Work Text:
Misako laid Lloyd down in his crib. As reluctant as she was to let go of him, it was how he would sleep best, and one of them needed to sleep well tonight. As she let him down the pit in her stomach returned, the warmth by her chest replaced with a numb disbelief.
She kissed Lloyd’s forehead and then walked over to her own bed. By herself. Her bed. Just hers. Empty and cold.
She crawled to the middle of the bed and from her position watched Lloyd sleeping, his small chest rising and falling. Peaceful.
She synced her breathing with his hoping to ground herself, but it did little. The room remained silent, the only sound the fake buzzing in her own head.
Empty. And cold.
Misako flopped backwards onto the bed and took a shaky deep breath. Tears slipped from her eyes and in an effort to stop them, only more came down, trailing down her cheeks and into ears.
How did it come to this?
Was fate really so cruel that every relationship she had ended in misery? Whether by her own hand or another’s, was this how each bond had to end?
Misako hoped with Garmadon it might be different. And perhaps that was foolish of her. Maybe all along she was fighting against the odds because of venom coursing through his body.
But had she taken a wrong step somewhere? Made the wrong decision? Or was this fate’s way of reminding her that she would never win?
She fought through every battle that had been thrown at her. When she told Garmadon she would stick by his side, she meant it. In each mishap and misfortune she’d been there. She had done everything asked of her and more, yet still it wasn’t enough, and the relationship before her crumbled away into ashes.
So maybe it was never how it was supposed to be. And maybe she was never meant to win. And whether or not she believed that didn’t really matter. She didn’t know.
But Garmadon was gone, and that was the truth.
Misako curled up on her side staring blankly at the wall. Nothing in her wanted to accept that Garmadon was gone despite the blatant truth of it. How was she supposed to relinquish her marriage? Lay to rest the one she loved? Say goodbye without being able to say goodbye?
Her marriage had not been easy or perfect by any means, and she would be the first to admit that. But she loved Garmadon and only ever wanted to see him happy. And now that was all gone, without a warning, without a trace, leaving behind only hopes and memories, numbness and a pit in her stomach.
And a room, empty and cold.