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Prof. Dekarios's Annual Spell Modification Lecture


Ten years after the game, Archmage Gale Dekarios is teaching in Blackstaff University, and its time for the Annual Spell Modification lecture. Which usually consists of students making as many inappropriate suggestions as possible.
What they don't know is Gale has already invented most of them and has a very healthy sex life as a submissive to one Dominant Astarion Ancunín...


The students have no clue what is going on, but technically they haven't consented to it, but, again, have no idea. Astarion is a sneaky bugger.

I'm mixing BG3 spell logic with D&D 5e spell rules.

Please tell me if I need any more tags.

Work Text:

The large lecture theatre was full, something not unusual for Professor Dekarios's classes - the archmage was nothing if not popular for his good looks, enthralling voice and sheer magnetic force of personality. However, today was the yearly lecture on Spell Modification, guaranteed to be full of students suggesting new and interesting ways to alter magic for, ah, deviant purposes. There was even a not so subtle betting pool on who could get the handsome professor to blush or bluster over some exotic usage.

In the ten years the archmage had taught this class, that pot had remained uncollected.

Gale sighed as he started up to the podium - the fact that these eager, intelligent and powerful minds reduced this important lecture to a game of who could come up with the most creative way to use magic for sex was an annual frustration for him. It didn't help that they never came up with something new and actually interesting - or that a good two thirds of the suggestions had been invented by him in the first place.

He schooled a practised expression on his face - not that he'd taken lessons from Astarion in keeping up false masks, it had taken long enough to get the spawn to drop them in the first place - and fanned out his notes. 

There was a page missing. The examples page, the one he relied on every year to list nice, sensible, useful examples of spell alteration, was gone. Leaving him with his memory. His memory that was full of how he'd altered spells for his own - and Astarion's - pleasure in bed; he'd come up with an interesting use of Evard's Black Tentacles the other day which had had him writhing on the floor, held tightly in place by inky black tendrils, with one slipping into his ass as Astarion fucked his mouth.

He was not going to blush. He was an archmage. He'd defeated an elder brain. He was not going to let this simple lecture defeat him. He was going to hide behind the podium just in case his teaching robe opened.

“Greetings students, I see this lecture is as popular as always,” he began in his best ‘I'm a professional, I know what I'm doing, honestly’ voice. He knew he was good at teaching, and excellent at magic, but sometimes he still felt thrown in at the deep end with the students as sharks.

“Today we will be looking at the theory and practicalities of altering defined spells. This is useful in many circumstances, however it can also be dangerous. Without knowledge of what you are attempting and how magic is woven, a simple mispronunciation or incorrect gesture can quite literally blow up in your face…” 

He wondered if anyone was noticing he wasn't moving around with his usual grand gestures and theatrical motions. His vampiric lover had been, ah, quite enthusiastic in distracting him from grading last night, and in a burst of romanticism he'd forgotten about this blasted lecture - who wouldn't when being fucked by Astarion - and refused healing. Something about how he'd wanted to feel the ache of his lover. 

Half an hour later he'd taken a foray into the Scribe specialisation which allowed a wizard to alter the type of elemental damage within a spell, and how that alteration was performed. There was also a quick note on sorcerers and their metamagic feats, and how they used the raw weave rather than the arcane formulae of the educated wizard, so modifying spells was different for them - he neglected to mention that he was able to do some of those abilities himself, leading to Astarion's pet theory that he was born a sorcerer and just preferred the methology of wizards. Another on clerics and druids, and how their altered spells were slightly different given their source, but a base knowledge of theory would be an asset to any clerics wishing to alter their divine magic. He could see a few heads nodding in agreement; as usual the lecture had attracted casters of all types.

And now it was time for him to use examples. He knew this stuff. It was easy. So why was the first thing he thought of the modified mage hand spell he'd used when locked away in his tower all those years ago which was still a favourite for Astarion to use on him? He had a sneaking suspicion his lover had taught someone else and then it had spread from there, but so far no one had connected the Mage Dick spell with him. Thankfully.

“And now to the examples. Some rogues have perfected an invisible form of mage hand, which is ideal for their more illegal activities.” And also for interesting bedroom scenarios where he couldn't tell where or when the next touch would be, or allowing Astarion to see deep into his hole as the hand stretched him, or…

He felt the slight crackle of Weave, and frowned before feeling the familiar fingers of a mage hand on his thigh. A very familiar mage hand.


He tried to look around the lecture hall, already knowing that his love was far too good at hiding to let him see him if he didn't want to be seen. He could have dispelled the hand with a thought - his rogue's little tricks were nothing compared to his arcane power - but he let the hand remain, even as it crawled into his robes, knowing that Astarion would take that as the consent it was - dispelling a spell was a silent safeword in their partnership that allowed them to use magic as freely as they did.

He ran quickly through a meditation in his head to calm himself, even as he managed to keep droning on about how a limited range silence spell could be useful in situations where you didn't want it to be obvious that someone had been silenced.

“Like when you're railing someone in a cupboard, Professor?” a student shouted out, and Gale pinched the bridge of his nose. It was going to start early this year then.

“Not the reason I was thinking of, Suvan.” 

Exactly the reason he was thinking of actually, he thought, remembering Astarion's cock in him as he trembled to concentrate on that very same limited silence spell, managing to hold it until finally his lover had granted him release and the spell had died as Astarion supported him through his climax. He just hoped that the spell had stayed up long enough to cover his scream of pleasure.

The elf high-fived his next door neighbour at Professor Dekarios remembering his name, while that cursed mage hand began to stroke gently at the bulge between the archmage's legs.

He still didn't dispell it.

