Chapter Text
The soft click of a shudder resounds in Taehyung’s ears, but instead of flashing lights and screaming girls like he’s used to, he’s instead faced with the swaying of trees, rolling hills of golden grass shimmering before his eyes, finger slipping over the shudder.
The smell of honeyed flowers and fresh air fill his senses, clean laundry hanging behind him to dry, the gentle swaying relaxing and tranquil. He lets his eyes wander for a moment before his ears pick up on the soft crunching of grass beneath feet, a warm presence beside him.
A hand curls over his shoulder, “How’re you feeling?”
“Good,” He mumbles, leaning into the touch, his mother coming around to sit next to him, silent for a moment.
The breeze ruffles their clothes, their hair, curling around Taehyung’s hands and pulling them up to snap another picture, but this time, it’s of his mother’s profile, her face soft and aged, but happy, at peace.
“You're taking pictures again, huh?” She asks, a small smile pulling at her lips, and he nods, eyes crinkling.
“Yeah. I’ve got a lot of inspiration, now that classes are out,” He says, toying with the lens of his camera, and she hums.
“Has that boy talked to you?” She asks, no sharpness in her tone, and he nods.
“We’ve been talking every day,” Taehyung murmurs, slipping off his sandals to feel the soft grass between his toes, “I know it’s been tiring for him, though.”
“Well, it’s been tiring for you too, hasn’t it?” She asks, and he shrugs, rubbing at his eye, avoiding her gaze when she sees the bruises beneath his eyes.
“Time zones aren’t a big deal if I can talk to him,” Taehyung mumbles, staring down at his feet, and she sighs. “If I can just hear his voice, I’m okay.”
“And your showcase?” She asks, an eyebrow raised, a gray lock of hair flowing with the wind before she tucks it back behind her ear.
Taehyung’s brows furrow, placing his camera on the picnic table behind him, fiddling with the bracelet around his wrist, the one Jeongguk gave him just before he left, kissing his thin wrist.
“My showcase is fine. I didn’t change what was in it, if that’s what you’re asking,” He gives a small shrug, “It’s what I want to display. It doesn’t matter if he’s there or not to see it.”
She smiles in approval, rubbing his back with a warm hand, “You’ve gotten better since the last time I saw you, you know. You look tired, but you don’t look dead.”
“I definitely feel better,” He says, a small smile tugging at his lips, “It’s hard to think it’s been almost a year that all of this has happened. I feel like a completely different person.”
His mother nods, almost proud, “You’ve changed quite a bit. You’re more independent now, surer of yourself. More like me,” She grins, the signature smile that they share warming him, and he laughs, shaking his head.
“You’ll get to meet him soon,” Taehyung murmurs, sensing the comment she wanted to say but didn’t, “And don’t treat him bad, okay? He did what he had to do at the time, and in the end, it really helped.”
She sighs, “Until I meet that boy, I’m going to always want to kick his ass. When you bring him here, he better worship the ground you walk.”
Taehyung barks out a laugh, “Sure, mom. Whatever you say.”
The methodic task of washing dishes lulls him, thoughts running wild. Class has ended a few days ago, the first couple of weeks without Jeongguk again proving to be hard. It was more difficult than he expected to try and keep up with Jeongguk and the different time zones while preparing for finals and last minute projects.
But hearing Jeongguk’s voice when he thinks the stress may peak when everything might be too much is the best thing in the world, his voice soothing and calm, comforting. On the rare occasions that Taehyung is able to see his face, it’s through a gritty connection, but nothing can compare to the warm flutter of his heart when he sees Jeongguk smile like that.
Jeongguk practically glows with the energy of his concerts, and Taehyung can maybe get a couple minutes of Jeongguk to himself before he passes out, snoring softly through their connection. Sometimes he’ll leave the call on, listening to Jeongguk sleep as he studies, feeling more calm and tranquil than he has in a long time.
But it’s over, for now, another year of college tugging at the back of his mind, his last year coming up, but for now, it’s summer, which means freedom. He’s free to do what he wants with his time, but it makes him sad knowing that Jeongguk will be gone during this period of freedom.
