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In a small town high school, an intricate love triangle unfolds as Keith, a reserved and introspective student, becomes entangled with James, a charismatic jock with a hidden agenda, and Lance, an outgoing and somewhat enigmatic classmate. Keith's quiet life is disrupted when he finds himself caught between James's unexpected advances and Lance's complex feelings, all while navigating the social dynamics of high school. As Keith struggles with his own emotions and perceptions, Lance's attempt to make sense of his own desires and James's manipulative charm create a web of tension and intrigue, challenging their friendships and forcing them to confront their true feelings.
A/N: No, there is no smut anywhere in this story, and there isn't ever going to be. They're minors, so that just feels weird. Sorry if that's your thing and you were expecting to read that. There are implications of sex, as well as many other topics that may be unsuitable or triggering to some people. Proceed with your own caution <33
Bookmark Notes:
chapter 3