Work Text:
You thought of eVe like an idol, untouchable. You could only feel a faint connection. When you tell her how you related to her, saying how like her you felt like you were above the others at some point. She takes offense to this, that her craft is only but the best she has worked on. Her art is her. You have deliberately attacked her, haven't you?
“Your art is constant, wouldn’t you want it to change?”
“And why would your words matter?” she said with a scowl, her towering presence makes it all obvious.
“You and I are both Earth. My earthquakes change the landscape. My very beauty is in my nature,” she leaned down a bit, continuing “And you? Who is just satisfied with your own valley. You tell me to stoop to your level? You tell a mountain to flatten, to be little”
You feel conflicted, what would you say next? You blurt out
“Then why are you doing it right now?” eVe is appalled, she straightens to her full height. Light underneath you appears, and you feel a gust of wind.
Then you see the city below
You fall. It was a strange fall, it slowed, you heard her heels clack against the floor of the room you just were kicked out from, still keeping her composure. You float lightly in the air as if it had paused. – maybe only slightly keeping herself steady. and then a full blown hit to the ground. For some reason you don’t feel like you fell from the very top of the buildings you saw before. More like a quick failed jump you did.
You feel a bit frustrated from her reaction but then again mountains aren’t really known for stability are they?