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I want tigers stalking the sunflowers

Invisible, silent, their stripes dissolving

In the gold and bronze of a fall garden

Staking their claim under red oaks and hawthorns.


I want little brown birds, chickadees and finches

Pecking at seeds that pepper banded fur

While bumble bees blunder, kissing whiskers

Beachcombing pollen and drops of dew.


I want fearless puppies touching noses

Pouncing on tails that whip through tall grass

They yip and roll. The tigers purr.

You are dear. You are safe. You are loved.


Our house is flanked by thick growths of native plants beloved by pollinators, a favorite napping spot for neighborhood cats. One was curled around the base of the birdbath, fast asleep, dreaming of jungles, swamps, and savannahs.

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