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It had been one day since Maggie’s and Glenn’s second baby had been born, a healthy boy. The pregnancy had gone well and Enid, who had trained well to be the medic of the Hilltop under the tutelage of Siddiq, had done a good job. Maggie, having had a good sleep after giving birth, was now holding the baby in her arms, be accompanied by Glenn and five-year-old Hershel.
“You did it again” Glenn stated, being proud of his wife.
“We did it again” she corrected him. “Without you this would have been much harder”
“Does the baby already have a name?” Hershel asked.
“I haven’t really thought about it yet” Maggie pondered.
“I got one. Shawn” came from Glenn.
Maggie turned on him.
Shawn Greene was her stepbrother. Son of Annette, Hershel’s second wife, who was also Beth’s mother. Who had joined the Greene-family as an infant. Who had been bitten by a walker in the early days of the outbreak and put in the barn by her father, who believed they could be saved. Who was let out by Shane during his argument with her father and Rick. Who was then gunned down by Shane, T-Dog and Andrea alongside her Annette, Arnold, Lacey, Duncan and the Fischers.
Her dear beloved stepbrother, whom she had loved like her own blood.
Whom Glenn had never met, but still knew mattered to her.
“You would do that?” she asked him, getting a little teary.
“Yes. I think we should honor your family”
Maggie nodded but decided to add something.
“I think Shawn would make a fine middle name, but I think Daryl has to be his first one”
Glenn went silent.
Daryl had been gone for nearly six years by this point, but never went a day by he would not miss him. Alongside Hershel, Dale, Carl, and T-Dog.
Daryl who had done so much for the group, more than anyone could list and was killed that fateful night by Negan, alongside Abraham.
“Yes” he simply said.
The news of the baby’s successful birth name spread quickly.
Tara, Jesus, Kal, Eduardo and Dianne were all happy to see their friends have another child.
Alden was proud of Enid, his recent girlfriend, being able to coordinate a delivery.
Earl and Tammy Rose Sutton were happy to see another child be born, even though they mourned the death of their own son, Kenneth.
Aaron was happy to hear about the name, remembering Daryl as his short-lived co-recruiter for Alexandria.
Rick and Michonne were very touched, when they read the letter from the Hilltop at their breakfast table with Judith and RJ.
Even more touched was Carol as she read the news from her own letter, while watching Ezekiel train Henry at the Kingdom.
Daryl had been long gone, but his memory would live on, first in the hearts of his loved ones, and now also in the name of one their children.