Chapter Text
Disclaimer: I own nothing except my OC Magnolia and any alterations to the original storyline plot her presence creates to various readers amusement everywhere across the globe.
Magnolia Dolittle Chapter 4
Given that her father doesn't wish to bother himself with this untimely intrusion Magnolia finds it as her task to greet their visitor outside at the door. Chee-Chee and Wolfie choose to accompany her. Chee-Chee would rather not be face to face with them so he waits at the front gates to let them back in should the doors accidentally lock on them.
Wolfie follows his mistress outside.
Just as Poly reported there is a boy caught in one of the numerous traps her father has spread around the property. But he is not alone. Between Poly coming to them and now a young lady has shown up.
It's quite obvious the two had been busy conversing in somewhat of an awkward conversation before she showed up and Magnolia is only just catching the end of it.
"I've come from Buckingham Palace on urgent business. Can you tell me if this is the home of John Dolittle?"
Stepping out from behind a tree and into the open, Magnolia said "I can tell you that."
Both heads turn, redirecting toward her.
"Who are you," asked the young lady, raising a quizzical brow.
"I am Magnolia Dolittle, daughter of John Dolittle," said Magnolia, arms crossed. "What are your names?"
Making a polite curtsey as she introduced herself, she said "Lady Rose."
Glancing at the young man in the hanging net, Magnolia said "And you, boy?"
"Stubbins," said the boy, cheerfully, waving a hand in greeting.
"And why are you here," inquired Magnolia.
"I have an injured squirrel. I was told Dr. Dolittle could do something to help," said Stubbins, helpfully.
"My father certainly can. It's a Pleasure," said Magnolia, gesturing at her cat. "This is Wolfie."
"Hello," said Wolfie, although it sounded much like bark to them.
"Did your cat just bark," asked Lady Rose in bafflement.
"Of course," said Magnolia, smiling. "Now I believe you mentioned having business with my father."
"Yes, the Queen is ill and has summoned him to Buckingham Palace," informed Lady Rose.
"Oh my, that does sound serious," said Magnolia, worriedly. "I'll take you to him, but I feel obliged to warn you that he's not exactly up to visitors. He hasn't really tolerated any for quite some time."
"I'll bear that in mind," said Lady Rose.
"I don't mean to be rude, but can someone please help me down," asked Stubbins.
Magnolia unties the rope connected to the net and the entire thing plummets to the ground unceremoniously.
"Ow," he groaned, temporarily stunned.
Lady Rose conceals a small smile behind her gloved hand.
Chuckling, Magnolia said "Come on. Best to get this over with now."
The two trail after Magnolia to the front gates with Wolfie walking around their legs, staring at them.
Knocking on the gates, Magnolia called "Chee-Chee, I'm back. I need you to open the doors."
"Chee-Chee," said Lady Rose, brow furrowed.
"A family friend," answered Magnolia, keeping Chee-Chee's identity a secret for the fun of it.
Speaking to Stubbins now, Lady Rose said "Have you been here before?"
Shaking his head, Stubbins said "No."
"The Queens told me all about it. It's a most unusual place," said Lady Rose, speculatively.
"It may be to some, but I've lived here my entire life. To me, it is completely normal," said Magnolia.
Straightening his posture confidently, Stubbins said "I'm prepared for anything."
Magnolia rolls her eyes.
Yeah right.
Smirking, Wolfie whispered, "This is going to be good."
Lady Rose has an answer to Chee-Chee's identity.
Chee-Chee opens the gates and is met face-to-face with his worst nightmare. Seeing the extra humans Chee-Chees nerves get the better of him. He roars out in terror.
As a result, Stubbins releases a high-pitched scream that poor Chee-Chee replicates before falling backward in a dead faint.
Wolfie places a paw over his mouth to muffle his amused snicker.
Exasperatedly, covering her alarm well, Lady Rose said "Wonderful. A gorilla answering the door. Just as the Queen said."
"Of course, he'd answer the door. He's the only one other than my father and I capable of doing so," said Magnolia, speaking as if that's the most obvious solution. "Come on, Chee-Chee. Get up. You're not hurt."
"I'm okay," gasped Chee-Chee, a hand to his heart.
Getting over his startlement quickly, Stubbins said "I already love this place."
Authors Note:
I hope you all like this one! I certainly did while writing it for your vast enjoyment! ;D
For those of you just starting out with my stuff there are other works on my profile that may catch your interest. I highly recommend you take a look as soon as the opportunity presents itself to you. Who knows, you may be pleasantly surprised by what you discover.
Stay safe everyone. Especially with all of these crazy natural disasters occurring a lot lately due to global warming and climate change everywhere for sure. I swear it's like they're getting worse and worse all the time and it's like officials are simply just ignoring it or pretending it doesn't exist entirely just to go on with their daily lives. Especially those in multi-million dollar companies that rely on certain elements of our planet that we rely on to naturally keep us safe instead of adapting and finding new safer ways to keep in business. There are so many options out there where they can adapt, but they just refuse to see it because all they care about is money. Climate change is altering so much faster than anyone can really keep track of.
So, in light of all this, it is important to live life to the fullest as much as anyone can.
I know I am. ;) See you guys next time.