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A "Calming" Trip to the park.


Atsushi basically gets distracted while trying to relax at the park :3



Work Text:

Atsushi Sighs as he finally gets a chance to take a break from all the drama that's been going on at the agency.So he decided to walk to a small park that was just around the corner.
“This is nice” He said to no one in particular
“Eh I would say the one on xxxSt has a better park than this"A stranger said from behind the bench he was sitting on. “Huh!Who's there!” Atsushi yelped in surprise. “Oh sorry I was just trying to recommend you a better park than this dum-WERE-TIGER!?”The stranger abruptly yelled. “AKUTAGAWA!?” Atsushi Shouted and stood up. “What are you doing here were-tiger!”Akutagawa continued.
“Oh are people not allowed to come to public parks anymore!?”Atsushi snapped back rather offended by Akutagawa's Words. “No, especially not little stray cats like you,” Akutagawa spat. “I'M A TIGER!” Atsushi yelled. “Sure, don't act like it," Akutagawa murmured. “WHAT DOES THAT MEAN!?” Atsushi continued to yell. “LOOK AT YOU" Akutagawa yelled abruptly. “WHAT ABOUT IT!?”Atsushi yelled, annoyed about what Aku even meant by that. “YOU LOOK LIKE YOU HELP GRANDMAS CROSS THE STREET" Akutagawa continued. “SO WHAT IF I DO!? still doesn't explain why I can't sit here”Atsushi said, crossing His arms and turning his head to the side.
Dazai’s Pov

“Hmmm, where's that little cat ran off to now” Dazai murmured, obviously used to Atsushi trying to run away from the Agency. “Huh where's that yelling coming from?” He continued. Dazai turned the corner and hid behind a bush to get a better look at what was happening. “Oh there's Atsushi but what's he yelling for-Oh! Jeez, do they ever get along with one another” Dazai said, annoyed that the two students he picked to work together and fight were always yelling at one another. “Oh well this is quite entertaining anyway” Dazai chuckled to himself clearly not planning to stop the two students bickering Anytime soon.
Atsushi and Akutagawa's Pov

“WHY ARE YOU ALWAYS SO RU-wait is that Dazai over there"Atsushi Stopped mid sentence staring directly at their little stalker. “HUH WHERE!?-wait…ARE YOU MESSING WITH ME WERE-TIGER WHY SHOULD I BELIEVE YOU”Akutagawa continued to fight.
“Well I don't know-MAYBE IT'S BECAUSE HE'S LITERALLY HIDING IN THAT BUSH OVER THERE" Atsushi yelled pointing at the bush Dazai was currently hiding in.
Dazai’s Pov

“Crap, why are they looking directly at me?” Dazai said to himself quietly. “GOD THEIR WALKING OVER HERE..okay Dazai it's fine just act chill you totally weren't stalking them just now” Daizai said trying to calm himself down. “WHY WERE YOU WATCHING US!?” Atsushi yelled at Dazai. “Oh please with both of you yelling like that anyone would do the same” Dazai reasoned obviously not having another excuse to why he was currently watching them behind a bush. “What are you even doing here!?” Atsushi continued to question. “Well I was looking for you but now it's obvious I need to do something to finally make you two get along” Dazai said with a smirk. “And how exactly are you supposed to do that?” Akutagawa finally spoke interested in what Dazai was planning as always. “How about you two spend the rest of the evening together,yeah?” Daizai said with a smile on his face. “Yeah no, why would we ever agree To do something stupid like that?” Atsushi said annoyed that his break was currently being distracted by this mess. “Yeah what the cat said!” Akutagawa agreed. “HOW MANY TIMES DO I HAVE TO TELL YOU I'M A TIGER!” Atsushi started to yell again. “Tiger,Cat,Kitten,All the same in my book” Akutagawa said with a shrug. “Guys,Guys let's calm down. It's not that serious. All I want is for both of you to hang out for a couple of hours. It won't be that bad” Dazai said casually. “Well why should we?” Akutagawa said, crossing his arms. “Cause if you do you'll be the best student I'd ever had” Dazai said with a wink to Atsushi.And with that one sentence changed Akutagawa whole diameter. “WHERE ARE WE GOING!?” Akutagawa said as fast as he could. “Woah there buster can you wait a minute,I still haven't decided that just yet” Dazai said with a small chuckle. “Well you should hurry up we don't have all day” Atsushi said annoyed that Dazai was getting his way. “Hmmm Oh! I have just The perfect spot for you two!” Dazai said happily. “Oh no…why do I have a bad feeling about this” Atsushi groaned.

“A CLIFF!? WHY WOULD YOU BRING US TO A CLIFF” Atsushi yelled walking away from the edge. “WHERE EVEN ARE WE RIGHT NOW?”He continued to shout. “One of my favorite spots,”Dazai said with a dramatic sigh. “ANYWAYS BYEEEEE” Dazai yelled sprinting away as fast as He could. “UGHHHH, So what now? '' Atsushi said moving away from the cliff as far as he could with a whince. “I still would say that other park I mentioned was better” Akutagawa said murmuring to himself. “Oh! We'll we could still go there if you wanted to!” Atsushi offered wanting to get away from this cliff as soon as possible. “Yea that sounds nice-wait are you afraid of heights you seem really eager to get out of here.” Akutagawa teased “Aren't you a cat?”. “I'VE TOLD YOU A HUNDRED TIMES I'M A TIGER…but maybe a little.”Atsushi admitted Turning his head to the side.”Heh now that's just downright hilarious,” Akutagawa said with a slight chuckle. “OKAY CAN WE JUST GET OUT OF HERE ALREADY” Atsushi Shouted. “Fine, whatever you say little kitty,” Akutagawa said, walking off with a smirk. “Don't call me that,” Atsushi said, turning his head down so you couldn't see his face. “Whatever you say kitten,” Akutagawa said, continuing to walk. “THAT'S EVEN WORSE!” Atsushi continued to shout. “Heh whatever” Akutagawa chuckled “Are you coming or not because i'm not afraid to leave you here” Akutagawa Shouted at the not moving Atsushi. “YEAH YEAH IM COMING” Atsushi sprinted towards Akutagawa finally heading to to their last destination.