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Battleship 2023 (battleship2023) by lailah_tov, Asymptotical, Soulstoned, AO3_Support
21 Jul 2023
Two teams compete to clear boards of targets. Each board is a grid on which targets of various sizes and shapes are secretly placed. Teams fire shots at the boards. When a shot is fired at a square on the grid, the mods declare it a hit or a miss. Once all the squares occupied by a target are hit, the target is eliminated.
The rules are loosely based on the Battleship board game, but for the Battleship Exchange, shots are fired by creating fanworks with particular tags. For more information, see the complete rules.
The Battleship Exchange was created in 2020 by Soulstoned and Red Ranger, inspired by a community challenge in the Trick or Treat exchange. This year’s mods are Soulstoned, Asymptotical (a.k.a. Firebird), and lailah_tov.
(Open, Unmoderated, Gift Exchange Challenge)