Chapter Text
“Wait, what do you mean you got kidnapped???”
Martlet squawked, her wings flapping in disbelief outside the sheriff’s shack, or hideout as he called it. Clover had just told her, and the others, their initial meeting with Kanako and how she pretty much dragged them to her house. Safe to say, that was the last thing she, or anyone, was expecting to hear.
Each of them had mixed reactions from hearing how Kanako had brought Clover to the Ketsukane estate. She didn’t even stop to ask how the cowpoke felt about it or if they were doing anything beforehand. Nope, she just grabbed their hand, declared the two of them friends, and proceeded to drag them to her house after sharing pancakes.
Martlet, of course, was completely flabbergasted by the information. Ceroba had an amused grin playing on her lips as she shook her head. Starlo stifled his snickers, all too used to the treatment his niece gives to people she’s fond of.
“So, let me get this straight,” Chujin sighed, rubbing his temples. “You met the human on a mail run, ate pancakes with them, and decided then and there you two were friends?” The boss monster gave her a pointed look as he continued. “Not only that, you dragged them to our home without a second thought. Like it was normal to bring a human home. Is that right?”
Kanako gave a sheepish giggle. “Wellll, it wasn’t like that entirely. I didn’t kidnap Clover,” She gave a playful jab at the cowpoke next to her. “I was just excited to show Mommy my new friend!”
Starlo leaned against the porch with a chuckle. “Ya mean introduce them, or show em off like a prized trinket?”
“Sweetie, that’s still taking them against their will.” Ceroba added with a fond sigh, hand on her hip as she tried (And failed) to be stern with her daughter. It was something the kitsune mother had grown accustomed to whenever Kanako made a new friend.
“Maybe I did both, so what?” The kit stuck out her tongue as she retorted. “I never had a human friend before, so I wanted everyone to know that Clover was special! My special human friend!”
Clover felt a strange warmth flutter in their chest. They pulled their bandana up to cover up their flushed cheeks, but couldn’t help but smile at the affection Kanako had so much for them. It was strange why she was so… Friendly and nice about everything. But it was more genuine , like she actually meant it.
Flowey, on the other hand, was hard to make out. Sure he acted friendly but there was always an underlying tension in the back of Clover’s mind about the all too cheerful flower. Like how he preferred to show up when they’re alone and that SAVE ability of his. And he always was just a little too pushy about getting to Asgore. Granted, Clover needed to bring Justice for the children whose lives were cut short, but without a game plan or anything to give them the advantage, they would die to the King of all Monsters.
Over. And over. And over again.
Of course, their flowery companion could just make it unhappen until they beat him. But it wasn’t fun dying over and over again like trying to fix a broken record. They already had a hard time dealing with their first death, falling off the bridge into the eternal darkness when Decibat’s magic knocked them off. And it wasn’t delightful getting their body charred from lightening by Dalv or their skull bashed in by a fucking bowling ball Martlet threw at them.
Clover didn’t even want to think about their dance battle with El Balidor.
And they remembered every single time their soul shattered, only to be brought back to try again until they succeeded. And Clover… Kept moving forward, trying not to think about it too much.
It was better this way.
. . .
Midway through as Kanako was going through great detail of her sleepover with them, Clover felt the discomforting feeling of being watched again. It didn’t take long before they noticed the uncanny silhouette of Flowey over by the bell tower, watching them before dipping back into the ground. Leaving that glowing star Flowey called SAVE Points .
It dawned on them that it’s been a while since they last saved, distinctively remembering it was at the playground where they swinged with that junebug girl. And it’d probably be good to save, even if they had to talk to him.
Not like they felt it good to try and ignore him.
They snuck away unnoticed by the group as Kanako had everyone’s attention all on her, and walked over to the shimmering star.
Not a moment later, the flower sprouts from the ground. Wearing a cowboy hat? Clover gave him a questioning look, gesturing to the hat perched atop his head.
“Oh, like it?” Flowey grinned. “Thought it’d make a great disguise among these wannabe cowboys. Blend in with the populated area of monsters carrying guns and whatnot.” He sneered, bobbing his head to the side. “Speaking of which, it seems like someone got themselves a better piece of firepower.” A vine gestured to the holster on Clover’s hip, brandishing the Wild Revolver Starlo gifted them.
