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Golden Dragon

Chapter 25


(See the end of the chapter for notes.)

Chapter Text

Andromeda Targaryen
Skies above Riverrun: 302 AC

Andromeda gripped Maekion's spine tightly as the dragon flew above the clouds. Dive. she encouraged down her bond with Maekion, with all of her dragons.

Maekion did so and dove down, slicing through the thick clouds to see Riverrun and the fierce battle below. Even from a distance, she could see the Lannister army stop to see the dragons rapidly approaching the battle. The Northern soldiers, on the other hand, she could pick out because they began to retreat.

Every soldier in her husband's army knew that when she and her dragons appeared, was the signal to fall back.

When they got close she uttered her command. "Dracarys!"

She had taught her four dragons the command to teach them how to breath fire, mainly used on cooking their food when they were still small enough to fit into her hands. Now, their dragon fire on the Lannister army.

Maekion roared and from his maw a torrent of white flames, streaked with red and black, appeared. The dragon fire killed hundreds of soldiers in the blink of an eye. The Targaryen Queen urged him to fly up and he did, twisting mid air to get a view of the battle.

She glanced around, seeing her three girls, and saw the destruction the three had unleashed.

Solia's golden flames burned up soldiers to the left, while Rhaellion's flames, purple with bronze swirls, destroyed the trebuchets. Visenara's sapphire flames, whorled with silver, demolished the soldiers to the right.

Stop. Andromeda willed down her bonds and the four did. Maekion landed and roared at the surviving Lannister soldiers.

Instantaneously, the surviving soldiers surrendered.


*Andromeda leads her dragons into battle.

*This lets her single handedly end the battle and get the surviving soldiers to surrender.