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It’s a pity humans aren’t able to see the red strings of fate. Maybe then things would be easier. Maybe then, Nicholas would have noticed how, after a certain point, coincidences cease to be coincidences and instead become deliberate movements by the benevolent hands of fate.
or: a nichojoo canon compliant soulmate au
- Part 1 of the big bang
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god I love soulmate aus
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THE BEST NICHOJOO FIC EVER, OMGGGGGGGG. This was so good, so perfect ❤️🔥❤️🔥❤️🔥
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"He’s the one Euijoo practices his Japanese on, pressing words like beautiful , gorgeous , everlasting , and I love you into his skin when they collapse onto the wooden floors. Euijoo is it for him. There’s no one else."