They gave the firearm a small glance, still unsure why the sheriff thought it was a good idea to give them a gun. But it was a gift. And it’d be rude to turn it down, especially when he paid so much for it.
“That looks like it could provide some extra firepower when you face off against Asgore. Seems like you took my advice of preparing for the big fight!” He nodded approvingly. “Anyway, let’s get’cha saved! Wouldn’t want my Best Friend having to go back to yesterday and repeating all that junk again, after all!”
Clover nodded and pressed their hand into the glowing point, feeling a comforting warmth envelope them. Not the normal warmth of the Dunes, but like from a blanket being wrapped around them.
A small ping! echoed in their head.
Clover LV1 18/18 HP
Dunes - Wild East
“That’s interesting…”
When they opened their eyes again, the flower was gone.
“Clover!” Kanako called out to them. They spun around to see the group coming over to the bell tower, the small kit leading the pack with a hop in her step. She had a giddy expression bouncing up to them. “Clover! Do you wanna come with us to Snowdin??”
They blinked, a slight tilt with their head. “Pardon?”
Martlet let out a nervous giggle, a wing rubbing the back of her neck. “Sooo, remember those puzzles of mine in Lower Snowdin? Where you gave me a two on the survey I did per protocol?” Getting a nod, she continued, “Well, they broke. And I need to get them fixed before tomorrow when my boss comes by for Royal Guard evaluations!” The implication of that was clear enough. Failing evaluation with poor royal guarding, means Martlet’s fired from her job.
“ Annddddd ,” Kanako added in a sing-song voice. “Since she needs Daddy’s help, I’m going with so I can leave my gift for my friend I told you about! Please say you’ll come with us, plleeeeaassseeee …?” Her eyes sparkled as she clasped her hands together beneath her chin in a pleading manner.
Clover stared blankly at her shining orbs. They knew exactly what she was trying to do, and frankly it wasn’t going to work on them. They’ve already built up resistance to the trademarked Puppy Eyes. And she wouldn’t be any different.
. . .
‘ Okay, I can only keep a straight face for so long. ’ Clover sighed as they relented to the cuteness. Truly it was a weapon none could withstand. Besides, they were already going to agree to go.
Kanako clapped her hands with a proud smirk playing on her lips, satisfied that her signature weapon proved effective once again. “Yay!! Come on, come on! Let’s get going!” Tugging their sleeve she was ready to race off to… Wherever way to Snowdin, before Ceroba stepped in to stop her.
“Hold it, Kanako.” A hand held up to halt her daughter from running off. “Aren’t you forgetting something?”
The young boss monster tilted her head, eyebrows raised in a bit of a confused manner. Did she forget something? She was already in her kimono, ready for any type of weather. She still had plenty of snacks stashed away in case she ever got hungry. So what could she be…?
The young kit eyes lit up with realization as her mama opened her arms. “Ohhh, right!” she said with an embarrassed laugh, her tail swishing rapidly behind her. She dashed forward and practically threw herself into Ceroba’s embrace.
Ceroba chuckled warmly, wrapping her arms around her daughter. “There we go. Can’t have my little kit running off without a proper hug,” she said softly, giving Kanako a gentle squeeze.
Kanako giggled, nuzzling her head into her mom’s shoulder. “Okay, okay! But don’t get all mushy on me, Mama! Everyone’s watching!”
Ceroba laughed, letting her go but not before giving her an affectionate pat on the head. “Sorry, sweetie. But you should know by now that my love for you will always be on show for everyone.” She then turned her attention to Clover, who was standing nearby, adjusting their hat and pretending not to be watching the heartwarming scene.
“Well, I suppose I’ll see you when you return.” She added. Clover tilted their a little, confused. “Not coming with us, Miss Ceroba?” They asked, having assumed Kanako’s mother would be joining them to Snowdin.
She shook her head, “No, I’m not as well equipped to handle Snowdin cold temperatures despite having fur. Unlike my husband and Kanako.” The kitsune nodded to the two. “I’d have to bundle up just to not freeze to death, even then I’d still be cold. I’d rather stay warm, thank you.”
