Work Text:
Yes you can hold on longer. I soothingly repeat the lie: “They’re leaving”.
Melshi knows it’s untrue. “Stop saying that.”
But his faith in me is giving him faith in himself.
All we need to do is survive. Hold on until the next minute. Then the next.
And he needs the lie. Asks for it. “Tell me they’re leaving”.
This time, when I say it, it’s true at last.
I’ve often lied for myself. Now I can lie for others. And find the truth also, within - the belief that can enable us to climb back up.
Let’s call it hope.
Poor Bee, struggling to understand. Looks like I overestimated him a bit, asking if he wanted to be alone with her for a while.
He doesn’t want to be alone. He just wants Maarva.
His loneliness and denial: grief at its simplest. He wants what he can’t have. Waits, to make sure. Sits by her empty chair. Charges all day.
People say droids’ feelings are ‘simple’ as if that makes them less worthy of compassion somehow.
Surely it’s the oppostite.
The simplest love feels the purest grief.
Words don’t work. I agree to stay.
It’s the least I can do.
Dewi (Narkina fisherman alien)
Aysie aye, I was scobbin’ with them. Only thing we’d caught all morning! Prisoners. Big squigglies. So terrified too, in the net! Enjoyed myself, scarin ‘em.
Scob the Empire. Too much killing - all the poison they be spreading. Kills the waters, kills the squigglies, starves us all! No biggie dinner with those scobs in charge. Poisoning waters and poisoning minds too.
So enemies of the Empire are pals of ours. Freedi leers when they ask for Niamos. Ooh, aye, fresh out of prison I’d be going there too, yeeeahh!
Scob the reward. Letting these squigglies swim free is reward enough!
Kleya (to Vel, at Luthen's shop)
This is dangerous.
How dare you come here and tacitly accuse me of cowardice, or inadequecy, or whatever you think it is.
Do you think he’ll be more impressed with you if you denigrate me?
Perhaps it’s more to do with feeling better about yourself. I’m mollified, a little, when you finally reveal some useful information. But don’t play with me. I’ll always win.
You have no idea of what the fight really means. The sacrifice. Constant. Don’t wave your love of Cinta in my face either. It’s an luxury - love, of that kind.
Don’t let it cloud your judgement.
I’ve never seen Mon so sad. So tired. Red eyes, a little more wine than usual. She’s had a sleepless night, a busy day at the Senate talking uselessly into the emptiness - and now this.
I’m horrified and wonder what I would do.
Of course it hurt, seeing Leida’s cold look for her mother. Kleya reminded me of that particular feeling. Cinta, sometimes, too. But this is different.
It’s a particular kind of pain.
A terrible choice. A sacrifice. Leida’s a child and wants this for the wrong reasons. Mon knows that but will go ahead anyway.
What a bitter solution.
Lieutenant Keysax
“Care to accompany me, Bix?”
I like to be polite, if I can. No need for shouting, though I can do that well too.
She can walk if I support her a little and, leaning, she clings to my arm. I can almost imagine we’re going out to dinner or something, or to a dance, were it not for how she’s deteriorated. Stinking of sweat, shit and vomit.
Unfortunately, it seems we might have taken her too far. She doesn’t answer. I think she can’t. Either that, or she’s holding out, at last, through some inner strength.
A foolish choice.
No, I’m not going to blame the Deputy Inspector for what happened. Those rebels had been plotting and it’s clear that Andor and his confederates have something big underway so quite honestly, we could have sent in a hundred men and had the same result. We were likely doomed from the start.
Still, got to keep marching onwards! If Karn gets the break he needs this time perhaps we’ll all get our jobs back. The Empire might see how much we can offer to the cause.
His mum seems like a nice lady. Once she knew who I was, anyway.
He has people everywhere.
He’s a mastermind, a master-player. I know he’s behind Aldhani, despite his denials. And it was a masterpiece.
But I will not be a piece on his board, to move and sacrifice at will. I will fight only on my own terms.
He saved me, this time. But for how long?
I feel real pity for the Separatist, Kreegyr. And his men, whatever the true number. But no, I won’t warn him.
And I won’t risk my men either. My brothers, and my sisters. My children. I do care about them.
For the greater good.
I don’t want to lose Saw. Not now, anyway. Not yet.
If only he could see the bigger picture. Unfortunately, I think this encounter may have made things worse. Trying to highlight his paranoia … it might work on most, but Saw’s already so suspicious.
He was ready to work with a former enemy at last. That might not happen again.
At least we’re united over one thing: this is war. No going back for us now, whatever path he takes.
It’s a risk I had to take. I didn’t want to lose him. Or his men.
Not now. Not yet.
Arrestor Cruiser Captain Elk
Some pirate haulcraft bested me.
We had him trapped. Suspected he was up to something but were confident he couldn’t escape. As was indeed the case. But of course I realise now what he was up too. Tricking us into turning up the tractor force so that when he launched all those tiny bits of chaff we effectively shot our own disc to pieces.
He flew close to us, just before destroying the airwing. A sense of sneering defiance. At least, I felt it as that. Projecting my own shock, perhaps.
Using our weapons against us.
He’ll pay for this.
People have to know about this.
But Keef seems distracted. “You got through? Everything OK?”
I think there’s a catch in his voice and he looks away as he repeats “Everything OK”.
So I don’t think it is.
We have to find listeners. We have to shout, spread the news, bring down the lie.
It’s a strange blaster that he gives me. With a “Pre-Mor” logo.
It’s a strange goodbye too, here in the fresh air and sunrise.
New beginning, and all that.
It makes me feel ready.
We have to fight. We have to be heard. Find listeners.
Just tourists - the human lady friend of the ‘anteater’ alien on Niamos
“Ayup, Rej. That lad’s been standing by the shelter for ages. Should I check he’s allright?”
Rej, snout in his breakfast: “Probably waiting for them Twi’lek girls.” Does one of his naughty laughs. “Come and have your caf.”
“No, he was with a human chap earlier. Said goodbye. Had a kind of awkward hug.”
“Oh, end of holiday romance then.” Rej laughs again.
“No, he was on the phone - I think he got bad news. Looked really small suddenly. Hunched. I think he needs a proper hug.”
“You soppy lass. Sit and eat!”
He’s right. Best to not get involved!