Collections including Red 40
2 Collections
List of Collections
Homestuck FanAuthor Coalition Fic and Recommendations (HS_FA_Co_Fic_And_Rec) by Madam_Melon_Meow, sarcasticcelery
29 Oct 2024
This is a place for members of the homestuck fanauthor discord to both add our own fics and collect bookmark recommendations for eachother.
Please see the People Page for a list of all current and former memebers, the Our Stuff Sub-Collection on both the Works Page and the Bookmarks Page for a sampling of works written by our members, and the Writing Competitions Collection for works produced by server members specifically during server events.
If you are curious about what the Coalition is about and where to join it, please read the description in the FAQ Page, where you can also find the server invite link.(Open, Moderated)
Our Stuff (Homestuck FanAuthor Coalition) (HS_FA_Co_OurStuff) by Liyuna_Bass, Madam_Melon_Meow, sarcasticcelery
03 Dec 2024
This subcollection is for fics written by authors in our Discord! See the parent collection for an FAQ
(Open, Unmoderated)