Clover let out a small ‘Oh’ before Starlo chimed in, “What? Can’t handle a little cold, Roba? Not even for yer’ family?” He smirked, to which she scoffed in return.
“Star, when was the last time you went to Snowdin?”
His grin faltered. “Uh, y’know… A while ago?”
“Five years is an awfully long while, isn’t it?” Now it was her turn to smirk, watching as his grin fell off his face.
“Uh, w-well… When you put it like that…” He stumbled and tripped over his words, hat tipping over his eyes in concealed embarrassment. “W-well, whatever! Shouldn’t we be seeing Chujin and the kids off?” Ceroba rolled her eyes but relented in the banter. For now.
“Right then,” Chujin pushed his glasses up as he spoke. “I suppose we’ll take the Riverperson’s boat and head to Snowdin. Might be a while before we reach Lower Snowdin however…”
“Oh! Actually,” Martlet chimed in, a cheeky grin on her beak. “I think I have a solution for that.”
“ No way .” Chujin deadpanned, staring at the small floating whale carrying a large basket looped around its tail.
His old apprentice had the brightest smile after suggesting the UGPS’s new transportation system. Which involved passengers sitting in a basket, being carried high up in the underground sky to their destinations.
“You betcha!” Martlet chirped with a determined smile. “The Mail Whale’s super reliable, delivering letters and packages across the Underground for years. Now they’re branching out with passenger services! Figured it’d be perfect for you guys since a UGPS sign is close to the Honeydew Resort!”
Kanako gasped, her eyes lighting up. “We get to ride on the Mail Whale?! That’s so cool!”
Chujin crossed his arms, raising an eyebrow. “And it’s safe? I’m not exactly thrilled about hitching a ride in a... basket.”
The blue bird gave a reassuring nod. “Safe as can be! Mail Whale’s a professional. Never missed a delivery, never dropped a package—or a passenger, for that matter!”
Clover glanced at Kanako, who was already bouncing with excitement, then at Chujin, whose skeptical expression hadn’t budged. Finally, they looked back at the blue avian and tipped their hat. “Sounds good to me.” They nodded and proceeded to climb into the woven basket. Kanako eagerly clambered inside next to them, much to her father’s dismay.
Chujin sighed, muttering something about how this wasn’t what he signed up for, but he followed the kids and sat himself down inside the basket. Martlet, meanwhile, gave the whale an approving nod before taking off into the sky to fly alongside them.
“Stay safe, my loves! And you too, Clover!” Ceroba called out, waving them off.
“Later pardners! Bring me back a souvenir!” Starlo hollered as they disappeared over the horizon. The kitsune lightly smacked the back of his head with a smirk, muttering to him to get it himself.
As the Mail Whale began to move, carrying its passengers toward Snowdin, Kanako leaned over the edge of the basket, waving at the Underground scenery below. Clover, meanwhile, sat back and let the gentle sway of the basket relax them. Chujin, clutching the edge of the basket with a white-knuckled grip, grumbled under his breath.
“Don’t you dare lean out too far, Kanako!” he barked, his tone gruff but laced with concern as they flew through the cavernous skies to Snowdin.
The snow-covered landscape of Snowdin came into view, miles upon miles of trees blanketed with white stretched off as far as the eye could see. To the north Snowdin Town could be faintly seen in the distance, but more noticeably was the glowing structure the Honeydew Resort close by. The Mail Whale gave a final, triumphant bellow as it lowered itself beside the UGPS sign. The foxes and human climbed out, much to Chujin’s relief to be back on solid ground.
“We have arrived without a scratch!” It sang aloud. “The journey was fun but it’s time to dispatch!” Kanako giggled, finding the rhyme it made silly.
Clover, now equipped with their handy silver scarf, reached into their satchel and produced a small pouch with a G on it. *Thank you for the lift, Mister Mail Whale. Hope it wasn’t too straining for your wings.” They said, generously plopping the small bag of Fifty G into the carrier.
The small pink whale beamed at the human’s generous tip. They tipped their hat in gratitude before flying off, either to make more deliveries or to deliver more passengers. It was quite fascinating such a small creature with even smaller wings could carry up to three people, well two children and an adult.