His mother said it was like a blessing, more time for him to discover himself and grow into who he really is without anything holding him down, but Taehyung disagrees. Jeongguk in himself is like a beacon, a light that Taehyung will always be drawn to, no matter how independent he thinks he is, thinks he can be—a light that will always be the best thing in his life.
“Turn it up, mom,” Taehyung calls, hands buried in suds in the small kitchen of his mother’s home, the sun shining through the open windows, lighting the space where he stands, hair a golden blonde shade instead of a dark brown.
Yoongi had pestered him, tugging at the strands of his chocolate brown hair, claiming it to be too boring. Jeongguk had made an offended noise when he brought it up, eyes wide like he couldn’t believe someone thought Taehyung’s hair was boring.
Jeongguk had loved the blonde shade, though, complaining about how much he wanted to run his fingers through the golden strands. It’s almost like a reflection of his transformation, the lighter color a mirror of how he moved into a happier, lighter space in his life. He knows Jeongguk appreciates the meaning.
“Loud enough?” She calls back, and he hums.
He tunes in briefly to the chattering on the television, a voice cutting through the thoughts in his head.
“Yeah. Right, so I guess I just wanted to say… I’m bisexual,” A pretty voice murmurs, and he jolts, swiveling around to face the television in surprise. It’s Hyojin—he knows because Jeongguk told him about her, about how she thanked Jeongguk backstage during a performance for being so brave.
The shocked chattering has something pulling deep in Taehyung’s chest, a need to protect any idol who decides to come out, but her eyes are warm, happy, and he knows that in the end, things will be okay.
This isn’t the first idol to come out over the time that Jeongguk and him have been apart—there have been a lot of idols—Ken as pansexual, Hwasa as gay, Leo as asexual, and now, Hyojin as bisexual. He has confidence that there’ll be many more idols in the future to hopefully come out and help bring more knowledge to different sexualities, as Jeongguk is paving the way for a more understanding, safe place for any idol in need of it.
And not only idols, he knows. From what he’s heard and seen, it’s becoming more common to see same-sex relationships, and Taehyung’s heart swells knowing that he’s a part of a new wave of understanding and acceptance for people like him.
“I just wanted to give my condolences to Jeon Jeongguk, I guess. Without him, I wouldn’t be standing here, showing my fans and anyone watching who I really am,” She smiles, breathing a sigh of relief, the invisible weight of carrying a fake identity disappearing from her shoulders, and Taehyung smiles along with her, eyes misting over at the emotion flashing across her face.
He feels proud to even know Jeongguk, much less be someone who can stand by him and support him through anything, knowing that he’s already affected so many people. He feels so lucky to have someone so amazing in his life, but this time, he doesn’t feel guilt. This time, he’ll hold onto Jeongguk in a healthy way, because he loves him with everything he has.
“Did you see Hyojin?” Jeongguk asks, later into the night when his mother has gone to bed and he left to go to his own room, the familiar paintings he did as a child plastered over the walls, the pale blue color bringing on waves of nostalgia, of happy memories of him as a child.
Jeongguk’s hair is soft, hanging in his tired eyes, but he looks happy, warm, smiling at Taehyung with pure elation through their Skype call, glowing in the faint lighting of his hotel room, and Taehyung nods, throat tightening.
“I did. That was amazing, wasn’t it?” He smiles, a watery one, and Jeongguk lets out a small chuckle, nose crinkling.
“It was. I’m really proud of her. I’m proud of everyone, Taehyung, I’m just really, really happy.” Jeongguk smiles, so bright and happy, and Taehyung lets out a little choked up laugh, the glittering of Jeongguk’s eyes filling his own with moisture.
It’s not a surprise how affected both of them are. They’re still struggling with the burden of being different, of loving someone who has always been taught that is completely wrong, but knowing that they can make even a small difference, just enough to help a few people is enough for them.
“I am too,” Taehyung wipes at his eyes, trying to scrub away the wetness, “I’m really happy that we could inspire people like that. That you could inspire people like that, Jeongguk. You make me so proud, you know?”
