Chapter Text
Morrigan was nervous. She was sitting on her bed, staring at the wall. Jack was sitting beside her, reading a book. His nose had been stuck to the book all day and Morrigan was wondering if he would ever take a break. Morrigan's birthday party was going to start in an hour and after that she would have a sleepover with Cadence and Hawthorne. She couldn't stop thinking about Cade. How everything she did was perfect and every word she said was beautiful. At first she didn't know what she was feeling. She thought that it was just normal feelings to feel about a friend. But why didn't she feel the same way about Hawthorne or Jack. Why did her stomache fill with butterflies everytime Cade held her hand or smiled at her. Why did she save every gift, every hand-written note she had ever gotten from Cade. Then she learned what a crush is. For a month Morrigan Crow had known that she had a crush on Cadence Blackburn. Morrigan had never been ashamed of the fact that she liked girls too. She had never told anyone exept Jack about it tho. Lately, every time she would be with Cade, her head would fill with the voice of Corvus Crow. "Disgusting, unnatural, wrong." She had had flashbacks about her and Corvus walking past a gay couple and Corvus ranting about how it should be illegal and how he would die of embarrasment if anyone in his family would be "one of those". One memory was extreamly strong in her mind. Morrigan wasn't older than seven in it. She had pointed to a woman in the television and called her pretty. Morrigan could still remember how scared she was when Corvus looked at her. She could still feel his hands on her small body, taste the blood in her mouth and every time she looked in the mirror, she saw it. A neat ugly scar on her right shoulder. After that day, she had just kind of closed that part of her and shoved it somewhere far far away in her heart. Then came Cadence. She was the one to drag that part back to light. Morrigan wanted to tell Cadence how she felt, she really did. But what if Cade didn't like her back. It would ruin their whole friendship. The black haired girl sat up and walked to a mirror. Her hair was long and shiny, fraiming her pale face beautifully. She didn't really use make up, but after Cade gifted her a lip gloss, she couldn't stop using it. Morrigan had chosen a basic black dress with spaghetti straps and a hem that went over her knees. "You look beautiful." Jack didn't even look up from his book when saying that. "I bet Cadence will like it." He added. Morrigan really hoped Cadence would like it. She wondered what Cade would wear. There was just something about her, something almost unreal that she would look beautiful in anything. Cadence Blackburn was like a goddes. "Thanks Jack." Jupiter opened the door. He smiled wildly at Morrigan and hugged her quickly.
"How are you so grown up already!" Jove said looking at Morrigan with pride.
Morrigan didn't know what to say, so she just smiled at her dad. She liked the idea of Jupiter being her dad. Actually she didn't want anything more than to be his daughter. The older Morrigan got, the more flashbacks she would get from her early childhood. She had stopped thinking that Corvus was her dad a long time ago. Ivy wasn't any better. She would never help when Morrigan was being abused, mentally or physically. Morrigan had forgotten about most of the times she was hit as a child, but now everything was slowly coming back. She wondered if Jack and Jupiter could see it.
"Are you excited for your party?" Her dad asked, his blue eyes sparkling. He was wearing a bright yellow suit with electric blue shoes.
"Yeah I am!" Morrigan said. She was even more excited for the sleepover after it.
Jack looked at her with a smirk. "Isn't Cade coming too?"
Why did he brought it up now. Was he trying to make her tell Jupiter or something?
"Yes, she is." Morrigan tried to tell Jack to shut up just by looking at him, but it didn't really work. Luckily Jack wasn't a jerk. Annoying for sure, but not a jerk. He would never force her to come out.
"Oh okay," He said and went back to his book.