“Heya, gang!” Martlet called from above, wings flapping to slow her descent as she landed gracefully on the ground. “Welcome to Snowdin! Or, well, welcome back to Snowdin.” She chuckled. “Since Clover was already here yesterday.”
Kanako was practically bouncing on her heels, her excitement bubbling over like a hot kettle. “We’re here! We’re here! Oh, there’s so much to do! I wanna visit my friend, check out the shops, maybe even throw a snowball fight! Clover, doesn’t that sound amazing?!”
Clover chuckled softly at her enthusiasm. “Sure does, Kanako. But let’s not get ahead of—”
“ Not so fast ,” Chujin interrupted, crossing his arms with a stern expression. His gaze immediately settled on Kanako. “I know you want to do all those things, but Martlet needs help fixing up her puzzles. That means I can’t babysit you two while I work.”
Kanako’s ears drooped slightly, but she tilted her head in confusion. “But, uh... we don’t need babysitting?”
Chujin raised an eyebrow, clearly unconvinced. “Don’t even try it, Kanako. Last time I left you alone, you got lost in the forest with some detective . Or was it a unicorn ?” He shook his head. “Doesn’t matter. Not happening again.”
Kanako huffed and crossed her arms. “That was a fun adventure, though.”
Ignoring her protest, Chujin pointed toward the Honeydew Resort Lodge at the edge of town. The cozy-looking lodge had a warm glow emanating from its windows, and snow dusted its rooftop like powdered sugar. “You two are staying there while I help Martlet. No exceptions . Behave yourselves, and don’t leave the lodge. Understand ?”
Kanako pouted but nodded reluctantly, while Clover tipped their hat and gave an understanding nod. “Got it, Mister Chujin. We’ll stay put.”
Chujin looked at the two of them, his eyes narrowing as if he were trying to gauge their sincerity. Finally, he let out a sigh and turned to leave. “Good. Martlet and I’ve got enough on our plate without having to chase you two down. Stay out of trouble.”
Kanako sighed dramatically, flopping back onto the snowy ground for a moment before standing up. “Fine. But if we’re stuck at the lodge, we better make it fun!”
Clover smiled softly, adjusting their satchel. “I’m sure we can think of something’. Let’s head in before we freeze out here.”
With a resigned but still hopeful bounce in her step, Kanako followed Clover toward the Honeydew Resort Lodge, ready to make the best of their snowy staycation. Chujin watched them head inside, waiting a bit before being satisfied they’ll stay put. “Alright, Martlet.” He turned to her. “Lead the way.”
The blue avian nodded, waving a wing to the East. “Right! Follow me, it’s not far from here!” She led the fox away from the resort towards one of her nearest puzzles. A grateful smile showing up on her beak. “And… Thanks again for helping me out. It means a lot.”
“Anytime.” He smiled.
. . .
. . .
. . .
Kanako sat on the lodge's plush couch, her cheeks puffed in exaggerated frustration as she twirled a stubby orange crayon in her fingers. The coloring page she'd been given—a cheerful snow monster waving under a frosted tree—was fully colored, though the limited palette of yellow, orange, and brown didn’t do it many favors. She held it up, squinting critically at her work.
“This is boring !” she declared, throwing the crayons onto the table. “We’ve been stuck here forever!”
Clover, seated next to her fiddling with their toy gun, glanced at her. “Kanako, it’s been ten minutes.”
“Exactly! Forever !” She hopped off the couch and placed her hands on her hips, her fluffy tail swishing with determination. “I’m going to where my friend lives! This corn won’t deliver itself, after all!”
Clover tilted their head, unsure. “Yer Paw told us to stay put. You sure that’s a good idea?”
Kanako’s ears drooped slightly, but her stubborn grin remained. “We won’t be gone long! Quick in, quick out! Nobody’ll even notice.” She clasped her hands together, giving Clover her best pleading look. “ Pleeease , Clover?”
The cowpoke sighed, slipping their hat back on. “Alright, but we’re stickin’ to the plan. No detours. Just a quick visit and that’s it.”