Jeongguk grins, so so wide and so completely captivating “Really?” He asks, a tinge of hope in his voice, and Taehyung nods quickly, eyes wide and earnest. “You know, when I started this whole thing, I just wanted to be the best I could ever be and step on top of everyone to get there. But now I just want to help people around me, you know? I want people to be able to be happy like I am, I want to help them get here, but most of all, I just want to make you proud.”
Taehyung’s eyes crinkle, chest throbbing with how much he feels for Jeongguk, how much he affects him, “You’ve been making me proud since the day I first heard your name, Jeon Jeongguk.”
Jeongguk laughs, a choked sound, “Did you hear my new album? An Ode to You. Pretty creative, huh?”
Taehyung shakes his head, fiddling with his bracelet, the only one he wears to keep him smiling through the day, “Shut up, it’s creative enough. I cried, you know,” He murmurs and Jeongguk’s lips pull up, eyes warm and fond.
“You always cry,” Jeongguk laughs, and Taehyung rolls his eyes. “I made it for you,” He whispers, shy, and Taehyung feels his stomach flop, heart fluttering in his chest.
“Did you now? I wouldn’t have guessed, what with the way you talked about my pretty eyes and nose, my lips—”
Jeongguk snorts, “Be quiet,” He laughs, and if Jeongguk were beside him, he would shove Taehyung’s shoulder, and his shoulders would shake before he would reach out for Taehyung so easily, so breathlessly.
“Thank you,” He whispers, and Jeongguk hums, eyes gentle and so, so soft.
The ache of Jeongguk not being here with him hurts, but Taehyung is okay with this—the late night calls, the baring of their souls, even miles and miles away.
Jeongguk talks about his day, how the food in France is incredible yet different and recounts their late lunch of frog legs that Seokjin and Namjoon forced him to try. He giggles when Jeongguk tries to imitate Namjoon’s face, and how he bolted up to ‘use the restroom’ until Jeongguk inevitably falls asleep, face slack and soft, looking impossibly younger.
It reminds him of months and months ago when they first met, and they had fallen asleep watching a movie together, Taehyung waking to their legs tangled together and surprise filling him with how vulnerable Jeongguk looked.
He often finds himself recounting old, wonderful memories these days, cherishing the early stages of when Jeongguk and him first met, first began their journey of hardships and happiness, what with how many old photos he had to go through to put together his photography portfolio for the showcase.
His showcase is in a few days, and he knows he’ll have to leave the comfort of Daegu to attend it alone, but this time, he doesn’t feel afraid.
He’s doing what he loves, taking pictures of what he loves, so that gives him comfort, knowing that he isn’t hiding who he is anymore.
The low chatter of the early morning diner is relaxing, watching Jimin as he scrapes the last of his eggs into his mouth. This place is almost sacred to them—before everything happened, they would always come here to eat and talk, but they’ve both been incredibly distracted that it’s been hard to do so.
“Been a while, huh?” Jimin grins, orange hair dyed a deep black now; suiting his bronze complexion, curtsey of Yoongi as well.
“Yeah, it has. When was the last time we were here?” Taehyung laughs, sipping his chocolate milk, and Jimin hums, chewing on a piece of bacon.
“When you wanted to get into that fansign, right?”
Taehyung grins, snickering, “Yeah, and you were talking about being freaked out cause Hoseok kept staring at you in class.”
“Shut up,” Jimin rolls his eyes, leaning back fully in their small booth, running a hand through his locks, and Taehyung giggles. “But look what happened, huh? Bet you didn’t expect something like this out of us sitting and talking about it at a diner.”
“Yeah, I would have never,” Taehyung smiles, “Been a tough year, huh, Minnie?”
“But a good one at the same time,” Jimin grins, holding a hand out, and Taehyung laughs, grasping it with his own, “We’re still together, right?”
“I told you before and I’ll say it again,” Taehyung attempts to pull a serious expression, but Jimin smirks, mirth dancing in his eyes, “We’re always gonna be best friends. Even when we’re old and wrinkly.”
“God, don’t be gross,” Jimin groans, trying to tug his hand away, and Taehyung just holds on tighter with both hands, grinning, leaning forward to get Jimin to look at him.
