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Along Came A Spider

Chapter 16: Update Notice!!

Chapter Text

Hello all of my dear readers!


I know it has been a very long time since any updates have been made here. TBH life happened and priorities changed. I went to university, moved around a bit, lost people I loved, and found new people to love, too. It has been a rollercoaster.




I have found my spark again, and I am working very hard to complete this (any hopefully any other unfinished works I have lying about). I was just going to do some corrections and then continue from where we left off, but I feel like this story (and Aria) deserves more, and so, with the help of my dearest Tabby and a few other friends who have so graciously offered their support, I am going to be making corrections, fleshing out existing content, and adding new chapters. This means that chapter numbers will likely change (Chapter 4 may become Chapter 5, for example), as not all new chapters are going to be continuations from chapter 15.


I ask only that you all have just a bit more patience. I will begin uploading updated chapters as I finish them, and will post new chapters in the order they fall in the story line. So please, stick around, and feel free to leave some comments of encouragement, or ideas of what you'd like to see happen, of just let me know you're out there. Your support means the world to me and it keeps me motivated.


With all my love and appreciation,
