Work Text:
1 Narkina 5 'Deliveries' Guard
This is always my favourite bit of the job. Never get tired of it. The rest is pretty boring: same routine introduction, same frightened faces before me, hungry for information they must know can’t be good.
But when I get to press the button and make them collapse and writhe and their faces contort in pain….
...Oh yes. That’s a real perk. Makes my day just a little bit more enjoyable.
Suggesting that this ‘needn’t be more than a memory’ is another bit I really like.
But the best bit: seeing the shock of the shock. Stunned horror. The disbelief, afterwards.
"Don’t ever slow up my line."
This one looks promising - certainly younger, quite strong. Hope he lasts his sentence, whatever it is.
I’m paying off my tab. I owe 249 shifts.
The thought of seeing my family again keeps me going; I’ll pay my debt and be out of here in no time.
We labour like clockwork. Slowly counting down to freedom.
It’s fair.
My faith keeps me going. Might have to convert this one. I don’t want more Melshi’s. Doubters.
No banging on the doors of my belief.
Head down. Play the game. Finish it.
Win, and walk away.
Cassian (on the footbridge)
I tried to cope by staying focused. I’m good at observing, calculating possibilities. Gaining knowledge... The boots. The floor. They seem short-staffed.
But now it all hits me. We are having to stand still but I don’t think I could move anyway. Nothing to perceive but myself and this horror - I have nothing to SEE .. it’s all white, empty and my mind has no distraction….
...The fear comes and this time I can’t fight. No-one can see my face as my mask slips.
A brief glimpse of myself in the window.
The terrified child again. Never far away.
Tough way to start, being fried twice in one day. It generally happens though. Join the shift late and Kino isn’t going to cut you a break for that. Don’t think they’d allow it anyway, although he did it once, a few months ago.
That’s the thing about Kino. Shows kindness when he can.
Keef looks stunned, shocked twice literally and even more powerfully in the other sense.
But it could be worse.
If we pull a winner, we get taste with our food.
I smile at that. It’s genuine. It’s like they say - the little things mean a lot.
Of course Keef hasn’t heard of P.O.R.D. They’re kidding themselves if they think people out there care.
They didn’t catch the Aldhani rebels so they’re punishing us instead. Punishing everyone.
And they’re all kidding themselves if they think they’re ever letting us out.
I tell Keef, “Don’t ever look at the number. You’re here for as long as they want you…”
Kino slams me into the wall as usual. He hates me for this.
But people need to wake up. They need to know.
If I do ever get out of here… I’m going to tell the truth.
I care.
From nowhere, I find my bravery. I knew it was there, deep within.
I face you down. One would be wrong. I’m not leaving Ferrix behind. I’m relentless in my pursuit of justice.
My failure may yet be the making of me.
I could be useful. I was a good Deputy Inspector! I could be the making of you; you could be the making of me. You can tailor me to your requirements.
We would work so well, together.
We want the same thing. You want me, even if you don’t know it yet.
I have never been so sure.
I wish you’d look at me more, when you can. And without such terrifying words.
What I need to see…
But what do I need to hear? Perhaps … that you love me. Because you make me think mine is not love at all, or not the right kind in some way.
Like I’m using you to feel better.
But then you do look and love. Perhaps I do realise, then. This is all you can spare for now.
And because I love you, I accept it. I will take any fragile joy. A cold cup of caf. Your warm hand.
I don’t mean to hurt Vel. Well, perhaps a little. She needs to see what it is she’s really looking at. Lost rich girl searching for herself in me.
It’s for the best, if she feels the pain of truth.
If she doesn’t realise this soon, she will go down. I won’t be able to save her. If she does something reckless for me, I have to be able to forgive myself.
I have to be able to carry on the fight if I lose her.
Perhaps that’s why I am so cold and hard sometimes.
Metallic glass. Bitter reflection.
I am the only one I trust. It’s served me well.
I fight truly alone, but I care for my children. No needless sacrifices.
But Luthen… I don’t trust. He wants to bring us all together. I remember the previous attempts to do this, politically. We couldn’t agree on anything.
Especially the purpose. WHY. Without that, we are lost.
So I keep mine simple. Bring down the Empire. Fight. Strike hard, fast, brutally, and alone.
It’s better that way. Fewer of us will go down.
I want to stand and face them down until the end.
I will not run.
This fear should keep me awake. I don’t want to sleep.
Endless sleep scares me more than the Empire ever could. Empty void; no awakening to know the endings, good or bad - or neither.
I’ll tell Brasso it is time to make the recording. I failed at action, so I’ll use words. I will galvanise this town. Be the President of the Daughters one last time. Get them to wake up at last even as I sleep.
And I will have another message too, more personal, and Brasso is the only one I trust with that.
It’s never too late.
They are all over Paak’s yard and it’s not fear that comes over me - it’s horror.
I did this.
All from trying to help. Nothing rebellious at all.
My loyalty betrays me. And others too. True innocents. I glimpse Wilmon now, hear his hoarse cries.
I was only a child too the last time this happened. My parents whisking me away but I could still hear Cass’s cries echoing.
This time, there’s no-one to whisk me away and I know… I did this.
And it’s worse.
I have to run again now.
Won’t get far, before hitting another wall.
Salman Paak
I’m about to hear the screams of children.
The last time the Empire was here, a boy lost his father and the town did nothing.
When they arrested me and Wilmon screamed the memory flooded back.
This time, I’m going to fight. I’ll try.
I had a fire in me, once. We’d been doing nothing for so long and I wanted to do something. The Separatist meeting. The radio.
I will fight them now. I’ll protect my son. And all our other sons and daughters of Ferrix.
I’ve already heard the screams of children.
I must fight for my boy.