Chapter Text
Asmodeus never particularly enjoyed visiting Pride. Nothing personal, since he disliked every Ring other than Lust. He endured frequent visits to Greed because of his Fizzie, and before even meeting him he liked to go see Bee from time to time. While his relationship with Lucifer was stable, so to speak, he only appeared in this part of Hell for Lilith’s banquets or important events. He continued to do that even after their separation. To everyone’s surprise, she kept inviting all of them after the split with Lucifer.
The only times he spoke with sinners before Mammon’s great ideas were during Lilith’s parties. The ones that included overlords, of course. He made some acquaintances, yes. But no more than that. He had quite a sore relationship with humanity, and interacting with those idiots was even worse.
There were few necessary visits he had to have earlier. Mammon, greedy as the insect always has been, suddenly decided to expand the group of hi-their customers. The fucker had him come up to Pride only to exchange a few meaningless courtesies with the fools who decided to make deals with him.
That was when he met the Vees. Two of them to be exact. He was informed beforehand there would be three of them.
“The city is drowning in sinners,” he had told one of them, Valentino. “Why do you need robots to work for you?”
“Oh, well, you see, Your Sinfulness,” the overlord had smiled at him nonchalantly. “This year’s extermination left us with quite a big underemployment.”
Which he supposed was true. That Valentino guy did seem a little off to him. But just like with the rest of the sinners, he simply did not care. They were Lulu’s problem. He only did what at that time was good for business. He had to admit he had forgotten about them for some time, until Mammon’s call one day.
“Ozzie! How’re doin’, mate?”
Clenching his teeth so tight that he felt real pain, Ozzie muttered something under his breath before answering. “Cut the shit, Mamm. I’m busy, the factory isn’t gonna run itself.”
“You know, I’ve been wonderin’... How’s my divine star boy doin’?”
Asmodeus smelled the bullshit from kilometres away. The asshole wanted something from Fizz. He almost answered with ask him yourself, biting his tongue after a second thought. He would prefer to deal with him without Fizzie having to worry about the piece of shit.
“I’m keeping him busy,” he offered instead.
“Oh, c’mon, Ozz! I’m sure you can squeeze ‘im a day or two off your fancy brothel. I got a job for ‘im.”
Putting a palm to his forehead, the sin let out a sigh. “What job?”
“Yeah, a really fuckin’ nice one!” That didn’t sound promising. “Ya remember those sinners we sold those Fizzbots to? The one who was looking at ya like at a fuckin’ candy store?”
“Oh, hell no. Mammon, don’t you have other underpaid young kids to exploit?”
The silence on the other side was rather long, so he hoped Mammon had hung up. He was wrong. “‘Kay, fine,” he finally growled. “Possessive much, aren'tcha?”
“Fuck you.”
An evil chuckle met his ear. “Luv ya, too, Ozz. But, fuck, at least gimme some succubus, will ya? I made a really lucrative deal, you see. And none of my toys are gonna survive that fuckin’ psycho.”
The King of Lust made a quick list of potential stars he could rent in his head. After a second it hit him. “Verosika’s free.”
“Mayday bitch? Fuck me, Ozz, ya the best!”
Thank God the clown hung up first. With an angry growl, he dialled another number, knowing Mammon wouldn’t bother with organising help for his workers.
“Beelze!” he began with a high-pitched voice. “My dear, is that hellhound of yours free this weekend? I need some security guys.”
Fizz’s confession about his journey to Pride was… disturbing. He knew well enough about the Vees to know it was better not to meddle with their shit. He bought Voxflix, only because it got a couple of movies Fizzie desperately wanted to watch and weren’t available on any other site. He trusted Blitzø well enough. And Fizzie wasn’t hurt, or unhappy. In fact, it’d been a while since he saw him so positively tired. However, thinking back to the conversation he had with Mammon all those years ago made him realise he never really asked Fizzarolli if he wanted the gig in the first place. Cursing his own acquisitiveness, he called Valentino a week later.
“Your Majesty! What a pleasure,” Valentino greeted him in his tower. “I’m sorry you had to wait. Your visit is a little… unannounced. And I must admit, I was simply speechless tonight. Fizzarolli is something especial, ¿no?”
“Oh, I’m well aware of that,” he agreed taking a seat right in front of the overlord. “I’m a little disappointed I didn’t get to see the show live. It's always more fun, you feel me?”
A small laugh escaped the moth. “Don’t worry, my Lord. I’m sure there will be others, ¿sí? After all, the crossover between my Angel and Fizzarolli sold in seconds.”
The sin hummed in agreement. If Fizz enjoyed this, he would be happy to continue the partnership with the sinner.
“A drink, Your Lustnessess?” After a nod, he motioned at Kitty to bring them two glasses. “So, you came here to extend our deal? I was thinking about renegotiating-”
“No, actually. I was… Is Fizzie back too?”
The overlord tilted his head slightly, baulking his drinking. “Nooo. I don’t think so. You see, my Lord, he’s having fun! I’m sure Angel Cakes’s taking good care of him.”
Ozzie narrowed his eyes, somehow not trusting that. He took out his phone to write a quick message to his boyfriend.
“But, anyway, let’s leave that for a second.” Val waved his hand dismissively and cleared his throat. “Frankly, it’s a good moment to mention that I was hoping to contact Your Highness. About some parts for my Kitties.”
“Oh! Um,” Ozz rubbed his chin. “Well… I would help if I could… But we don’t have those anymore. The production of those toys had stopped along my partnership with Mammon.”
“Oh, I’m so sorry to hear that, señor…” His lips pressed tightly after the huff. “Although, I’m sure you keep some spare partsss. Those protheses… surely need them often. And that gifted little imp of yours has quite a thing for misfortunes, doesn’t he?”
“I build those for Fizzarolli. Only for him. No exceptions.”
“Oh, well. That’s unfortunate,” Valentino was trying to hide the annoyance, but was doing relatively a poor job. “Well then, about Fizzarolli... He’s truly gorgeous, my Lord. A real miracle in Hell, I must say. A real pleasure to work with-”
“I know,” Asmodeus said straightforwardly. “My partner is one of a kind.”
He shifted to the doors behind him when someone slammed them open. He was caught off guard by that someone turning out to be his Fizzie. He heard a muffled inhale, indicating Valentino wanted to say something but shut his mouth after a moment.
“Fizzie Frog, baby-” he paused when Fizz, not really reacting, got onto his lap and cuddled with him automatically.
He smelled like alcohol. A lot of it. And high as fucking Heaven for sure. Now more worried, Asmodeus started to run his hand up and down his love’s back when he felt the imp begin to shiver. “You’re alright?” The lack of an answer was slightly odd. He shook him gently.
“He’s gonna be fine,” a voice said from the entrance. “Hellborns digest it kinda differently.”
“Ah! Your Majesty!” Valentino suddenly straightened his back. “May I present you, my number one star, Angel Dust,” he pointed at him with his glass. “Angie, come here, amorcito.” With much visible nervousness, the sinner made his way to his boss and sat next to him where Valentino patted for him to do. “He’s my top seller.”
Taking a good look at the sinner, Asmodeus recognised him from the posters. “Ah, enchanted, Angel.” He nodded at him, to which the man just pressed his lips together, not taking his eyes off Fizz. Ozzie noticed his gaze wasn’t leaving the rooster’s hand on the imp.
Laughing tensely, Valentino’s own gaze hardened. “Forgive him, my Lord. In other circumstances, he’s more… loud,” the overlord murmured suggestively. “Surely, he’s just tired, right, sweetheart? Such a hard worker, my Angel Cakes,” he added at the nonverbal nod of the porn star. After that, he placed the closest hand on the spider’s neck, massaging incredibly gently, but still causing the sinner to jerk his whole body.
“I guess, you must have had a great night,” Asmodeus decided to step in.
“Yeah,” Angel finally spoke, body still tense. “It’s my fault li’l guy’s like that now. Don’t be mad at him.”
“Angie,” Valentino’s hushed tone sounded like threatening than scolding.
Meanwhile, the sin exploded with laughter at the anxiety in the actor’s voice. “The only mad here will be our Fizzie Frog, when the first thing he feels when he wakes up will be his organs trying to kill him.” Taking Fizz’s face into his hands, he rubbed his cheeks with his thumbs. The imp remained unresponsive. “Oh, yeah… He’ll be recovering from that for a long time.” Plenty of amusement filled his words. “Nothing a few days of bedriddenness won’t fix, don’t worry, Angel.”
“Kinky,” Valentino started to chuckle, only for it to die down as Ozzie’s face hardened.
“Not really.” The sin sighed, now playing with the endings of Fizz’s cap. “Fizzie doesn’t usually listen when I tell him to take some time off, so I doubt he will remain off the stage for long.”
“A great star, indeed. See, amorcito, you could take some notes,” the way of speaking was playful, but the truth could be heard under it.
Asmodeus was more and more convinced that dealing with sinners just wasn't his thing. As much as he might like Angel, he, just like all sinners, humans in general, had free will. He learned early in his relationship with humans on Earth, that things like that were more an obstacle than help in everyday life. Lust was a choice, much like every sin. Whatever cheap-ass reap-off Valentino tried to sell in Pride was just pathetic, but it worked in his case. Hell was already a sort of punishment. As much for them as for him.