“You love it when I’m gross,” He laughs, and Jimin rolls his eyes, not completely disagreeing. “I promise, though. We’ll be together, right?”
Jimin grins, “Right, we’ll be old and wrinkly with a piece of land all to ourselves. Fuck everyone else.”
“Even Hoseok and Jeongguk? Yoongi, Namjoon and Seokjin?” He raises a brow and Jimin pouts.
“Minus them, obviously,” Jimin’s voice softens. Even mentioning Hoseok will get Jimin all gross and mushy, and Taehyung sighs fondly, pulling his hands back to continue eating.
It’s after they’ve finished their meals, bellies full and the diner filling with more people trying to get a fill of breakfast that Jimin breaks the comfortable silence, fiddling with the ring on his thumb.
“Sorry I can’t make it to your showcase,” Jimin mumbles, so quiet he can barely hear it, staring down at his ring, and Taehyung smiles, soft and gentle.
“Hey, I already told you not to worry about it, Min,” Taehyung nudges Jimin with his foot, tangling their feet together beneath the table, and Jimin sighs, shoulders slumped.
“I know, but it still makes me feel like shit.”
Taehyung frowns, “You’ve literally seen all of my pictures, you dumbass. Hoseok and his family would be hurt if you threw away those plane tickets. Aren’t you excited to meet his family?”
“I am,” Jimin insists, finally meeting his gaze, “I just—I’m sorry, I guess. We always support each other, but I feel like I’m letting you down.”
“Don’t be sorry, you shit—you aren’t letting me down at all. I’ll be okay,” He grins, trying to convey the honesty in his statement. He’s only a little sad that nobody can make it. It’s just a showcase—he’ll get over it soon enough.
“Any plans for today?” Jimin’s lips pull up at the corners, trying to dispel the heavy mood, and Taehyung hums, glancing down at his camera bag next to him, a small smile playing on his lips.
“Not sure, I’ll probably go to me and Jeongguk’s forest place after my showcase,” Taehyung mumbles, and Jimin raises an eyebrow.
“Forest place? The fuck is that?” Jimin snorts and Taehyung giggles.
“It’s like our little sanctuary,” Taehyung explains, tracing patterns into the table with his thumb, “It’s this little secluded area where we first—”
“Fucked?” Jimin offers and Taehyung kicks him, laughing.
“Kissed, you dipshit,” Jimin shies away when he rolls his eyes, hiding behind the napkin dispenser so that Taehyung doesn’t smack him, but he does anyways, smacking him on the top of his head, laughing.
“Anyways, I just wanted to see it again since it’s been so long,” Taehyung shrugs, and Jimin hums, crossing his arms over the top of the table.
“By yourself? Isn’t that a little… Dangerous?” Jimin asks, a perfectly innocent question, but Taehyung can see the meaning behind it.
“I’ll be fine, Min. I know my way around,” He convinces, and Jimin sighs, “God, mom, it’s not like I’ll trip and die out there.”
“You never know,” Jimin’s shoulder lifts, “Be careful.”
“Whatever,” Taehyung rolls his eyes but punches Jimin’s shoulder affectionately.
He’s lost track of how many hands he’s shaken, how many times he’s bowed, and how many business cards he has in his back pocket. It’s a little shocking, honestly, to know that so many businesses and people want to sponsor him and help him take photos, even when he’s an absolute amateur at photography, minus the experience he has of taking photos of Jeongguk.
He supposes that maybe when you put your heart into something, that’s much more memorable than when someone takes the perfect photo with all the right angels. Maybe, it’s the emotion that speaks to these people.
He’s gone through his showcase, explaining the concept more times he can count until his throat has gone sore, the large canvases of his chosen photographs hanging on a sprawling wall behind him. It’s daunting, to look back and see the pictures that are so personal to him displayed for everyone to see, but vulnerability, even in the eyes of strangers, can make someone so much stronger.
He stands for what feels like days but is only a few short hours until his legs feel ready to give out. He stands until he feels a hand around his wrist, tugging him to the corner of the room, gentle and guiding.
