Work Text:
{ KITT }
There are no words I can describe right now on how Michael is feeling. All the time there's sadness on his face and in his eyes. The love of his life so brutally torn from him and yet in my own mechanical heart, I feel there's still some love in his. Is it so presumptuous to say it's for me?
Love is something I never expected to feel and yet I do. It's not romantic or familial love - it's much, much deeper and it's for the man who recently lost his.
Michael had left everything behind - his life at the foundation, all the people he befriended and even me. It was when Michael reunited with Stevie.
For a time Michael and Stevie were happy at first by the cottage at the beach and then on their wedding day. I know, I was there but they couldn't escape the fate that eventually would come to pass.
The unthinkable happened and now Michael is trying to pick up the shattered pieces of his life.
So now we drive around from one place to another with no purpose despite the calls from everyone back at the foundation. The calls for me to return home.
I know one thing is for sure, I cannot and will never abandon Michael no matter what everyone back at FLAG says I should do.
Weeks later:
It's only recently we both returned home - to family as Michael mentioned however I believe he still needs time to sort things out before resuming the life of catching bad guys and risking his own.
Will Michael be able to?
In some ways, I hope he can and others I don't. Our lives are so intertwined with each other - Michael and I. To risk his life time after time and for what? I ask myself the same questions over and over again.
They say time heals all wounds. Does it?
We shall see.
It's late at night. Michael and I are at the same beach where he and Stevie used to frolic at. All the times they tossed a frisbee to each other. One chases the other with hugs as the reward at the end. Riding on top of my seats while I drive on the sand in convertible mode.
Those were the best days for Michael - he needed them.
Now Michael is sitting near a fire he made earlier and looking out at the waves of the ocean. What is he thinking and feeling now? Sometimes I wish, I could take away his pain as though nothing happened but not even I have the power to do so.
What about my own pain? Should I be so selfish? In many instances, I thought, I would lose the love of my life - when Michael was shot, the attempts on his life afterwards and the time he left the foundation.
I wonder if this night will be our last together? Have I lost him for good?
Michael glances at me for a brief moment as I'm parked beside him. I scan his face while lighting up the LEDs of my Anamorphic Equalizer. He hears the familiar sound, looks at me again and smiles.
I realize now, Michael needs me more than ever and can see there's room in his heart for love especially for a computer such as I.
We will recover together and honor the woman who taught Michael how to love again.