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Part 8 of Omegle: Surprisingly Awesome , Part 1 of Kattseye & Seeker Collabs
Teen wolf

Chapter 118: Outline: How it would have ended


Not a fic chapter.

We have decided to officially close off this work, so we're sharing our outline for what would have happened next, and a few final words from us both.

Chapter Text

Hi folks,

As many of you will have guessed, this fic isn’t going to be properly completed. However , we were actually planning to wrap up soon, back when we were writing the most recent chapter, so we thought we’d share with you a brief glimpse of what we were planning to happen as the story came to a close.


Note from seeker: 

You can blame me entirely for this story tailing off - as some of you will know, I moved out of the Teen Wolf fandom in 2018, and this story was one of the casualties. At over six hundred thousand words and over a hundred chapters, this was and is the largest writing project I’ve been a part of, and I’m incredibly grateful to kattseye and to all of you for sharing it with me. According to my statistics page, there’s still almost nine hundred of you subscribed to this work - I’m so sorry that we can’t share more, but thank you so much for your faith in us and your enthusiasm for the story we told. 



Note from kattseye:

I’ll always cherish every review and kudo and commentary. This will always be my biggest work (probably that I’ll ever post) and I am grateful to seeker for putting up with my random thoughts and ideas thrown out there. I’m very proud of what we have done, and while sad that it’ll never be finished, it’s still very satisfying to go back and re-read our work and y’alls comments and know that we did that. I’ll still be posting other works with other partners, and who knows, maybe one day you’ll see another work from us ;)
Love you all,


Mother’s Day

Mother’s Day is coming up, and Stiles talks to his therapist about missing his mom. He talks to Melissa and John about Claudia, and takes the opportunity to go through her old things in the attic, revisiting those memories.

On Mother’s Day, Stiles and Derek go to the graveyard together. They talk about Derek’s family, and their long-term future, and Derek shares that he thinks someday he’ll be able to talk about forever with Stiles. 


Making progress

Stiles and Derek both have good days and bad days with their mental health, but they’re getting better at handling them. Stiles’ studies are progressing - his course is online, and he’s majoring in psychology and business. His store is doing well too, and we see him investing more in the business with things like getting a proper logo and so on. In July, Derek goes on a book tour - bringing Stiles with him this time. They meet up with Scott and Isaac in San Francisco, and talk to them about what they’re doing next. 

Scott is about to start his third year of college, but he’s got a long way to go. He’s thinking about what concentration he’ll do next year, and considering picking up some volunteer hours at a wildlife rehab hospital. Meanwhile, Isaac has been offered a promotion at the coffee shop, and is thinking about what he wants to do in future. He spends more time experimenting with new clothes, and starts going to therapy. The two of them are considering getting a second pet. 


Winter Holidays

Laura and Jordan are having to deal with Jordan’s family a lot more with the winter holidays coming up. Her shop’s doing well, and Jordan’s been promoted to sergeant; they’ve also taken on a new mentoree. But Jordan’s mom is still an issue, and Jordan finally tells her off and makes it stick. 

Leo and Bastian are dealing with family issues too, and Bastian blocks his family on Facebook. They start their second year together, with regular date nights - and occasionally double dates where they watch Stiles and Derek together. After one of these nights, Leo offers Bastian a collar. 


Future Plans

Scott and Isaac come back to Beacon Hills to visit, because the tenants renting the Lahey house have moved out, and they want to check on the place before they advertise it again. While they’re there, they stop by Deaton’s practice, and he hints that maybe when Scott’s done training, he’ll be looking for a junior partner in the practice. They visit Derek and Stiles, and there’s a lot of reminiscing and thinking about the future.