping back up.
Now it’s all gone bad
And I just want out
You’ve been crushing my heart
So I’ve gotta shout
That the day’s gonna come
when you regret what you’ve done
‘Cause this was a bad idea
From day one
On the last line, the boys made two rapid punching motions straight ahead, then thrust one palm into the air. The crowd cheered, and many did the same move along with the boys. Then the four boys started on the next verse.
What started out okay
Has taken a scary turn
No matter what you say
It feels like your words burn
Let’s not do this anymore
My heart has got to be free
You don’t want to go to war
So you should just let me be
The crowd was going nuts, cheering, hollering, and singing along as the boys sang the second chorus.
Now it’s all gone bad
And I just want out
You’ve been crushing my heart
So I’ve gotta shout
That the day’s gonna come
when you regret what you’ve done
‘Cause this was a bad idea
From day one
Again, each of the boys sang lines in turn: Wen, then Billy, then Ty, then Mano, and then all of them.
It’s clear you don’t even know
How much you’ve darkened my glow
My spirit’s sunken so low
It’s time you just
Let! Me! Go!
As the crowd cheered, Ty noticed a squad of Greens coming down the street. But there was no way he wanted to cut and run before their song was over, so he launched into the chorus with the others.
‘Cause it’s all gone bad
And I just want out
You’ve been crushing my heart
Now I’ve gotta shout
That the day’s gonna come
When you’ll regret what you’ve done
‘Cause this was a bad idea
From day one
Yeah it’s all gone bad
And I just want out
You’re suffocating my soul
So I’ve gotta shout
That the day’s gonna come
When you regret what you’ve done
‘Cause this was a bad idea
From day one
They ended the song in various dramatic crouching poses, and the crowd went nuts. But Ty noticed something besides their enthusiasm: a group of uniformed Kyune moving up in a line behind the crowd. Most people were so caught up in watching the band that they didn’t see the soldiers approach.
“Oh, shit,” Ty said, “the Greens are here.”
“What the hell do we do?” Billy breathed.
“We keep going with our set,” Wen replied. “We didn’t invite this crowd of people; we just started singing, and they showed up. Technically, we’re not breaking the law.”
Eying the Kyune troopers, Mano said, “I’m not sure that’s going to stop those Greens from technically bashing in some Cheean faces.”
“If it gets violent,” Wen said, “we’ll run for it. With any luck, the Greens will come after us instead of attacking the crowd.”
“‘With any luck’?” Billy exclaimed. Then he looked out at the crowd of people— which included a substantial portion of young kids, old people, and moms and dads who had been on their way home from work—and said, “Okay, let’s keep it going.”
Wen gave Sochi the signal to hit Play, and the boys started singing a cover song—an innocuous love song by Srinina that Wen had adapted for four-part harmony.
Ironically, it was during the first few lines of this song when one of the Greens at the back of the crowd decided to grab one of the Cheean onlookers and throw him to the ground. Ty watched in horror as another, burly Kyune trooper pushed the teenage girl in front of him to the pavement, then pulled out his nightstick. Ty knew he could never get through the crowd in time to help the girl.
But just as the trooper stepped within stick-range of the teenager, she turned over on her side and kicked one leg up at an angle. Her foot caught the Green behind the knee, making him buckle and fall, landing painfully on his other knee on the pavement. The girl leaped to her feet and ran, ducking past the other troopers.
“What the…?” Ty murmured.
Another trooper seized a Cheean boy around the neck from behind. The boy pulled his own arms to his shoulders, seized the trooper’s forearm with both hands, then dropped to the pavement. The trooper shouted in surprise as he was thrown head-first over the boy and crashed to the ground.
A third Green reached for his nightstick as he came at another Cheean boy. The boy threw two rapid punches at the Green’s body, and the Green pulled his arms to his torso to protect himself—leaving himself open to the Cheean’s palm strike to the chin. The Green’s helmeted head snapped back, and the man stumbled backward.
“I don’t believe it,” Ty gasped. “The crowd is fighting back with our dance moves?”
“Which is cool and everything,” Billy replied quickly, “but those Greens are still gonna beat the shit out of everybody if we don’t do something.”
Wen flipped his mic back on and called, “Show’s over, everyone! Please hurry home! Thank you and good night!”
The crowd tried to disperse, but there were too many people there for the ones closest to the stage or on the concrete benches to get away quickly, so they jostled against one another, trying to make their way out of the crowd. The Greens were spread out among the roiling mass of Cheeans and were trying to regroup. But now, some of them turned their heads to look at the four boys where they still stood on the stage, Sochi right behind them.
“Time to go!” Billy shouted.
He snatched up his bag, which had been returned to the stage. Then Ty grabbed the speaker, Sochi grabbed the boombox, and they all took off running down the street along the seawall. Several of the Greens tried to give chase, but they were mired in the chaotic crush of Cheean fans; by the time the Greens had bulled their way through the crowd, the four boys and Sochi had a big head start. Following Billy’s pre-planned route, the boys abruptly turned left off the seawall road and ran a couple of blocks into town before turning right again and weaving through a series of alleyways.
Thus, by the time the boys crossed the bridge at the edge of town, there was no one behind them. Nonetheless, Billy insisted that they stick to his escape plan, so they ducked into the woods before slowing to a walk.
“Well,” Wen said, “as first concerts go, I think that went pretty well.”
“Apart from the riot…and running for our lives…” Billy panted. But the others could tell from the fractional smile on Billy’s face that he only half meant it.
“That was awesome!” Mano shouted. “We’ve gotta do another one!”
“Totally,” Sochi agreed.
“A bunch of other ones,” Ty said. “Did you see the looks on everyone’s faces? I don’t even remember the last time I saw so many Cheeans get that excited about anything.”
“Not just excited,” Wen said. “Hopeful. Like they’d remembered that life can be better than this.”
Ty nodded. His life was better already.
General Raega, a Kyune man whose black stripes were going gray at his temples, was reading at his metal desk when Kuma was let into his office. She wore a green uniform like his, with one less shiny gold bar on the collar.
“General,” the woman said, “I wanted to make sure you were informed about the incident in town today.”
The general did not look up as he replied, “Thank you, Commandant, I am reading the report right now. Do you have a suggestion as to what action we should take?”
Kuma frowned. “The riot appears to have been started by a handful of boys. They have not yet been identified.”
Now, the general removed his gold-rimmed reading glasses and put them down on the desk as he looked up at her. His face, as usual, was like stone.
“That,” he said, “as you well know, does not preclude our taking action.”
Kuma nodded thoughtfully, then said, “What do you have in mind?”