“You’re doing great so far, Taehyung,” Mrs. Kim smiles, pride evident in her eyes, her voice, and he smiles back, so so grateful for such a supportive person in his passion.
“Thank you,” He mumbles, “I really couldn’t have done this without you, you know? I wouldn’t be standing here if you didn’t help me along the way.”
Her eyes are warm, proud, “I knew you could do it, you know. It’s why I pushed you the most.”
Before he can respond, a slew of people pass them, chattering as they make their way into the door leading to an auditorium, and his eyebrow raises, confusion coursing through him.
“Why would they be going to the auditorium?” Taehyung questions, head cocked and his professor gives him a sheepish smile.
“About that…” She trails off, rubbing the back of her neck, “How about you just follow me, and it’ll make more sense that way.”
“Uh,” Taehyung says, and she tugs at his wrist again, leading him through the door to follow the crowd. He’s surprised to see how large the auditorium is, reporters seated and waiting in the chairs with cameras. He’s wondering why the hell there are reporters before he sees his classmates on stage and walks down the walkway to make it up on the stage when his professor nudges him gently.
His footsteps echo, flashes dancing along the walls when reporters snap pictures of him, and he settles down into the chair on the end, comfortable knowing that his classmates are next to him. He can spot a small crowd of friends and family towards the back, and feels a small pang in his chest that he knows no one is here for him.
Taehyung zones out quickly, the introductions of each of them passing fast, and he’s still confused on why exactly they’re here, but snaps out of it when he realizes the reporters are asking them questions, and one is directed at him.
“I have a question for Taehyung,” A reporter stands, confident, and he raises his head to show he’s listening, eyes squinting to see past the multiple flashes. He wonders how Jeongguk hasn’t gone blind yet having to deal with this every day.
“Was there a particular concept to your photos? I’d like to hear you explain it further from your standpoint.”
He hums, gathering himself, heart pounding in his ears with how many eyes are on him, “If I’m being honest, not really,” Collective laughter passes through the auditorium, “When I first picked out the photos, I just picked what I wanted to, what were my favorites. But then, I realized how similar they all were, how youthful they were.” A conversation that him and Jeongguk had in a park passes through his mind, the memory full and dreamlike, a memory that served as a catalyst for his showcase.
“I wanted to show my progression of youth, and how important it is that we can all experience it in our lifetimes. It doesn’t matter if you’re twelve, thirty-five, or whatever age you are. What matters is that you do experience it with people that matter the most to you, doing what you love to do. I want to show through my experience how important it is to live a youthful life, and to follow your heart.”
It’s silent for a moment, before a very loud and very familiar voice cuts through the awed silence, “Yeah, Taehyung! Fuck it up!”
Taehyung chokes on a surprised noise, searching until he finds a head of silver hair, Yoongi’s wide smile cutting through his vision, Hoseok and Jimin smiling and hollering, waving right beside Yoongi, eyes crinkled, and Taehyung laughs, bright and happy, grin stretching across his own face.
He can’t believe they actually made it to his showcase, and he feels so happy that they would cancel their flight just to see him and his showcase, just to support him at a pivotal time in his life, and that Yoongi would show up as well.
Jimin and Hoseok make funny faces at him every time he glances over towards the back where they are seated, Yoongi giving him a pointed look, and Taehyung tries not to laugh too much, attempting to keep quiet while his classmates answer questions as well, but not bothering to hide the happiness coursing through him.
The questioning ends quicker than expected, and his professor makes her way onto the stage, walking up to a mic with a person beside her, something behind their back.
“I’m honored to have been able to teach so many talented and incredible students. But by popular demand, we’ve decided on handing out a trophy to whoever received the most votes as the favorite photographer for this showcase.” She motions for the paper, and the student next to her hands it over, and Taehyung feels how clammy his hands are, nervous but knowing that he won’t be upset if he didn’t receive the award.
“The award for Best Photographer goes to…” She unravels the paper, fingers smoothing out the wrinkles, and says, “Kim Taehyung!”
