
Work Header

Aloe Vera can infect fresh wounds


Bro makes a mistake — or I project onto Mikey bc I can

Work Text:

Mikey made a mistake. A really stupid one too. Mikey’s a generally happy guy, he doesn’t get sad or angry or any icky emotion that might make people dislike him. Just a happy guy. He sometimes gets really tired, but hey he has a really busy life. Anyways, Mikey doesn’t know why he did it.

But here he is, staring down at his ankles. His ankles that are currently seeping blood onto his floor and the tissues he’s holding over them.

How did he get here? He had broken his pencil sharpener trying to empty it, and apparently he was too curious for his own good.(not at all self-destructive) And in case you were wondering, yes, the blades in pencil sharpeners are sharp enough to cut scales. It had stung. But the red that had prickled to the surface was worth it. Until it wasn’t — until he had to clean up his own mess.

But splinter didn’t raise a quitter. He was going to clean up and make sure no one found out.

He grabbed a fistful of tissues, folding them haphazardly, and pressing them against his wounds. He then grabbed his wrappings; the ones him and his brothers wore on their feet and wrist for reasons unbeknownst to him. He wrapped them tight around his ankles, pushed open his door, and speed walked to the bathroom.

The turtle locked the door behind him, and basically ripped off his wrappings, praying that they hadn’t stained. Okay. First things first, disinfectant. He rummaged through drawers and cabinets, finding nothing.

He then laid eyes upon a clear bottle on the counter next to the sink. Aloe Vera. Probably from Donnie or Raph, they were the most likely to get burned. Then he thought Wait, if it can be used for burns, why not cuts?

He squeezed some onto his hand, trying to apply it to his wounds. It stung, worse than getting the cuts. But not in a ‘the sting means it’s disinfecting it’ way. More of a ‘something’s off’ way. Maybe he should look this up.

The bleeding had mostly halted, so he felt confident throwing his wrappings back on, and sprinting to his room. Phone in hand, he made his way back into the bathroom, closing the door. This was kinda awkward.

Just as hastily as before, he removed his wrappings. Better safe than sorry. He unlocked his shell phone, and opened a rip off Google Donnie had installed. He entered in the browser: Why can’t you put aloe vera on cuts? His eyes scanned the screen. putting aloe vera directly on a fresh wound can cause an infection.

That’s not good.

He wiped it off with some tissues, trying to clean the wound. Mikey needed disinfectant, bad. He continued his search, eventually quitting because he was a liar. Splinter did in fact raise a quitter. He was tired, sue him.

He put his wrappings back on(with some tissues), and opened the bathroom door. He was met with a pair of sharp green eyes, effectively scaring the shit out of him. Raph.

“Hello dearest brother, what might you need at this time” Mikey said way too fast.

“You were in the bathroom for a while. What were you doing?” Raph eyed him suspiciously.

“Using the bathroom?”

“For twenty minutes. Really?”

“Yes.” He half-asked half-stated, “I gotta go.. do stuff” he walked past Raphael, into his room.

“That was weird.” Raph said out loud, entering the bathroom.



Raph had been having a bad day. It wasn’t an unusual occurrence, but still. He had woken up late, thus making him late to training, thus giving Leo an opportunity to be an ass for the rest of training. Because of his unpunctual awakening he didn’t get to eat breakfast before training. So naturally he was hungry, tired, and in an overall bad mood when he opened the cabinet to find an empty box of his favorite cereal.

He decided eggs would suffice, and turned on the stove, trying not to make his bad mood everyone else’s problem. Mostly because he didn't feel like getting lectured by fearless.

Speaking of which, Leo was also in the kitchen. He was preparing tea, making Raph 90 percent sure he had absolutely zero taste buds.

Raph cracked an egg onto a pan he grabbed to(shockingly) make eggs. Leo had sat down to wait for his water to boil.

“So how are you?” Leo asked, trying to make conversation.

“Just peachy.” Raph snarked, struggling to be nice. “How about you?”


Raph wanted to eat already so he grabbed a half cooked piece from the pan. And would’ve made away with his half cooked piece of egg unscathed, if not for the hot tea kettle next to the pan of eggs. When pulling back his hand his forearm bumped against the kettle, effectively burning him.

He made no noise. Too upset to do anything except stare at his mistake. Leo coughed, making Raph aware of his presence once more. He rushed over to the sink, running water over the burn. What do I do now?

“Hey Leo,”


“Can you watch my eggs?”


He walked to the bathroom, in hopes of finding a burn cream or something. Halfway there he sees Mikey sprint in with his phone? That’s odd. He’ll just wait for him to be done.

20 minutes later he’s about to knock because come on, 20 minutes? Is he shitting or something?

Just as he raises his hand to knock, the door opens, revealing his little brother. He looks nervous. What was he doing in there?



Raph returns to the kitchen only to find his eggs burnt, and Leo asleep on the counter.

Today really sucked.

Series this work belongs to: