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The Classic makes Medic eat feces in front of his teammates.

Work Text:

A plate of piping hot feces laid before the RED, gently clattering as it hit the table. The doctor wrinkled his nose in disgust and clasped a hand over his mouth. His stomach flipped rounds as bile filled his throat. Quickly, he gulped them down, bitter acidic taste flooding his taste buds. He stared hard at the so called "dessert", blue eyes filling to the brim with sour tears.

He looked over his shoulder, seeing his former team's sharp shooter and backstabbing snake. Despite being in full view of each other, able to see every thing and everything, they were barred by a glass window. Neither dared to move, frozen in wide eyed horror from the graying, bearded man holding them there. Then of course, there was the hulking beast of a man standing in front of the doctor with a deep frown. He bored holes into the smaller man.

"Eat up, Frankenstein. Made ya a full course meal here!" The brute said as Medic turned back to face him. A wide, toothy grin creased across his wrinkled lips as the doctor looked at the plate before him. Steadily, he picked up the silverware provided and began to cut into it.

Medic scooped up a chunk with his fork and raised it to his mouth. The three men behind him watched, two in horror and the other in a blank expression. He tucked the unwanted spectators to the back of his head as he shoved it into his mouth. Chunks of dark brown smeared across his swollen lips as his tongue ran across, attempting to collect left overs. He chewed for a few, taking note of the sudden bits and pieces of hardness, internally guessing at the older man's food choices.

The brute grinned and crossed his arms across his chest as he watched. Buried beneath his layers of baggy pants, a aching tent began to grow. He loved seeing the man like this, so utterly out of his depth and all his for the taking. Maybe he could take it further than just unsanitary humiliation. Maybe he could win bigger by taking Medic in front of the man who took his own title.

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