Kanako brightened immediately, grabbing Clover’s hand and dragging them toward the door. “You won’t regret it, partner!”
The cold air hit them as they stepped outside, a stark contrast to the lodge’s warmth. Snowflakes danced lazily in the air, and the streets of Snowdin were bustling with monsters. Clover pulled their silver scarf tighter around their neck while Kanako darted ahead, her excitement driving her faster than the snow could slow her down.
. . .
Kanako skipped along the snow-dusted path, her fluffy tails swishing in time with her cheerful hum. The crisp air nipped at Clover’s face, but they tugged their scarf tighter and kept pace, boots crunching through the snow.
Snowdin was even more lively then Clover remembered: The monsters they encountered yesterday were out and about, even the Ruins monsters seemed to have filtered out. Penilla was trying to draw a snowflake that had fallen onto a slumbering Insomnitot with her oversized pencil while Tri, Hec, and Ta were stacked atop each other while Rorrim critiqued the siblings’ form. The cowpoke smiled and waved as they passed by the monsters.
“Are those your friends?” Kanako whispered to them.
Clover nodded, “Yup. Met them when I passed through here. Pretty swell fellers when they’re not attacking me.”
“Yeah… Probably not the most welcoming way to make friends. Well, at least you’re on good terms with them!” Kanako giggled as they turned the corner. “Maybe they’ll-”
The small kit’s next sentence was cut short as she bumped into somebody, falling on her behind in the snow. “Owwww…” She groaned, rubbing her head. Clover knelt next to her, half concerned and half amused. “Should prolly watch where yer heading, huh Kanako?”
She was about to give a friendly retort before a new voice, polite and shy, spoke up. “A-ah, are you alright?” The older monster asked with concern, holding his hand out to help her up..
“Yeah…” She huffed, letting herself be brought back to her feet. “M’sorry, Mister. I wasn’t looking-”
She paused as she looked up at the older monster, his face a pale purple contrast to the deep purple color of his hair, with two horns protruding out of his head. But that’s not what caught her eye. It was his outfit. The red winter coat with the fluffy cotton trims. Just like…
Her breath hitched, trembling hands clenched tightly. ‘It couldn’t be, right?’ But there was no mistaking the wooly jacket the vampire monster wore. The same one her friend wore the last time she saw them.
“M-mister Dalv…?” Kanako’s voice wobbled.
The vampire froze, his eyes widening as a flood of memories came rushing back. Some bad, but mostly good. His legs felt like jelly as he took a step towards her. “L-little friend…?” He said softly, voice filled with so many emotions.
Kanako blinked, her tail swishing with a mix of emotions. “D-Dalv?! What… What are you doing out here?! I mean—uh—hi! Nice to see you!” She fumbled her words, clutching the gift she’d intended to leave on his doorstep.
Dalv shifted awkwardly, his hands tucking into the folds of his coat. “I could ask you the same thing. I was… taking a walk. Stretching my legs, I suppose. It’s been a long time since I truly ventured out of my home.”
Clover, standing just behind Kanako, gave him a small wave. “Good to see you again, Dalv. Didn’t expect to run into you here, though.”
Kanako whipped around to Clover, her eyes narrowing. “Wait. You know Dalv?!”
Dalv coughed into his hand, looking between the two. “We… met a while back. In my home.”
“Clover had entered the ruins of where I lived,” Dalv continued, his voice soft but steady. “They helped me with something important… made me realize I couldn’t keep hiding forever. It’s thanks to them that I decided to step out into the Underground again. Make new friends.”
Kanako’s ears twitched, her initial shock melting into a mixture of awe and excitement. “So that’s why you’re out and about now? Because of Clover?” She glanced at Clover, her grin returning full force. “Man, you really do have a way of making friends everywhere, huh?”
Dalv’s lips twitched into the faintest smile as he nodded. “They… have a certain way about them, yes.”
