Chapter Text
Rough Sketch of the New Cabin 3
Side Bunk View
Rough Sketch of the New Cabin 3
Side Bunk View
loving_you_is_imposible, Psychopatka5, Chronically_Iconic, Lucky_but_not, covertpartyhat, they_with_no_name, Sera_Hawke, kittykitten02, Theanychta, WolfHuntress38, Mr_Honeybread, lesbeanthebean, Natha_nael, Jodiehearts, Nekokami, MadameCatto, hazz0ne, Snowfoot, Sleeping_Obsidian, Vainenpoika, CryptidLuminaire, Radzy_N3rd_time, Banana_Mango, Amee98, Winterflight346, cakeforke, Wildragezz, lirofora, Hearts_At_War_26, adorswan, CopperCat624, FeistyChan, Renee_is_fallen, TheMidnightPrince, bloodywhitetears, GalaxyVeined, Rainstorm1, 0_StAr1_0, Orchidpurple, asianbookworm183, bellatrix13bianca, maorek, Makkxa, Kuro_Neko_Usagi_Tsuki201, Doctorwho65532, ez_is_tired, Elinariona, psychogirl87, kordova_n, Dom1n80rUK, and 650 more users as well as 113 guests left kudos on this work!
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