He hears Jimin’s yells the most, laughing when he makes his way over to his professor to receive the award, applause thundering in his ears, heart thumping along to the beat, a smile stretched wide across his lips. Instead of bowing, he hugs his professor, and she pats him on the back none too gently, a way of saying I’m proud of you.
“Well, I definitely didn’t expect this,” Taehyung mutters into the mic, flashing his classmates a warm smile, and the crowd laughs, the sound warming him, “This feels like I’m winning a Grammy or something. Anyways, I just wanted to say thank you to the most important people in my life. You guys know who you are—without you, I wouldn't be where I am today,” He says, staring straight at Jimin, Hoseok and Yoongi, eyes warm.
“Most of all, I just want to say that I hope my project could help inspire anyone of you who’re having a hard time. Whether you’re stressed out because of a job or school, or tired because of dealing with your family, or maybe you’re just sad, because we’ve all been there. I just want to say that I hope you can find that happiness again, find that youth that we all need in our lives. Whether it be dancing in your kitchen in nothing but boxers, or eating ice cream on the swings at a park, or maybe even watching some of your old favorite cartoons with your favorite socks on,” Taehyung takes a breath, breaking out into a bright smile, eyes flittering over the crowd, “Whatever it is, I hope that you can find it again. I hope that you can find the relationships that fit you, and make you utterly, indescribably happy.”
The dry grass crunches beneath his sandals, nothing but the sounds of birds and the scuffle of rodents around him, absent from the bustle of the city. It’s been so long since he’s visited this place, and somehow, the forest feels empty without Jeongguk beside him.
The sun is going to be setting soon, so he knows he has to get back home before the sun goes down, but he lets himself walk through the forest with time free from his mind, no longer weighing him down. The pads of his fingers brush over the bark of each tree he passes, relaxing him further, further, breath slowing.
After the showcase ended with a roaring applause and an award grasped in his hand, he met Jimin, Hoseok and Yoongi outside, pulling them all into grateful hugs. It turned out they delayed their flight to stay and support Taehyung during his showcase, and Yoongi postponed his show to see him.
He had made sure to squeeze them until they complained about not being able to breathe, so grateful for the amazing, wonderful people in his life. He was being honest during his speech—without them, he isn’t sure where he’d be today.
The break in the forest is coming into view, the clearing so close that he can feel it, can already see the way the sun cuts through the trees to light the clearing in pretty, shimmery shades of gold. He feels his breath catch, a wide, happy smile tugging at his lips, chest warm and full of light before he ducks under a branch, making his way into the spacious clearing.
He toes off his sandals, and when he glances up, he feels his heart stop.
“Miss me?” Jeongguk grins, seated on the large rock in the center of the clearing, and Taehyung’s jaw drops.
The golden sunlight licks over Jeongguk’s skin, lighting his beautiful features, and Taehyung feels his heart stutter, his breath catching when Jeongguk’s mouth pulls up into a wide grin, eyes so fond and loving.
“Jeongguk?” He chokes out, taking a shaky step forward, and Jeongguk’s eyebrow rises, hopping down off of the rock and dusting off his jeans. “Am I dreaming?”
“Why don’t you come over here and find out?”
Taehyung’s heart stutters back to life, kicking into overdrive before he drops his camera bag by his sandals, eyes trained on Jeongguk’s face as he races forward, launching himself into Jeongguk’s arms, and Jeongguk laughs, bright and full, arms holding him so tight as he nuzzles his face into Jeongguk’s neck, giggling.
He feels the remaining tension leave him, curling his arms and legs around Jeongguk, just letting himself be held in those strong arms, breathing in Jeongguk’s familiar scent, a happy sigh escaping his lips.
“Missed you,” Taehyung mumbles into Jeongguk’s neck, rubbing his cheek against the skin, and Jeongguk’s chest rumbles with happy laughter.
“Missed you too, sweetie,” Jeongguk says, pressing a kiss to the top of Taehyung’s head, and Taehyung tips his chin up, eyes strangely wet when Jeongguk finally, finally kisses him, honeyed warmth melting on his tongue, the taste of him so wonderful and familiar that he melts in Jeongguk’s hold.
