Work Text:
My contribution to MXTX Diaspora May 2024 of how I conceptualize my own experience as part of the Chinese diaspora.
(See the end of the work for notes.)
MagykFey, charleybradburies, ec1ipz33, I_live_for_hot_men, Menithelovergirl, zoey_96, Roslyn_Frisson, mistysteps, MagicIsABlueWish, frostferox, 20Kuhaku06, venilia, BlueJaeFlies, ShuWeiya, Full_Metal_Ox, LaLupa, raitala, suibeean, fred_mouse, Softfluff, UnfamiliarCreature, whYJayteesee, guangdian, ivy_jey, dykemania, spontaneouspigs, Chrononautical, Glitterng, katje, NoteInABottle, CeeLeeLEMT, Omochi, Twilight_Eli, StellatedTetrahedron, yueliang_hua, skuzzybunny, auberjing, tungstenpincenez, Orchidna, Badmaggz83, Yue41, and cats2cats as well as 11 guests left kudos on this work!
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