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It's here - the sequel! Go check out The Path Chosen :D
It's here - the sequel! Go check out The Path Chosen :D
raspberryanarchy, AthenaDraconis, TemporaMores, BlueKitten, sharpfries, HalforgottenDreams, Rynn_nx8, 212In0cEnT212, TinTheElvenKing, CloudOfThought, Hang_In_There_Baby_Crookshanks, ShadowsIntoLight, Tarek, anne2007, i_miss_ramen_noodles, Minky006, feliesatjo, TheImpossibleDetectivesAngel, chaotic_jupiter, StoryRun, Fredalicious24, lilac_linden, himitsuri, Heegee, ASimpleKin, Gin97, Aleery, onepaleb, goose0_0, Prdxrny_24, DoTheRawrr, Matrixey, michelle23, MiniCooper97, Sheshire, theplatypus, hiandhellofellowhuman, awkward_donna, violetsonthemoon, Dodgethedoggo666, cozan, Arya_C, Nanita90a, AlbinoNoJinro, Fluffyismyspiritanimal, FadingMistLake, c96e6386, EllythRyn, FigCat_Asple, NimbleBread, and 991 more users as well as 743 guests left kudos on this work!