Thus, not his problem.
If he forced it on Fizzarolli though... Now, that would be a rather different history.
“I hate myself,” Fizz hissed the first thing after his awakening the next day. “Fuck my life.” He pretended not to notice the fond gaze of his boyfriend laying next to him. Instead, he took his arm and pressed it on the line of his eyes. “Fuckin’ Angel Dust and his fuckin’ angel dust…”
“You’re repeating yourself, my love.”
“Fuckin’ you, too.”
“Hmmm… Maybe later.”
“And I’m hungry.”
“I’ve already ordered burgers.”
Fizz swung himself to end up curled into the sin’s chest once more. “Fuck, I love you.”
Giggling, Asmodeus played with the imp’s tail, which was wrapped around his wrist. “Love you too, babe. You’re better now?”
“Yeah,” he admitted shyly, starting to purr. “I missed you.”
“With your frequency of answering my texts? Definitely,” he teased.
The imp though took it seriously as his whole body froze. “Fuck, I didn’t mean- I really didn’t have time, Ozz. I swear. And then the last day Angel invited me out and-”
“It’s fine, Froggie, don't you worry your pretty little head.”
Asmodeus adored lazy snuggling whatever part of day or night it was. Honestly, if he tried he would fall asleep right then, in the middle of the day. Not having many plans anyway, he attempted to.
“Yes?” He opened one of his eyes.
“I-” The pause was weirdly long, so Ozz opened both of them to look at the imp in his arms. “I lied to you,” he confessed, avoiding his gaze. “About that sleepover.”
Blinking, completely unfazed, the sin poked his lover’s nose. “I know.”
“Yeah, you can be mad and- What.”
Sending him an unimpressed look, Ozzie returned to massaging the imp’s back. “Oh, you know, a little birdie told me…”
“Are you fuckin’ kidding me right now?” Fizz leaned on his hands to sit up on Asmodeus’s chest. “BlitzO told you?!”
“How did you- Yes.”
“You both are so fuckin’ stupid…”
The corners of Ozzie’s mouth were lifted, and his open palm returned to Imp’s back to push him to lay down on him again. However, when he did it, the imp hissed in pain, causing the sin to halt.
“What’s wrong?” He gently rubbed the area where he touched previously.
Stupid. And where were his acting skills?
“Nothin’” the answer came too quickly for which Fizz was mentally scolding himself. He completely forgot about the bruises from the show. Ozzie pushing into one suddenly caught him off guard and he was too slow to hide the reaction. “A work incident.”
Asmodeus didn’t look convinced. “You’re sure?”
“Yeah, I fell down a pole and then Blit-” His voice died down when he realised he hadn’t sent him a text the previous day. “Fuck, I was supposed to message that fucker-”
“I spoke to him when we returned. It’s fine.”
“Oh. Still, my phone’s been turned off since yesterday. Gotta check what’s new.”
Stretching his hand, Fizz brought the divide to him. A message from BlitzO, a few worthless social apps, a message from Bee, a couple of messages from Angel D-
Angel Dust.
Fizz rubbed the bridge of his nose when he remembered their drunk conversations. He didn’t know how much did he drink and he had a feeling he preferred not to. Opening it was more challenging than he thought.
fuck Fizz
i hope youre ok
didnt expect it would sweep you off your feet
sorry if you have problems because of me
Vals still pissed if it cheers u up
let me know if youre ok
It’s fine
Thanks for everything anyways
My head’s killin me
And my back
Fuck that floor was hard
not only the floor~
I preferred those jokes when I could laugh
Too sore for that now
“It’s Angel,” Fizz gave some explanation to Ozzie’s silent question.
Changing his petting place, Asmodeus ran his hand on the top of his head. “At least you got yourself a new friend, babe.”
“Yeah… But, you know, he’s kinda stuck in Pride, so…”
“I mean, you can visit?”
“I-” Sure, and run into Valentino. “Yeah. Sure. So when will these burgers get here?”
Ozzie checked his phone. “Fifteen minutes.”
Fizz groaned into the sin’s fluffy blue chest. “What’s takin’ sooo looong?”
They laid in an almost complete silence, aside from Fizzarolli’s purring before Ozzie sighed. “You know, next time, just tell me the truth?”
Fizz nodded, thinking back to his stupid plan that went bananas. “Will do.”
To be honest, Fizzarolli seriously considered coming back to do some more work with Angel. Maybe with Ozzie being around more it wouldn’t be so terrible and scary. He would have to talk about it with Angel. Or maybe he could just visit him without the excuse of work? He would have to think it through and out, before speaking without any plan like last time.