Chapter Text
“What’s this?” he wonders, looking up from the pocket-sized notebook he was just handed.
“Look – normally I just do what everyone else does. Let time be its own thing and not-so-secretly revel in the fact I seem to have aged about two years for every decade that passed me by in Alioth-land. But. I have been keeping track of time lately. For... reasons...”
Reasons that become obvious as soon as he opens the small – and extremely pink – notebook. What with the only words on page one being Days since last mutant psycho related accident...
“Oh,” Pyro says only, getting the idea.
There rest is pretty self-explanatory. Vertical lines for a page and another and another. And there’s an inescapable conclusion to what he’s seeing in the pastel-pink pages. “Has it really been a year already?”
“Three hundred and sixty-five days,” Gwen confirms. “As of today.”
“Wouldn’t have guessed,” he admits.
“I know,” nods the other variant, studying his expression with more than her usual intensity. “Thought I’d mention it, that’s all. We can go back to pretending it’s just a normal day if you want to. Or we can...”
“Yes?” Pyro replies, actually catching himself hoping to hear some absolutely crazy pitch for what they might do to commemorate the day a year ago when Cassandra Nova made the mistake of messing with the wrong Deadpool...
“Take a trip to Casa Antman? Set the place on fire?” Gwen suggests. “Visit Paradox in TVA lockup just to rub it in? Whatever you feel like, I’m in. Cleared my whole day so I can be there for you. And believe me when I say, I make one hell of an accomplice...”
“Of course you do,” he laughs.
“So? What’s the plan?”
“How about all of the above? And anything else we can think of.”
“The things I can think of might require you to get naked,” Gwen points out.
“Works for me,” Pyro replies, handing over the bright pink notebook in which she was keeping note of every day since the fall of Cassandra’s wasteland empire.
There’s some reply the other variant just stops short of saying. Settling instead for grabbing a handful of his shirt to pull him in for a kiss.
“Arson first, though, right?” she asks eventually. “Then the fun stuff.”
“Arson is fun and you know it,” Pyro can’t keep from saying.
“God, you’re a weirdo,” Gwen laughs, burying her face in his shoulder. “Let’s go before I remember how easy it is to get out of my new and improved Pink Power Ranger suit...”