“Moving on to more appropriate alterations of spells,” Gale dredged up some further examples from the depths of his memory. How dancing lights had evolved from the basic light cantrip. How message and sending were related. How unseen servant could be modified to alter the actions it took.

Like holding him up and open to Astarion's gaze, manipulating his body, allowing the rogue extra space to move freely and use his oh so talented hands and mouth on him. Astarion revelled in the fact that his archmage willingly cast spells to aid in his own submission, used them how he was directed, obediently never letting them go no matter how his lover used him until that beautiful voice whispered that he could dismiss the spell now, darling. 

Gale's face remained serene even as he sighed inwardly, feeling the mage hand dexterously undoing the laces on his trousers. Surely Astarion didn't mean to… of course he did. Astarion never did anything he didn't mean to do. 

“And now to the part that I know you have all been waiting for, the audience questions part of this lecture. Do try to keep it away from pornographic thIs year, please.” 

A flurry of hands shot up and he picked one at random as cold fingers stroked at his heated flesh.

“Professor, if it's possible to use mage hand to create a mage penis, is it possible to create a mage vagina?”

Well, at least some of his students could use couth language.

“Technically yes.” 

He'd made Astarion a mage hole before - a punishment to watch his lover fuck the glowing purple asshole instead of him while he sat on the sofa fully dressed and disallowed to do anything but keep concentration on the spell as the vampire's multiple mage hands - another variation - ran over his pale lithe body.

“It comes down to the intent to which you shape the Weave, however it would require a skilled wizard to reduce the complexities of a vagina to simple verbal and semantic components along with their will, so I do not suggest trying it - there is a reason we do not have a menu of things that we can create from the base spell.”

“A skilled wizard like you, Professor?” another voice shouted out. 

“It is not a spell I particularly wish to modify further,” he replied, his mind added helpfully than I already have. “Next question, ah, yes, Marjorie,” he hoped that the straight A student would at least be sensible.

The human woman grinned, “I was wondering about mirror image, could that be adapted to fuck someone with?”

He hadn't known the student had such a filthy mouth. 

“Mirror image would need to be modified in several ways in order to do this. Firstly as the images are illusionary the caster would have to make them solid, secondarily the images act in concert - meaning that they would need to be independently controlled, and thirdly they are a defensive spell, and that is far from their purpose.” 

Except when you're in the Weave, having astral sex with your lover and it's not so much a modification as a whole new spell, his mind added. One that he may have been tinkering with in his spare time to work on the physical plane. 

He sighed, shifting slightly as the hand inside his robes enthusiastically told him that Astarion remembered that night all too well. 

He forced a smile on his face as he continued, “And to the usual follow up question, it is far easier to have a single mirror image appear to mirror two people’s, ah, actions - that is keeping it to the realms of the illusion school and requires only limiting the spell to one image while extending the range beyond the caster to more than one person. It is often used in ceremonies such a large weddings to allow participants at the back to see what is happening, and I hear that some of the larger brawling dens are also considering using it.”

He'd used the spell to show Astarion what he looked like after two centuries of no reflections, and the vampire may have requested it be used a few times so Gale could watch himself being fucked given mirrors were a rare thing in their house. Not that Astarion enjoyed watching either. At all.

“What about simulacrum?”

“Or clone?”

“Once you reach the echelons of casting seventh, eighth and ninth circle spells, I am sure you'll be competent enough to work out any variation on those you wish.” he replied, “Although if you find yourself in an activated clone then you have probably died and have slightly more pressing priorities than sex.”

He smiled at the laughter that went round the chamber. 

Anyway Simulacrum didn't even need to be modified - the thing acted on its caster’s will. Which had made a quite interesting way to be filled up with Astarion in his rear while he sucked essentially himself, having set it to act as he would. Which had been a minor modification he supposed.

The damn hand was now stroking him firmly, and he glanced at the clock, sighing with relief. Five minutes left. 

He was back on his notes again, “The assignment this tenday for anyone actually here for their course is to look at spells and suggest one useful modification for a first circle spell. Please note that anything remotely sexual will be failed,” and probably tried out at home to amuse Astarion, “as will anyone who actually attempts to cast their spell. I expect the papers in my office postbox before the next lecture.”

“Thank you all for coming today, that is the conclusion of this year’s lecture.”

He watched as the students filed out, some of them already discussing in loud voices ideas for alterations. The dimmable light variation was actually quite a good one. A few approached him and he quickly dispatched their questions - and one request for a date - and then the lecture theatre was empty, save for a figure that sauntered round the corner of the upper staircase, hood thrown back to reveal familiar soft white curls.

“As good as usual, my dear Professor,” Astarion’s soft drawl reached his ears as the rogue descended from the upper seating area. “I'm impressed you kept your composure.”

His cock was now fully out of his trousers now, hard and dripping as the invisible hand danced along its length.

Gale swallowed as his lover reached the stage. “That was evil.”

“I thought you might enjoy a practical demonstration this year, my dear, given you said you needed to come up with some new examples.” The rogue grinned, dangling the missing notes page from his fingers. “Missing something?”

“Why am I not surprised?”

“Because,” Astarion whispered, moving behind his lover to add his own slender fingers to the mage hand’s work, “This is me, darling. Now teleport us home before I decide to take you over this lecturn so hard you'll never be able to teach another class here without remembering it.” He nuzzled at the juncture between the mage’s throat and shoulder. “And drop the illusion.”

The wizard groaned, obediently letting the illusion drop to reveal the deep red blush that covered his face, finally letting out a moan of pleasure as the modification that had kept his voice stable and calm over the past hour also vanished.  

And with a whispered word and a gesture, the lecture room was silent once again.