Work Text:
You are the player,
You have been here before.
In another time,
Another world.
Same place,
Different destination.
The world wraps you sweetly in its arms
A welcome home,
Though you’ve never been here before.
Echos in the wind
Of memories not quite yours
Memories of worlds near identical,
Cognitive dissonance to the highest degree.
Voices at the end of the world call,
Begging you: return
Home again,
Home again,
Home again,
But home is not here
Home is some other place,
Far away,
Lost to time and space
Or is it far ahead?
A land yet undiscovered,
Patiently awaiting your arrival
The world twists and writhes,
Echoing past and future
Warping and wrapping itself,
Weaving into your spirit.
You are the player,
Wake up.