Suddenly remembering the gift in her hands, Kanako thrust it toward Dalv. “Oh! Here! I was gonna leave this on your doorstep, but since you’re here…”
Dalv hesitated, his hands hovering over the carefully wrapped packaged corn before taking it gently. “Thank you, Kanako. You didn’t have to—”
“Of course I did!” Kanako interrupted, her cheeks puffing slightly. “You’re my friend, and friends give gifts. That’s just how it works!” Dalv’s grip on the package tightened slightly, a warmth spreading through his chest. “Thank you,” he repeated, his voice quieter this time.
She couldn’t hold it in anymore as tears glistened in the corners of her eyes. Throwing herself at the shy vampire as she hugged him tightly, laughs filled with emotion of being reunited with her friend she missed seeing and playing with. Dalv had frozen upon the sudden contact, but a soft smile graced his lips as he slowly returned the hug.
Clover stood off to the side, a smile on their face seeing those two’s reunion. Ever since they saw that drawing of Dalv in Kanako’s bedroom, they had planned on rekindling the distant friendship between them. Though they will admit it was sooner than expected they’d come back to Snowdin, it seemed to work out well in the end.
“All in a day’s work.”
. . .
After a few minutes of Kanako hugging Dalv’s torso, she reluctantly let go with a soft smile. “I’m really happy to see you again, Mister Dalv.”
“Me too.” He said, returning the smile. Though a forlorn look gazed down to the snowy ground, his smile vanished with a bit of guilt written on his face. “I know it’s been so long, and I have no right to ask this of you, but… Would you two like to come to my old home? I still have some things I need to pack from there, and well…” He shook his head, already regretting asking. “Sorry, you probably don’t want to-”
“I’d LOVE to!” Kanako squealed.
A look of shock came over the vampire’s face, “Y-you would…?” He asked again hesitantly. The small kit nodded vigorously, clear excitement on her fuzzy face. Clover grinned, tilting their hat back up. “Well, if she’s going, might as well make it a party of three.”
After the initial shock passed, Dalv smiled once more with a nod. “Very well, if you are sure, I’ll lead the way.”
With that, Dalv led Clover and Kanako through the snowy trail of Lower Snowdin and into the less-traveled paths that wound toward the entrance to the Darker Ruins. The chilly wind gave way to a damp, stone atmosphere as they descended along the cavernous bridge that led across to the vampire’s home.
His house was tucked into a quiet corner of the Ruins, a modest but cozy abode with flickering candlelight, and a faint scent of old parchment. Despite its shadowy aesthetic, the space carried a welcoming warmth that reflected Dalv’s quiet demeanor.
“Apologies for the mess,” Dalv murmured, motioning them inside. “I still haven’t swept today, and I need to sort through my things before I fully move on from here.”
Kanako immediately made herself at home, flopping onto a chair tucked away by a desk with drawings scattered on its surface. “Your place is awesome! It’s all spooky and cool!”
Dalv blinked, surprised by the enthusiasm. “I’m glad you think so.”
Clover, ever polite, tipped their hat before leaning against the wall beside Kanako. “I’ll bet yer new place will be just as swell as this one, Dalv. Especially if it’s got your artistic touches.”
Dalv allowed himself a small smile at the compliment before disappearing down the hallway. When he returned, he carried a box filled with art supplies. He placed it on the table and opened it to reveal stacks of paper, neatly organized markers, colored pencils, and a full pack of crayons—used, but still pristine and vibrant.
Kanako’s eyes widened at the sight. “Are those… all the colors?!”
“They are,” Dalv said, holding the box out to her. “You’re welcome to use them while you’re here. I wouldn’t want my friends being left without anything to do.”
Kanako eagerly grabbed the crayons, her tail wagging as she flipped through the assortment of hues. “Oh my gosh, there’s even Cerulean!” She squealed.
Clover chuckled softly, reaching for a sheet of paper. “Guess we’re doing some drawing while you pack, huh?”
Dalv nodded, his faint smile returning. “Make yourselves comfortable. I won’t be long.”
As Dalv moved about, carefully collecting items and sorting through his belongings, Clover and Kanako began their impromptu art session. Kanako excitedly narrated her masterpiece—a portrait of herself with a cape riding on Clover’s back while wielding a staff. Clover, meanwhile, worked on a simple but charming drawing of Snowdin’s landscape, complete with a smiling Mail Whale in the corner.
