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Fandom Stocking 2015 - The Family Edition
- For Sherylyn, NYWCgirl, Sholio, Aragarna, frith_in_thorns, pechika, Theatregirl7299, aqwt101, LeesaPerrie.
The second Fandom Stocking post features some winter fun with Peter, Neal, El and even Satch, but there is also a smidge of H/C, wings and magic :D And hey, even Dono makes an appearance :P
Yukatana, babydollbucky, Zerbrechlich, mhtroll, KezzA19, Psychlinite, deathbyworm, wwshd, Palendromical, MangoApple, Ilovesky, trascendenza, Tanka_Moreva, Tomopi, LunaVanillaStorm21, phoenixway2013, Sideofangels22, ximee, ourjooanne, tunglo, SugarFairy, shinigamikiller16, Intarsia, nickisgirl, Crazy4MattBomer, Kazza17, Raina_1985, Orithain, WVrambler, Randomslasher, Alynor, portiaeins, RedandNine, azertynin, LeesaPerrie, pechika, ladylike90, tkandbuck, Caseylf123, Ultracape, Sherylyn, anodyneer, AnakinCaffrey, frith_in_thorns, and Sholio as well as 26 guests left kudos on this work!