Work Text:
Dannil felt lost.
This is definitely not how he imagined life - without relationships and living for his own pleasure. Relationships cause harm, especially between men - something he learned when he got into a scandal with Ikel during his training. Fergun, of course, is now exiled, but the rumors don’t go away that easily. You can only live with them, which is unpleasant, but over time you get used to it. This is the Guild - it loves to gossip.
As did the Elan court - which, to her surprise, did not bother Dannyla. Perhaps he is simply accustomed to gossip, and therefore the fact that he is discussed no longer bothers him.
And then Tyend Tremmelin showed up.
Be careful with him - a man with extremely dubious connections, Errend warned him as soon as he heard about the Elanian.
Dannil still didn’t understand what exactly was wrong with Tayend’s connections before he immediately met him face to face.
And he charmed him.
If Tayend has magic, then it is reflected in his beauty - a thin face, a thin graceful figure. It is simply mesmerizing with its appearance. It's a pity that he's not a girl or...
Dannil tried not to think about this. Tayend isn't gay, is he? Isn't it these dubious connections that Errend had in mind?
But that’s exactly how Tayend turned out to be. Loving men.
And it seemed that this should put Dannil off, but unfortunately, no.
He even became glad - one step closer to this charming man. Yes, and Tayend doesn’t mind, because it turned out to be mutual. Dannil gently covered Thayend's lips with his own.
If because of this he is expelled from the Guild, then he is ready for it. After all, addiction can not only be negative.