He isn’t sure how long they stand there, Taehyung holding on tight, not wanting to let go anytime soon and Jeongguk holding him, indulging him, but also just as desperate as Taehyung, the ache of an empty longing replaced with a fullness in his chest that throbs with the force behind it.
“God,” Jeongguk whispers, “You were so amazing out there, you know? I can’t believe you. I’m so, so proud of you.”
Taehyung sighs happily, breathing in Jeongguk as he lets himself down, but still latches onto Jeongguk, arms around his neck, pulling back to look up into his gentle eyes, gazing at Taehyung with so much warmth in them that he shivers.
“I couldn’t have done it without you,” Taehyung murmurs, eyes wide and earnest, and the corner of Jeongguk’s mouth pulls up, thumb running over his cheekbone, eyes drinking in his face.
“I didn’t think you would center an entire project around me,” Jeongguk mumbles, and Taehyung grins, pecking Jeongguk right on the mouth, just because he can.
“You’re the reason why I could experience so many things, so much youth, you know?” Taehyung says, and Jeongguk’s eyes crinkle, “I wanted to show that you’re the most important person in my life.” Jeongguk’s eyes light up, so much happiness there that he feels dizzy off of it, “But I can’t believe you left your tour just to come see my project!”
He balls his hand into a fist, thumping it against Jeongguk’s broad chest, and he laughs, catching Taehyung’s wrist, pulling him in for another kiss, slow and warm, gentle.
Jeongguk nuzzles their noses together, kissing the corner of his mouth, “I came to see you because you’re the most important person in my life, and I love you,” He says, soft, and Taehyung sighs, foreheads pressed together, Jeongguk’s hand running through the strands of his silky hair.
“I came back to support my boyfriend,” Jeongguk murmurs, pressing a kiss to the tip of his nose, and Taehyung hums, lips pulling up into a small, private smile. “And I want you to come back with me. My tour isn’t over, you know.”
“W-what?” Taehyung chokes out, shocked, pulling back enough to look Jeongguk fully in the eyes, seeing nothing but honesty and warmth.
“I want you to come with me. On tour,” Jeongguk smiles, a tinge of sadness in his eyes, “I missed you so much, you know? I thought it would be okay with Skype, but nothing compares to having you next to me.”
Taehyung smiles, soft, hands curling around Jeongguk’s waist to pull them closer together again, “I’ve always wanted to travel the world.”
“Then you can do it with me,” Jeongguk whispers, cupping his face to press a kiss to his forehead, down to his lips, soft and warm against his own, the gentle fluttering sound of birds surrounding them.
“You know, it’s only gonna get harder, right?” Taehyung mumbles, hands tightening around Jeongguk, and his eyebrows furrow in confusion. “People will get meaner, things will be harder. But I don’t want to be afraid.”
“Tae,” Jeongguk murmurs, cupping his face, angling his head so that he’ll look at him, “Hey, of course it’ll get harder. But we’re getting stronger, aren’t we? We get stronger every day, and the people around us, following us do as well. It’ll get harder, but we’ll get stronger, and I’ll be by your side the whole way through, okay?”
Taehyung’s lips pull up, warmth bubbling in his chest, “Okay. Yeah, okay.”
Regardless of their upcoming, greater path of hardships, what Jeongguk said is right. Things might get harder, but they’ll only get stronger as they grow and learn, changing as they go. But one thing that he knows won’t change for a long, long time, is that Jeongguk is going to be with him every step of the way.
He knows that, without a shadow of a doubt, Jeongguk will be his light in the dark, holding his hand with a smile on his face.
There’s no perfect ending for both of them, but that’s not what’s important. What’s truly important is that they can both come out of this emotionally stronger and together.
This is a year that Taehyung will never forget. He will always, always be thankful for the lessons he’s been presented, for the relationships that have manifested and grown, and for the amount of support he has to keep him balanced, to keep him whole.
When Jeongguk’s hand tugs him out of the forest, leading him to the car for their trip, he thinks that he’ll follow Jeongguk anywhere, no matter how tough things get, no matter how many lessons are presented to him.
Because, after all, what’s life without a lesson learned?