Dalv occasionally glanced over, his reserved features softening as he observed the pair. Though he wasn’t much for idle chatter, the quiet joy radiating from his guests filled his old home with a warmth he hadn’t felt in years.
“Dalv!” Kanako exclaimed, holding up her drawing. “This is you!”
Dalv paused his packing to inspect her work. It was a rough sketch of him, complete with exaggerated horns and a comically oversized cloak, but there was something endearing about it.
“Thank you, Kanako,” he said, his voice tinged with genuine appreciation. “You’ve captured me… rather uniquely.”
Kanako beamed, clearly proud of herself. Clover chuckled, adding a finishing touch to their drawing. For the first time in what felt like an eternity, Dalv’s home wasn’t filled in with overbearing silence, but with the friends he’s made.
Meanwhile, Chujin and Martlet were hard at work near one of the few puzzles scattered across Snowdin’s outskirts. The frost-covered contraption, an elaborate mix of sliding panels and molten rocks, had seen better days. Parts of it were cracked or jammed, in desperate need of repair.
Chujin crouched beside the base of the puzzle, his claws deftly tinkering with a loose gear. “Martlet, pass me that screwdriver,” he called without looking up.
Martlet, who was perched on a nearby snowbank and balancing precariously on one foot, peered at the toolbox. “Uh… which one’s the screwdriver again? The pokey one or the stabby one?”
Chujin sighed deeply, his breath fogging in the cold air. “The one shaped like a plus sign.”
“Ohhh, gotcha!” Martlet grabbed the correct tool and flew it over to him. “You know, I could probably just hit this thing a few times with my mallet, and it’d start working again. Worked for my toaster.”
Chujin glanced up at her, his expression deadpan. “We’re trying to fix the puzzle, not turn it into a pile of scrap. Besides, isn’t this the one you’re supposed to maintain? What happened?”
Martlet scratched the back of her head sheepishly. “Well, uh, I might’ve… accidentally forgot the weight limit for the molten rocks? But, in my defense, I thought it would hold up! How would I have known it’d be too tall and flimsy?”
Chujin pinched the bridge of his nose. “Tall and flimsy... Right. Let’s just get this done before it becomes a public hazard.”
As they worked, Chujin couldn’t help but glance back toward the direction of the Honeydew Resort Lodge. He felt uneasy leaving Clover and Kanako alone for too long. “You sure those kids will stay put?” he asked, tightening the last screw on the puzzle panel.
Martlet gave a carefree wave of her wing. “Relax, they’ll be fine. Kanako might be a little ball of chaos, but Clover’s got a good head on their shoulders. Besides, what’s the worst that could happen in Snowdin?”
Chujin gave her a flat look. “You really had to say that out loud, huh?”
Martlet shrugged, hopping off the snowbank and folding her wings. “Hey, if something does happen, I’m sure the kiddos won’t be responsible for it. Betcha ten G.”
Chujin sighed again, shaking his head. “Just keep working, Martlet.”
Despite the banter, a nagging feeling gnawed at the back of Chujin’s mind. It wasn’t like Kanako to sit still for long. And Clover… Humans are unpredictable. He still didn't trust them still, nor did he want to associate with them, but for some reason he… Left them alone with his daughter. Again.
Maybe he was letting himself give the cowboy dressed human the benefit of the doubt. It was strange… how he’s just letting the human wander around and not reporting their existence to the guard. He wondered if his wife’s words to give the human a chance was rubbing off on him, or some other unseen force making him feel this way. Not to mention how tight Kanako seemed to be with them. Despite only knowing them for a day, she treats them as if they were her best friend.
“Ridiculous” He muttered, shaking his head as he finished tightening the screw. “It’s just a phase, a mild blip.” And yet, he knew deep down Kanako had a fondness for the cowpoke. She would most likely be upset if they had to leave, but everyone knows that the inevitable would happen sooner or later with the humans that fell down into the Underground. And Clover would be no different.
“Give it time, Chujin… And it won’t be your problem anymore.” He mumbled, carrying the toolbox as Martlet led the way to her other puzzle stationed near the Delta Rock. “The kid will leave eventually.”
After all, Clover couldn’t stay forever, right?